The old man in the black robe began to listen to Jia Lan's words, his face was full of dissatisfaction, but when he heard the voice behind him, his face had turned into a surprise.

"How do you know where I came from? Have you really swallowed Jiang Yuan's spirit?"

The old man in the black robe looks unbelievable.

"That's fine"

The old man in the black robe stared at those blue eyes for a long time, and suddenly showed a loud smile.

"Jiang Yuan, you have it today too."

Later, the old man in the black robe even saw tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Without me, you can't find the location of the Immortal Mansion. What I want is very simple. Help me bring out all the immortals of the Seven Stars in the South, and I will take you out of the Immortal Mansion."

"You have too much appetite." Jialan snorted coldly. She didn't know what was in the Immortal Mansion. When God wanted to scan the situation of the Immortal Mansion, it was naturally interrupted.

"Don't you want to?" Tomorrow suddenly sneered.

"Don't toast, don't eat, don't punish. Do you believe that I will take out your soul now and find your soul?" Gamma Blue is not an existence willing to accept threats.

"Then kill me, I won't resist"

"Well, do you know why Jiang Yuan didn't kill me? I want to tell you a secret, that is Xianfu has been moving under the earth's crust, somewhere between emptiness and reality. Once he feels the breath of human beings, he will naturally Flowing into the empty turbulent stream, even the fairies. We can't capture the breath of the fairy mansion."

"However, I can find Xianfu anytime and anywhere, because I have a breath of breath in Xianfu, and I can feel the existence of Xianfu."

"Without my leadership, even if you have Jiang Yuan's spirit, it's useless."

After listening to Morrow's words, Galan fell into silence immediately, she knew that Morrow was right. He smelled like earthworms and was a fairy, so he could feel the existence of Xianfu. Without him, she would not be able to enter the Immortal Mansion.

If you can't enter the Immortal Mansion, naturally you will not be able to find the things in the Immortal Mansion.

"You want the seven-star fairy in the south to disappear. I can agree to your conditions, but I will now ask to enter the fairy mansion."

I think that the Lord of the Blood God only got a drop of pure blood in the Immortal Mansion, and finally such a terrifying force erupted. If the seven fairies were driven out of the Immortal Mansion, then no one in the entire Tianxuan Continent was afraid that no one would be Moruo's opponent.

"no way"

Start shaking your head tomorrow.

"Last month, the Lord of the Blood God entered the Immortal Mansion, and has been hidden in the void since then. Even me, I can only take a breath. Now if you want to enter the Immortal Mansion, you will definitely Raised the alarm in Xianfu. At the time, it was completely in air turbulence and we were trying to find it, which was impossible."

"What's the shortest time?"

"Thirty years later" Morrow's mouth is amazing.

"August 15th, thirty years later, will be the opportunity of a thousand-year-old total lunar eclipse. At that time, Xianfu will come out to swallow the power of the moon, and then you can take the opportunity to enter the Xianfu."

Do not

Galan didn't answer, blood flashed, and I opened my mouth.

Jokingly, Donghai Bailong may be chasing him at any time. He was already in mortal danger. He could be turned to ashes at any moment. He really has to wait 30 years. I'm worried he'll die, so, of course, the sooner you get the fairy blood from Asgard, the most important thing.

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