Very good! Welcome to to join our family! "At this moment, Nian Mei Er clapped her hands and walked in.

"Miss Mei," I was so excited that I didn't know what to say, my face was moved and excited, my lips were wriggling, and my eyes were full of tears.

The months have been fleeting since I was teased at Yuhuashan. The feeling of home in his heart is vague and yearning. Now there is a home, and it is a home with power and status. This happy feeling really made him feel happy and satisfied.

"From now on, call me Melanie, and stop yelling at this lady!" Little Melanie's small mouth was raised, and her squeamish anger had a special charm.

"Okay, I won't be called Dangdang in the future, I'll be called Nian Dangdang!" I took my own name, and he took as much as he wanted. The name of this "Xiang Dangdang" was also taken by him when he traveled through the absolute land, and he also took the name of the poisonous snake "Dragon".

No! Master, you don't need to change your name. The first name is taken by the parents, and then the father's surname, which cannot be changed at will. It's disrespectful to your parents to change your name at will! You better use your paws! It's a very special and loud name. Screaming is easy too! "God stopped me from changing my name.

I'm here, it's not good to say my real name, because the New Year's Lord does not agree to change the name, it's okay, don't change it! If you change your name frequently, you will be suspicious, and if you are known to the court, you will definitely be killed.

"For Master, is it your masterpiece that Mo Xinbo burned the Wei family medicine pills?" The master suddenly asked this question, "There are many horse-drawn medicine pills!"

"This is a great move! The Wei family has lost gold coins. This blow made the Wei family owe more than 10,000 gold coins, with no gold coins to repay. This is a devastating blow to the Wei family! If I'm not wrong , the Wei family will be reduced to a current force." God is very sentimental.

"Snake and inch. The Wei family is like a giant python, and his body is good medicine for a carriage. In front of "Meteor Wind Crazy Slash", what kind of bidding and what kind of competition in supermarkets is mainly to consume the Wei family's gold coins, It is to pave the way for the Wei family after the medicine. I proudly concluded.

"You are right to the master! You are a good manager, I have to admire you. Since then, your careful deployment and key strikes have established Nian's family in Taicang's absolute leadership, and he has also managed to save Nie Meier and others." God concluded excitedly.

"But! I can't stay at home too long. Kill Tianlongwei and Tianwei, and soon the 'Heavenly' pie will know. Their 'God' pie will never stop! When people do things, you just don't know. They'll come for me! I have to get out of here asap." I frowned, worried about the tunnel.

"You just got here, and you're leaving?" Nian Mei'er walked to my side and stared at me, as if she had a lot to say, with a face that seemed reluctant to give up, looking sad and loving.

"I can't help but go! The current trustee of this 'God' school is not terrible, but still has some roots. The one next to the door with my mother-in-law is wonderful, great! I don't have the strength to deal with her yet. Before you have the strength to deal with it, the only way is to avoid it." I stretched out my hand, gently held Nian Mei'er's arm, and explained to Nie Mei'er sincerely.

"So, where are you going?" Nian Mei'er asked softly.

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