"You're a smart man," he said. "We have a problem. We need your help to solve this problem. I don't know if you can help, as long as you are willing to help, I think, we will become friends." The striped tiger Lingjing came out, so he thought of another way.

"What's the problem? Let's hear it." Striped Tiger Lingjing was also very interested, so he asked.

"Have you ever seen a woman? Good woman." I pretended to be a mysterious tunnel.

"What is a woman?" Striped Tiger Lingjing shook his head blankly.

"The woman is. It's a tiger! Like you, have you seen it?" The kid had to talk nonsense in the spirit of a striped tiger. "If you want to see her, come with us."

very simple

"Really?" "I really haven't seen the outside world. I really want to see it, and I want to see what a female tiger looks like." Then he frowned and said, "This is true Yes, I'm afraid, King Jigeng won't let me go, it's not easy for me, it took more than a thousand years, if I go, how can I be worthy? I think we should forget it!"

"Impossible!" I was so talented and absent-minded, pacing in front of the striped tiger Lingjing, "How can we get this little thing out?" Why is this person so difficult to deal with? "

"Okay, do you want to shake your head in front of me?" Striped Huling asked, staring at the tall boy inside.

The boy was really speechless to the striped tiger Lingjing, he immediately stopped and said angrily, "What's the big deal if you don't shake it?"

Sitting on the buttocks in front of the striped tiger Lingjing, with her legs crossed, looking down at the little striped tiger Lingjing, she stretched out her hand and patted the striped tiger Lingjing lightly on the head: "Hello, children!" Are we going to be friends? ? "

"Being a friend? What do you mean, friend? What is a friend? How to be a friend? What material is it made of?" Zebra Tiger Lingjing's head is biased, which brings me a series of questions.

This time, the kid's head was asked very big, how could he come up with such a strange question, the kid's face turned into a bitter gourd, don't look at the snake's shoulder, the snake-venomous dragon said, "'Dalong', you explain it!" I can not. "

The Venomous Dragon covered his mouth and sneered, but he still didn't flinch, he smiled and said with a smile, "Ha, ha."

"How can I do this if you have such a bright mind?" Snake said with a smile, "You found your trouble and solved it yourself!" What should I do with my clumsy head? Do your own thing! People are asking you and you don't want to flash and make people laugh at you. Do not live up to the expectations of this beautiful woman! "

"This guy is also a slick!" The little old man muttered in his heart, then touched the Buddha beads, and asked the medicine master in his heart: "Master, I beg you, find a way to do it!" How can we get this striped tiger Lingjing out of the tunnel And get it out of the blue tiger ridge? If you know more about this, there must be a good way! "

For a long time, I didn't hear a word from the drug owl. I had to close my eyes and feel it with my heart, but he heard the soft snoring of the drug lord's mother and it came to my heart.

He gently opened his eyes, helplessly avoiding looking at the poisonous snake and poisonous dragon, his face was even more depressed and hopeless, and then he looked down at Lingjing, the striped tiger in front of him.

"Why! What happened to you about Dangdang.com?" Zebra Tiger Lingjing looked at the boy's left side, and then at the right side of his head. He reached out and picked out his tiger head. he asked in confusion.

"You're very angry about this! Ignore you!" My face was cold, ignoring the look of Ling Jing with tiger stripes.

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