So that pill is her gain and loss, she wants

But she underestimated me, not only in my reflexes, but also in my abilities.

The shock, while I was on the positive side, mentally and physically, was a shock to my body as well. When she saw Kun Li churning in the air, she suddenly had a sense of crisis.

There's no reason to feel that way, because he doesn't know that the other side is injured, he should be happy to have the upper hand, how can he feel the crisis?

Looking at Kunri in the distance, I suddenly realized how important the word "distance" is for a fight, like I killed him in the wolf's den because he nearly died in the fight.

"No! The fight isn't over yet, kill him while she's injured."

As soon as I thought of this, I jumped up immediately.

This is a three-foot-high jump, the person is in the air, the formula of Dapeng's wings is circulated, and the mysterious space yin-yang ball in the chest suddenly spreads two wings.

When the bird's wings spread, my whole body lit up, and the giant bird that had been flying appeared in his mind. A blue air that seemed to have nothing filled his body. My feet are plates, my arms stick out, and my body shoots like arrows.

At this time, he felt that he had become a bird, overlooking the earth and despising the sky.

In the setting sun, the blue air is in the setting sun, and the brilliant colors cover a pure blue rainbow wrapped in seven colors.

Rainbows flickered in the air, as fast as lightning, more than 30 meters away from the blink of an eye, all the way to the top of Kunli.

Without any hesitation, the yin and yang ball shrank and moved against the trend, my forward momentum suddenly stopped, and at the same time his arm gliding like a bird's wing, immediately swooped down.

At this time, Kun Li had not yet landed, most of the restless interests in her heart were calmed down, and her heart was also happy, but just when her toes just touched the ground, she suddenly felt a fierce lock of breath live by myself.

She couldn't describe how grumpy and grumpy it was, and in his consciousness, he saw a big bird lunging at him, and the flashing blue claws seemed to tear her to shreds in an instant.

At this time, Kun Li seemed to have fallen into the abyss, causing her heart to sink endlessly. She was startled and grew up in a panic, but she couldn't shout.

This is a feeling of being slaughtered, a feeling that every day is not worth it, the earth is bad, helpless, and unable to produce traces of counterattack.

For more than 30 years, she'd taken countless risks and faced opponents more ferocious than me, but she'd never felt this way.

This feeling comes and goes, but disappears without a trace in a split second, but it leaves a brand behind for the rest of your life.

She turned her head, looked up at the sky, and saw her feet rapidly enlarge in her eyes. I immediately realized what was going on.

"Boxing! A fight that shakes the opponent's soul and consciousness! How is that possible? A boy who is just over ten years old knows what boxing is and how much it can - shakes the soul! It's the same thing." The result surprised her. , shocked her, but she didn't have time to find the answer, so she hurriedly turned her arms over again. In the real anger she could mobilize, both hands had strong infuriating qi, but the real qi had not yet taken the shape she wanted, the two big feet in the cyan wraps were trampled, and the rice grains smashed the unformed Xuan Qing's anger was broken. in her hand.

Adds a majestic wave to the body. Before this power increased, Kun Li felt a tinge of destruction.

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