When I walked over, the director's office was a male patrol officer from Sun Sandai. Naturally, he was easily recognizable, so he walked over to Sun Sandai's face, stood two meters away, and stood engrossed. "Received a report from the commander, he was a small convoy and was ordered to report."

"Okay, sit down." Sun Sandai was satisfied with my attitude and waved to the open space around Chen Xin.

The first time I met such a big guy in charge, I seemed a little embarrassed. He knew how a soldier dared to sit on an equal footing with the person in charge. He was still in the office of the person in charge, and he didn't dare to sit.

"He told you to sit down, what are you afraid of?" Chen Xin was quite straightforward.

From entering the door to the Shafa area, Chen Xin's eyes never left him. Seeing that there was nothing unusual about the place where it came out naked, it was more than half relieved. But when her eyes saw my head, she couldn't help but stay in her heart.

"Well, Sun, you shaved Xiaofan's hair! He's not a criminal, it's you, is that what you're going to do?"

"Relax, brother-in-law." Although I was wearing the hat, I could see that his hair was indeed missing, and there must be a bald head under the hat. Sun Sandai, for a special reason, despises people with shaved heads the most (except Sister Sun). Unexpectedly, I was shaved, and obviously he couldn't help asking: "I, dare you tell me, who did it?"

"Misunderstanding, this is my attempt to save money, passing through the gate of Fudan University."

I was embarrassed to tell the process of the haircut, which made Sun Sandai breathe a sigh of relief.

"Me, your uncle is the old squad leader of our base and has the same affection as a brother. You call him uncle and we are a family. I thought you couldn't let go for a few days, but I didn't expect you to let go too far and cause so much trouble. Trouble. It's not your fault, but you're going too far with your coworkers. You can give the precinct a big name on this, you know? Good work is a good thing. But not on your own people It should be used on criminals. Reputation is hard to build, but easy to destroy. Your uncles and aunts and I will never be able to take care of you for the rest of your life. Their colleagues are all their comrades in arms, and they can often save you when you are in danger. are your comrades. You have to understand that."

Sun Satay is patient, like he is teaching his children.

I looked imposing and half bowed my head. He didn't know how to explain the fact that his body was being controlled by demons, so he naturally couldn't speak.

Chen Xin didn't interrupt, looking at the old and the young with a pensive face.

"This time you made a big mistake, reducing the number of non-combatants to 14, setting the precinct's history and the city council's history. Fortunately, you just reported a day because you were not trained and Education, and there are other people looking for things, there are reasons to do so. But punishment is inevitable. Can you accept it?”

Because of Chen Xin's appearance, Sun Sandai still carefully solicited my opinion in his most euphemistic tone and mildest attitude.

"As long as you don't fire me, you can punish me." As soon as I heard the patrol, I didn't shoot, and my nervousness was relieved. He said that it would be a shame for his father and Uncle Shi Guozhi, who was bent on cultivating his own talents, if he was fired after spending a long time in the patrol, because he had never seen it in the sky he.

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