For a whole day, Ye Chun and Ziyue Zhixin both farmed monsters in the Valley of Death.

With Ziyue Heart, a stable monster spawning machine, Ye Chun felt much more relaxed, at least he didn't need to do it himself, just pull monsters.

From the fifty-one level directly to the fifty-fifth level.

And Ziyue's Heart has been upgraded from level 35 to level 46, which is only three levels away from level 49, which is the second place.

They are leveling up, and others are naturally hitting the ranking list.

If it weren't for the fact that Ye Chun's attributes were too powerful, his level would have been surpassed by others.

Now in the Valley of Death, the experience that skeleton warriors can bring is getting lower and lower, from 100,000 at the beginning to 50,000, and the upgrade speed has also slowed down.

If there were not enough monsters in the Valley of Death, Ye Chun would have changed places to level up.

But at the fifty-fifth level, the monsters here are obviously not suitable for Ye Chun to spawn monsters, otherwise the speed will be much slower.

"Have you done the material quest? It's just past zero, and you can get ten new material quests." Ye Chun said to Ziyue Heart after finishing a wave of monsters again.

"Ah? I was busy spawning monsters yesterday, and I haven't finished it yet." Ziyuezhi said regretfully, as if remembering something.

"Okay, you can collect the material tasks with me, and you can do it together."

After speaking, Ye Chun directly summoned the Blade of Judgment and let Ziyue Heart ride it together.

The mount can be ridden by two people, like the Blade of Judgment. If Ye Chun wants to, it is not a problem to bring ten people.

"Wow! The king, your mount is so handsome."

After seeing Ye Chun's mount, Ziyue Zhixin exclaimed.

Hearing Ziyue Heart say this, Ye Chun suddenly sounded, and he seemed to have promised Ziyue Heart to give her a mount, but because he was busy, he forgot for a while.

Ye Chun took out a mount soul box from his backpack and opened it directly.

"Ding Dong, congratulations on getting the seventh-order low-grade mount, the purple-winged and blue-eyed tiger."

The seventh-order low-grade mounts obviously did not meet Ye Chun's appetite. Although this was used as a gift, the seventh-order low-grade mounts were indeed poor.

"Rewind time by ten seconds." Ye Chun decisively used the ability to rewind time.

"Ding Dong, congratulations on getting the best seventh-order mount, the Prairie Silver Wolf King."

"Ten seconds back in time!"

In the past, a top-rank eighth-rank mount was opened in the mount's soul box, but this time, it has to be a top-rank eighth-rank mount. Anyway, it's just a waste of time.

"Ding Dong, congratulations on getting the seventh-rank mid-grade mount, the Abyss Demon Spider."

"Ding Dong, congratulations on getting the eighth-rank mid-grade mount, the deep-sea whale shark."

"Ding Dong, congratulations on getting the low-rank eighth-grade mount, the red-blooded dragon-scale lion."

"Ding Dong, congratulations on getting the best eighth-order mount, the Sky Profound Eagle King of Canglan."

Finally, when he was about to reach the main city, a prompt sounded.

The best mount of the eighth rank, the King of the Sky Profound Eagle!

This mount, Ye Chun, was also used in the mount soul box, but it was directly taken out and merged.

However, such a mount is already very good.

After handing the Soul Essence Stone to Ziyue Heart behind him, he said, "The mount promised to you."

Ziyuezhi's heart was also puzzled, but when she turned on the Soul Essence Stone, her eyes suddenly became surprised.

"My God, the eighth-rank top-quality mount!" Ziyuezhi exclaimed.

It's not that she hasn't seen anything in the world, but that this eighth-order top-quality mount is too shocking. You must know that this eighth-order top-quality mount is enough to rank second on the mount list.

After the excitement, Ziyuezhi's eyes looking at Ye Chun became strange, and finally he mustered the courage to say: "Mr. King, do you like me..."

"No." Ye Chun said decisively and bluntly.

Not to mention that Ye Chun has never seen the true face of Ziyue Heart, the reason for giving the mount is because Ye Chun needs to win over such a powerful monster farmer as Ziyue Heart.

No other thought at all.

"SSS-level job transfer mission... Boss, are you sure it's not just the two of us going to die?"

When Ye Chun took Ziyue Heart to accept ten SSS grade material quests, Ziyue Heart said suspiciously.

After all, in today's world of hope, it is not impossible to complete SSS-level material tasks, but other people's completion of SSS-level material tasks relies on a large number of guilds and the use of crowd tactics.

But now, it's just the two of them.

The previous Ziyue Heart also did B-level or C-level material tasks.

Ye Chun didn't say much in the face of Ziyue Heart's questioning, and directly summoned the Blade of Judgment, and took Ziyue Heart towards the BOSS to be killed in the SSS-level material quest.

Although it is said that the Heart of Ziyue already has the Profound Eagle King of the Sky of Canglan, but in terms of rushing on the road, the Blade of Judgment is much faster.

Three hours later, when the two stood in front of the material merchant again, Ziyue Heart was silent.

Ye Chun's terrifying output made her numb.

Before she saw Ye Chun's shot, the killing of the boss in her knowledge was that thousands of people used their lives to push the boss to the ground, causing countless casualties.

But after seeing Ye Chun's shot, her cognition was completely subverted.

If Ye Chun told her that it was a bug, Ziyue Heart would believe it.

After all, killing a level 50 gold-level boss in seconds, after everyone is level 100, there is still a chance that this will happen, but Ye Chun is only level 55.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the player for completing the SSS-level material task, obtaining 500W of experience points, and obtaining the fourth-order purple-gold-level material Purple-Gold Soul X3, and an intermediate-level crafting blueprint will be rewarded immediately."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the player for completing the SSS-level material task, obtaining 500W of experience points, obtaining the fourth-order purple gold-level material Demon Dragon Heart X3, and an additional intermediate-level crafting blueprint as an additional random reward."

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the player for completing the SSS-level material task, obtaining 500W of experience points, and obtaining the fourth-order purple gold-level material Fury Heart X3. An additional intermediate-level crafting blueprint will be randomly rewarded."

With the constant sound of beeps, Ye Chun's materials were finally collected.

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