One male and one female? I can't believe there's a master among the female officers in our bureau? As far as I know, among the young female patrols, except for the junior sisters of our team and my classmates, they all rank in the top eight, and they don't need these two places at all. Who else can fight? "

"What's there to guess? Even if they go, they're just a foil. Well, let's go to work. Follow me to the yacht club, where the suspects who have seen the case have been reported."

Cao Xuanyong said he took Hu Le to the parking lot.

It's not just Hu Le who cares about this list. At this time, in Bureau Cao's office, Lin Xiao glared at his immediate boss impolitely. "Cao, it's not fair for you to do this! Everyone agrees that it's a queuing system, and when it comes to the door, it's replaced. It's not about making them work hard for a few years, sucked by you with a piece of paper, and you're not afraid of being young Are the police officers cold-hearted? It's unfair. I reserve the right to appeal to my superiors."

It turned out that the reserve team ranked in the top ten, and the criminal patrols accounted for half of the country, namely Cao Xuanyong No. 1, Jiang Biqin No. 4, No. 7, Hu Lejiu, Liu Lintao 10. The name is Xiao Ke from the Qidaokou police station, the third is the Korean from the Wulin Road police station, the five are Xu Lan from the branch, and the six and eight are members of the Anti-Narcotics Department.

Originally, Lin Xiao had a special face when he was on the list. He had 100% confidence in Cao Xuanyong's selection. 5 people participated in the competition, and they could form their own team in the group evaluation. There is absolutely no problem with their cooperation. This level crosses the border easily. Not to mention topping the list, it's easy to get good grades. However, five idlers removed three,

"Complain?" Director Cao is the deputy director in charge of criminal investigation. He parachuted from other provinces to the Jiangwan branch, which means that he really showed up, so Zhou Weiguo, who should have been promoted to deputy director, gave up halfway. Emotionally, Lin Xiao is very resistant to the boss. "Lin Xiao, are you still a party member? The successor is decided by the party committee of the bureau, not my own idea. In fact, even if Hu Le and Liu Lintao are present, you know the result. Why are you so strong?"

"I didn't say that female patrol. I didn't expect her to have that ability and history. She changed. I have no problem with that, and I'm sure. But what about me? I can fight, even if I'm not entirely sure I can beat him. .I'm very optimistic about his future, otherwise I won't go to my master. If I train him for three to five years, he will definitely thrive in the East China Sea patrol. However, he is still a new recruit, not yet I have been to the patrol academy, and I entered the precinct in just a week. The gun was touched. Do you think he is a prodigy? After three days, you will be a sharpshooter? Just kidding! In addition, without professional training, how to deal with emergencies Incident? How did you analyze the case? How did you come up with a plan to crack it? In terms of his character, how did he form a team with the others? How could you get your partner to trust him?

Shooting, case analysis, emergency response, group coordination, and these levels of assessment he couldn't cross the line, and he didn't see anything but modern patrol gear, how could it be used in the assessment? Let him take the exam at this time, not to train him, not to broaden his horizons, but to let him be abused, let his self-confidence be abused, or humiliate our Jiangwan branch. At that time, another precinct would say no one was sent to our precinct, and a new one was walking around the scene. Where would the Solar Agency and your great leaders put it? "


76 strong hands

Lin Xiao complained. Although he was optimistic about me, he wanted to take me to the criminal patrol. But like, he's very rational, definitely not just like naively thinking that I have the ability to compete with the city's excellent patrol.

"Oh," Deputy Director Cao put a cup of tea in front of Lin Xiao. "Don't be nervous. Drink some water and speak slowly."

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