"What are you afraid of? If there are adults patrolling, who has the courage to look for ore, I don't want to go." I shouted deliberately.

"Well, too; ore is too hard to find. Digging for food is important. Who would kill a rookie like us?"

The two answered as soon as they asked, and continued to tinkle. The two monarchs heard their conversation from a distance, no doubt about it.


This is the day of the month I wait to get into the mine. This day is nothing but a festival for my slaves, because this day of every month is the day when the devil Xuanzong distributes spiritual stones to the miners.

Since there is no halo in the mine, in order to maintain the miner's practice and enable it to continue mining, the miner can distribute some spiritual stones. Among them, the base period mining slave moon block spirit stone, the later refining period block, the mid-term block, and the initial block. While it's a drop in a bucket, these repairmen can keep going.

Thousands of slaves were escorted by the Zong Moxuan brothers, queuing anxiously. The haggard face also showed excitement and a red halo that he hadn't seen for a long time. After a few months of mining ordeal in the cave, a group of mine is already the same old mine owner they saw a month ago.

I looked unmoved, but my eyes rolled a little, looking for Wang Wu's trail.

Wang Wu finally picked out two large buckets and appeared calmly. Of course, he did it on purpose to make me better. As soon as the two met, I hurriedly ran into Wang Wunu's mouth and walked towards the mine, implying that Wang Wujin was looking for him.

Wang Wu nodded, but in the other direction, not towards me. I knew what Wang Wu meant, and I felt a burst of joy in my heart.

After handing in the task and picking up the spirit stone, I first asked Yin Ruo to go back to the abandoned mine and hide in the corner not far from the door to wait for Wang Wu. After a long period of mining, large and small mines have holes, not only large in size, but also like spider webs. Just entering a stranger is like walking into a maze, let alone finding someone, that is, coming out by yourself. It also takes a lot of work.

Mo Xuanzong's monks walked back and forth on patrol from time to time. Luckily, these were comfortable with the miners, but walked symbolically and didn't check carefully, so I wasn't found hiding anywhere. In fact, it is no wonder that the devil's metaphysics is careless. These miners are all from small clans that are not in the mainstream. The highest practice is to complete the foundation period, while practice is a relatively garbage skill with extremely low power. How to compare with a behemoth like Magic Xuanzong.

I was waiting for Wang Wu not far from the entrance of the cave, the first time I waited for a day. It was not until it was dark that Wang Wu slipped in like a mouse. I was already nervous and sweaty, and as soon as I saw Wang Wu come in, this powerful spirit was washed away on Monday, making sure there was no one around. I immediately ran out and dragged Wang Wu into the deep hole.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Wang Wu said happily and guiltily.

"Don't talk to me, come with me as if nothing happened," I whispered.

The clanking of the mines in the cave kept ringing, and the two soon came to the abandoned mine. Yin Ruo looked anxiously at the entrance of the cave and was worried for a long time. As soon as I saw the two of us coming, they finally sighed and their hearts stopped.

"Senior Brother Yuan, why did you wait for a day? I'm scared to death." Yin Ruo hadn't fully recovered from her worries, Yin Ruo said.

"Impossible. This is Wang Wu, my good friend. She is Yin Ruo, and she is also a friend who needs help. She is trustworthy. Time is limited. If you rush into the cave, I will pass on the skills to you." In short, I Said, and dragged Wang Wu into the hidden cave where they quickly practiced.

Yin Ruo consciously pretended to be excavated outside the cave, and Wang Wu and I taught the working methods inside the cave.

"The general level of this skill, you have now memorized the first floor, here I will help you protect the method and start practicing." I said decisively. Joke, the spirit is so violent, without me to protect the law, the absorption and refinement of Wang Wu is a bet on life, I can't rest assured.

Of course, Wang Wu had no objection. Following my instructions, he took the Philosopher's Stone and began to practice a real magic body.

As the work and method worked, a violent spirit poured into Wang Wu's body. Wang Wu's forehead suddenly exposed,

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