The Forest of Spirits is also a place for players to level up, but it is a little far from the main city, so few people come here.

The Forest of Spirits is very quiet, and there is nothing other than the beautiful scenery.

But it is in this environment that there is danger.

Most of the monsters here are some level 40 or 50 elf tree demons. They use thick tree trunks to attack. If a player is entangled by the tree trunk, it will be in great danger.

Going deeper, there will be many high-level monsters.

These monsters are not the original famous ones, but monsters trying to invade the Forest of Spirits.

It can be found in the background introduction of the mainland.

The appearance of the Elf Forest is the place where the elves live, but for thousands of years, other races have wanted to occupy the land of the Elf Forest.

After all, the Fountain of Life is not only of great use to elves, it is a rare treasure for any creature.

Therefore, in the forest of elves, there are many monsters left behind.

Fortunately, Ye Chun was riding the Blade of Judgment, so he didn't have to run on the ground, otherwise he would not know how many monsters he would encounter when heading to the location of the Fountain of Life.

The huge dragon body of the Blade of Judgment went straight towards the depths of the Elf Forest.

"Fuck, what is that, dragon!"

"Is this forest of elves so terrifying, and there are even giant dragons."

"The monsters in the Elf Forest are all elite monsters, maybe there will really be super bosses in the depths."

Players who were leveling up in the Elf Forest saw the Blade of Judgment passing by in the sky, and exclaimed in amazement.

Because Ye Chun didn't stay for half a minute, and the speed of the Blade of Judgment was so fast that they didn't find the so-called giant dragon at all, it was just Ye Chun's pet.

Ye Chun never thought that his move would make a legend of a dragon boss appear in the forest of elves.

But this has nothing to do with Ye Chun.

All the way to the depths of the forest of elves, Ye Chun's spirit also concentrated, and the movement of synthesizing materials also stopped.

Ye Chun did not delay on the road, and synthesized the existing materials, which could save a lot of time.

Suddenly, Ye Chun saw a huge body in the depths of the forest of elves, quietly crawling there, giving people a huge sense of oppression.

Like a wolf but not a wolf, like a dog but not a dog, like a combination of the two.

And beside this monster, there is a pool of spring water, which is crystal clear, but there is a dark fog around it.

Ye Chun knew that this must be the goal of his trip.

"Warrior, you are finally here, my God, you were able to subdue the Holy Dragon King of Darkness." At this moment, an old voice sounded beside Ye Chun.

I saw an old man slowly flying to Ye Chun's side, with a pair of transparent wings and a pair of pointed ears, obviously a elf.

On the top of his head, his name is displayed, the priest of the elves.

Behind the elf sacrifice is a group of NPCs from other elf tribes, all of them are handsome in appearance, and the women are also stunning, all of them watching the monsters not far away vigilantly.

"Warrior, you are finally back, our elves need you, a monster has broken into the depths of our elves, occupying the fountain of life, and wants to pollute it. If he succeeds, our entire elves will be destroyed. ." The elf priest said anxiously to Ye Chun.

"Don't worry, this matter is covered by me." Ye Chun calmly said.

Originally, this was the goal of his second-rank mission, and Ye Chun would definitely complete it.

After all, the result of the failure of the mission was to lose the profession of Elf Arrow God, which was unacceptable to Ye Chun.

If you're fighting monsters, archers are more reliable.

Although it is said that the art of all things can evolve some group attacks, it is still not as good as the output of the Elf Arrow God.

After that, Ye Chun rode the Blade of Judgment and flew towards the monster slowly.


Before Ye Chun approached, the monster seemed to sense Ye Chun's breath and stood up.

When it lay down, Ye Chun didn't know the size of the monster, but when it stood up, its body was as high as three or four meters, no less than the dark dragon.

【Hell Dog】

Level: 50

Grade: Purple Gold

HP: 800W/800W

Mana: 50000/50000

Attack Power: 18000~30000

Combat Strength: 85000

Skill: Hellfire

Skill: Savage Roar

Skill: Demon Combo

Description: The monster summoned from **** has a noble bloodline, a combination of **** wolf and **** three-headed dog. It is still young, but it is still very powerful. The sharp wolf claws are enough to tear all enemies. aggressiveness.

Sure enough, it was another purple-gold boss, which was what Ye Chun expected.

After all, it is the second rank task of the same ssss-level occupation, and the difficulty of the task is to deal with the Zijin-level BOSS.

However, in terms of attributes, this **** dog is not as powerful as the original Dark Yalong. It only has 800W of HP, and its attack power is not very strong.

Probably this is because of professional problems.

Elf Arrow God is good at long-range attacks. Generally, the attack is high and the blood is low, and the defense is weak, so the BOSS attack power faced by the second quest mission is not high.

Otherwise, if you are casually killed by the BOSS, what else is there to do?

If someone else has changed jobs, this task can only be accomplished with superb skills.

Although the Hell Hound has three skills and cannot see the acceptance of the skills, Ye Chun knows that these three skills must be very powerful.

However, Ye Chun had nothing to worry about. Under the weakening of the King's Curse, he had at most 400W of HP left.

Moreover, the **** dog is also a dark creature. Under the influence of the king's deterrence, he can deal 200% damage. With a set of bursts, it is enough to kill the boss in seconds.


The **** dog roared and wanted to attack Ye Chun.

But after feeling the breath of the Blade of Judgment, there is still a little bit of jealousy.

After all, as a high-level dragon clan, they are born with a powerful deterrent to all monsters.

Although the **** dog is not a dragon creature, it will be more or less affected by it.

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