I know I can only rely on the sword now, and I don't want to use the sword to help. With the help of the sword, the threat to him immediately diminished, and his previously scattered spirit also quickly gathered together and condensed into a ball, and I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, something strange happened, all the post-local monsters were suddenly silent, and all the people looked at me with joy, the ugly and strange faces were filled with indescribable joy.

At this time, I opened my eyes, and when I saw the scene in front of me, my heart suddenly became fluffy, and my back was sweating with fright. After a period of silence, the beasts immediately whistled.

As the whistle blew, Zhou began to growl, and it was less than enough to catch up with the rest of the monsters on Earth. These native monsters came at this time, but they didn't quarrel, but they all stared at me carefully, with expressions of joy on every face.

At this time, I already knew that this matter had something to do with knowing the broken sword in the sea, but unfortunately it was unpredictable, and I couldn't help feeling uneasy. I was still looking at the dark, native-born monsters with my eyes in my heart, hoping they could send me a word.

At this time, all those native-born monsters are looking at the middle, do not know the age, the extremely majestic post-born monsters, as if to ask him to make up his mind.

"Where did you come from? Why do you know that there is a soul in the sea?" A powerful and incomparable spirit gently entered my knowledge of the sea and communicated with me. Language does not need to communicate with each other, it is the fastest way to communicate. Of course, there are many restrictions on divine exchange. First, the foreign **** entering the ocean should be powerful enough to have an overwhelming advantage over the entering object. Second, subjects who accept God's thoughts should cooperate. If you don't cooperate, you can't help it, no matter how strong the initiator is, if you don't have a bird, you can't help it.

Of course, I will definitely cooperate. I am now a man-made victim, I am a fish. If I don't cooperate, I die, if I don't cooperate.

"I don't know what you're talking about. The younger generation is the starfish, who were caught by the Xuanwu people to replace the dead."

"The holy soul is the body of the soul family and the powerful soul. You know the sword left in the sea is the body of the holy soul. But rest assured, no one can take it from you, and we will not make up our minds. We just want to please help me."

"Help, can I help you with anything?" I said with a sigh of relief.

"Our ancestors were the slaves of the soul. They were imprisoned here for several generations, oppressed by the shackles of the soul set by the soul, unable to change themselves, and unable to generate sufficient wisdom." The shackles of the soul are in the place where we live, only the soul's Only the divine soul can be unraveled. Now you come with us. I hope you can help us untie the shackles of our souls! "

In this way, this monster will take me away.

I hurriedly shouted: "Wait a minute, I want to keep Xuanwu's things, I wonder if the older generation will allow it?" Jokingly, a storage ring is a treasure, how can it be given up, and use this opportunity to measure these The sincerity of the earth behind the beast.

In the process of communicating with me, the leader was a little confused, and then said to me: "You are our guest of honor, you can do whatever you want, but hurry up!"

Of course, within a few breaths, I packed a storage ring and said, "Okay, we can go."

Those native monsters didn't know what made me pick up those little things, but the weirdo looked at me, didn't ask, and immediately took me flying at high speed. After flying for more than an hour, the Aboriginal slowly landed on the ground. This time, under the protection of the post-monster spirit mask, I was unscathed and experienced the joy of high-speed flight.

I saw that Zhou was still on the high mountains, the trees were high, just like the road when he came, he could not see the monsters and the places where the monsters gathered on the ground.

Those native monsters, ignoring me, took me through the woods, walking around with a stick of incense, only to see a high mountain on the ground in front, halfway up the mountain is already white mist, its huge, Even I can cover God for thousands of miles.

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