"Ding Dong, the synthesis is successful, congratulations, you have obtained the blueprint for creating the best equipment: the scepter of the dead."

Three hours later, with the sound of the system's prompt, the last blueprint of the top-quality equipment that Ye Chun needed was successfully synthesized.

Blueprint for the Scepter of the Dead Equipment: Materials required: Magic Stone, Millennium Sandalwood, Purple Gold Soul.

Description: The weapon blueprint left by a necromancer a thousand years ago, destroying a city in just one thought, bringing disaster to the world, is extremely unknown, but in the hands of a necromancer, it can play a huge role effect.

The blueprint for the best equipment has been prepared, and the next thing Ye Chun needs is to accumulate materials.

However, as far as the current materials are concerned, it will take at least two days before these materials can be collected.

Fortunately, Ye Chun wasn't in a hurry. The past two days were just in time for leveling, and it might not be long before he could reach level 60.

In this case, Ye Chun will have time to do other things.

Things like equipment, mounts, occupations, etc. have all been dealt with, but among the ten major events, there is still a bloodline system.

The bloodline system is also a very powerful system, which can enhance one's own strength, but Ye Chun has been building equipment for the past few days and has not had time to get it.

However, Ye Chun was not in a hurry to delay these few days. After all, his strength was strong enough to quickly replenish his bloodline cultivation.

Contacted the heart of Ziyue and embarked on the journey of killing monsters again.

Two days passed quickly, and on the ranking list, Ye Chun firmly occupied the first place with a rank of fifty-eight.

The second place is already fifty-two, but to Ye Chun's surprise, Ziyue Heart's rank has come up late in the past few days, rising to fifty-one, ranking fifty-third on the ranking list.

This speed of improvement is enough to shock many people.

I don't know how many people have contacted Ziyue Heart in the past two days and want to invite her to join the guild.

The major guilds are staring at the leaderboards all the time, so the dark horse of Ziyue Heart was noticed by many people when it just rushed into the thousands.

However, Ziyue Zhixin refused all of them, and her reason was very simple and rude. If anyone can defeat Ye Chun, he will join the guild.

The words of Ziyue Heart made the major guilds silent. After all, who doesn't know Ye Chun's strength, it is not impossible to win Ye Chun, but the price to pay is too high.

And if Ye Chun was offended because of this, it would be uncomfortable.

At this time, Ye Chunzheng stood at the material merchant, repeating the action of synthesizing materials over and over again.

All the materials for making equipment have been collected, and now you only need to synthesize the materials and then build them.

Ye Chun had experienced this kind of thing many times in the past few days, so he was very familiar with it.

Finally, three hours later, the sixth-order purple gold materials of the first set of equipment were all synthesized successfully.

Ye Chun took out the blueprint of the best equipment for the Sword of the Brave and put the materials on it.

"Do you build equipment?"


There is basically no chance of failure to build equipment, but the only difference is the quality of the equipment attributes.

"Ding dong! Build success."

I saw a long sword with a pattern in Ye Chun's hand, which was very cool.

But Ye Chun just glanced at the superior purple gold equipment.

"Rewind time by ten seconds!" Without any hesitation, Ye Chun chose to rewind the time.

Only the superior purple gold equipment can not meet Ye Chun's requirements, and Ye Chun pursues not only the grade, but also the characteristics of the equipment, which is the most critical thing.

After half an hour...

"Ding dong! Build success."

Rare purple gold equipment!

Warrior's Sword

Quality: purple gold

Grade: Rare

Effect: Increases physical attack power by 4000

Effect: Increases health by 30000

Courage: There is a 20% chance that when you are affected by a negative state, the negative state will be removed, and within the next minute, you will be immune to the effect of this negative state.

Survival: When health drops below 20%, restore 1% of health every second for one minute, cooldown: none.

Restriction: Requires LV50 to wear

Description: Once mastered by a great knight, with this holy sword, he slayed a powerful monster. With this holy sword, you will have the courage of a hero, not afraid of danger, the more you fight, the more brave you are!

Offensive and defensive!

As far as the added effect attributes are concerned, the Sword of the Brave not only increases the attack power, but also increases the life value, which has bonuses in both attack and life.

But Ye Chun still values ​​two characteristics.

The first trait of courage is a powerful feature for Ye Chun. For example, when he is besieged by a group of people, Ye Chun cannot avoid various negative states, especially the disgusting negative states such as deceleration, imprisonment, and dizziness.

But after possessing this feature, this negative state can be completely ignored, not only can be contacted, but also immune.

As for the second feature, the survivability has been improved, and 1% of the health value is restored per second. In one minute, it is 60% of the health value, which is already very impressive.

Putting the Sword of the Brave into the backpack, Ye Chun synthesized the materials needed for the Scepter of the Dead again.

In two hours, all the synthesis was successful.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chun took out the blueprint for the best equipment of the Scepter of the Dead, and put the sixth-order materials on it.

"Ding Dong, do you want to build equipment?"


As the purple light lit up, a scepter appeared in Ye Chun's hand.

Not satisfied!

Go back ten seconds!

Repeat this until half an hour has passed.

"Ding dong! Build success."

It is still a rare purple gold equipment.

Scepter of the Dead

Quality: purple gold

Grade: Rare

Effect: +5000 magic damage

Effect: 10% chance to add a negative status to the target when attacking.

Ascension: Undead creatures summoned in any form are automatically upgraded by one quality, and the purple gold level is the limit.

Eternal Fall: Consume all mana to create a 100X100 dark space for 1 minute.

Description: The weapon blueprint left by a necromancer a thousand years ago, destroying a city in just one thought, bringing disaster to the world, is extremely unknown, but in the hands of a necromancer, it can play a huge role effect.

It is still a very powerful attribute and characteristic, which is more powerful than the previous purple gold staff, the strange staff of Maren Undead~Warlock.

This staff of the dead is more inclined to the auxiliary type. If it falls into the hands of other necromancers, it may not be very powerful, but for Ye Chun, it is very powerful.

After all, Ye Chun didn't use the Warlock profession to deal damage, but more importantly, it was an auxiliary role.

Both features are also very powerful.

Ascension can improve the quality of summoned things, that is to say, if Ye Chun uses the altar of the dead to summon a creature, if it is silver quality, it will be upgraded to gold quality, and if it is gold quality, it will be upgraded to purple gold quality , can be said to be very powerful.

As for the eternal fall, it turned out to be an active skill, creating a dark space, and cooperating with the profession of the dark king, it can be said to be even more powerful.

The Bow of Amis, the Blade of Soul Reaper, the Sword of the Brave, and the Scepter of the Dead, all the exclusive weapons of the four professions have been successfully created.

Ye Chun's strength is also very strong, it can be said that any profession is taken out, and it is a profession on its own.

Coupled with exclusive weapons, it is also a powerful existence.

If he hides his identity, Ye Chun can play the role of four people by himself, and absolutely no one will be able to see it.

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