From layers six to seven, the real gas is still liquid. It's just that the concentration is more than ten times that of the six layers.

For example, the real gas liquefaction in the sixth layer is clear soup porridge, which can not even find a few grains of rice to wash the pot; when it reaches the seventh layer, the real gas will become sticky and become non-dry porridge.

The sixth layer is the process of training real gas and increasing aggregation.

Converting from pot water to porridge requires a lot of real gas accumulation.

When I was in the East China Sea, I was already on the sixth floor, using the Nangong sword to wash the tendons and cut the pulp. I just absorbed a lot of water nature. It has almost reached its peak, and although he is being harassed by Qin Meibing now, he has found an opportunity and must not miss the chance to succeed.

With the movement of Qionghai Heart Sutra, my figure became water again.

Qin Meibing, who was holding me, suddenly felt that she was no longer a person in her arms, but a group of hydrated people. He has no body and as long as he is careless, he will flow through the gaps between his fingers. Don't let him hug. I can't bite him.

I wanted to be with holy water overnight, from the day I was born, but I didn't feel the invisible water properties of holy water until I was three years old. And "Cai Dongzi" is a day's practice, you can get the water properties of the real pulp.

"How is that possible? Except me. He also understands more than everyone else." Qin Meibing gave up the destruction of me in her mouth, lay on her back on the bed, watching me practice with open eyes with interest .

No normal water. Change forever, incarnate into thousands. Nothing is insurmountable, nothing is corrupt. This is the property of water infuriating;

Nourish all things, cultivate thousands of creatures, dissolve all things in the world, heal injuries and disadvantages, this is the true face of water;

Floods and wild beasts, with unlimited power, can destroy any powerful fortress in the world, unstoppable, these are the three attributes of water, the real qi;

A real gas has thousands of properties, and to me these three properties are the most basic and most important. These are also the three points of image training, which practitioners understand, and also the characteristics of Xiaoshuiren.

As my movements flowed like water, the essence of holy water in the water bed was called out, and it suddenly became a world of water within five feet of the Phoenix bed.

In this world, Qin Meibing felt that his body was embraced by the real gas of water attribute. Countless true qi and water elements entered his body. With a high level of vitality, Qin Meibing couldn't control it, but went in and out right. But this progress has expanded and stimulated her meridians, making them wider and tougher. But when the real water-attribute gas enters the body, it mixes with the real water-attribute gas in the meridians to enhance his practice.

Only for a while, Qin Meibing's true qi was out of control, which was consistent with the "Qionghai Heart Sutra" she practiced.

Qin Meibing was ecstatic, and immediately gave up his disorganized thoughts and operated the working methods.

They all ran Qionghai Xinjing, but Qin Meibing's form was very different from mine. Qin Meibing lay there motionless, I became water, wandering in the world of water.

The role of people is also great. The water I absorb is more than 100 times that of Qin Meibing. The water element in the water will not overflow his body. As long as it enters, it will be absorbed and melted by the upper dantian and become a part of the yin and yang ball. .

Fishing boats move at high speed at sea, the sun goes down and the moon hangs in the western sky.

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