"No matter it's up to you, the master of the Mo Xuan Ancestral Hall is looking for my soul, but there is nothing!" I said coldly, facing many Jindan masters, but calmed down. Yin's eyes were flushed and he was trembling, but my eyes had already shifted to him. She had to refuse to speak.

"I, you are a demon Xuanzong was abandoned, why?" Mo asked, staring at me blankly.

He said: "Of course I did this for a reason. When I started, I swore to the devil that I would not betray Xuanzong. But the owner of the "Sichuan Battle Hall" is for his own self-interest. He actually searched for my soul. , Yunxiong also slandered me as a traitor and caught the sin of exile to the swamp in order to retaliate against King Yun. Today, I want to prove that all this is a false accusation, and this is exactly what I want to do. But after this, Mo Xuanzong and I don't owe each other. As for whether I will live or die, or fight against the devil Xuanzong, this is my freedom. "I donate generously, as if I am a young man with hot blood, willing to give up his body to come prove yourself.

Mo Wei and the others listened and bowed their heads in shame. Yun Xiong had a blue face and a white face.

"Mysterious Xuanzong really destroyed the Great Wall, it's really interesting, well, I'll take you back to Xianyunmen." After that, I sacrificed a flying ship. The airship was lifted in the wind and quickly rose to as wide as it was long. Then he sucked me into the airship and ordered his monks to get on the airship.

"Friend Mo, I'll give you a break today. However, this Yunxiong is about to surrender, but I'm going to take it away." After speaking, there was a burst of laughter. In his laughter, the airship took off quickly, and then loaded with all the monks of Xianyunmen and my Yunxiong power, they flew away from the square city and flew into the distance.

The future is dangerous

Yin Ruoqiang held back her tears and watched me get on the airship. He knew that I said something to Mo just now. Although I could not defeat the master of the martial arts hall, it was quite fatal to Yunxiong. Not only that, he also left a way to Xianyunmen for himself. Thinking of this relieves the worry a bit, but secretly prays for me that he will be fine.

As soon as Yunxiong and I got on the airship, we were immediately locked in the cabin and locked up. Such giant flying magic weapons are generally only refined and used by super-large gates such as Xianyunmen, Magic Xuanzong, and Xianxuanzong. Yunxiong and I were locked up together. The once boundless disciple stared at me, hoping to tear me apart.

I smiled at him, and even my hatred for him disappeared, turning a deaf ear to him. In his opinion, such a scum who is unqualified as a mortal but also wants to be a monk is a joke. I've thought about what to do with him, but I respect him.

Yunxiong couldn't see my contempt for him, his face was blue and red, his teeth were bitten, and his eyes were almost burned. He was the master of the magic pill period and the disciple of the head of the demon Xuanzong. Today, he was abandoned by a demon Xuanzong. The rookie in the magic refining period despised him, which really made him unbearable. But no matter how angry he was, there was nothing he could do about me right now and he couldn't help spitting out a lot of blood.

"I can't see that someone like you still has a bit of blood, which is rare!" "I smiled and looked at him and laughed at him, Yunxiong was even more sad and indignant, "Wow" spit out a mouthful of blood, his face became pale and fierce, and lived to eat me."

I had so many tubes, my legs rolled up, my eyes were closed, and I started to sit still. Although he knew that his spiritual power was imprisoned and unable to work, he still did not give up, and he wanted to give it a try.

Fortunately, the ability to be introverted is still there, and I have seen Qi Haiyou Dao Rusi lock up their mental power, making it impossible for them to run and mobilize their mental power.

"It seems that if this mental lock can be solved, it can be restored. Is that what you want to do?" I can't think of a way, but I can discuss it with the fire spirit.

"Master, the monk who arranged this spiritual lock is much taller than you. It is almost impossible for you to remove it, but you can try to mobilize the sword." Huo Ling said helplessly.

Anyway, as long as I have a silver lining, he will try his best to divide the people, so he starts to touch the sword. The crippled sword heard my thoughts and started buzzing. But I can't mobilize my energy, Can Jian's breathing is in vain, and I can't give it to Qi Hai. I tossed and turned for a while and had to stop.

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