The images in my memory are still in constant flow.

He was originally the Son of Light, but after so many things, his heart is no longer bright, and there is only hatred and revenge in his heart.

His efforts are no longer to protect those he wants to protect, but to avenge those who have mutilated and betrayed him.

The weird spell disappeared in his mind, and instead it was about the supreme inheritance of the ancient necromancer.

The light and the undead were originally opposites, but he took revenge in order to have the power of yours, so he began to merge the power of the light and the undead, and his heart gradually fell.

Year after year, day after day, gaining mighty power for revenge.

His enemy is the most powerful nation ever, and the power of the most powerful, and he needs to acquire power strong enough to destroy it all.

He has no relatives or lovers, so everything in this world is his enemy, he no longer has to think about salvation, no need to think about light, just destruction.

ten years!

A young man who was once the most talented cultivated in an uninhabited mountain, and no one knew how powerful he was.

When he stepped out of that mountain range ten years later, he was no longer the Son of Light, but the Holy Necromancer, the ruler of the undead!

At this time, he has no mercy, no kindness, only hatred.

Wherever he passed, he would kill anyone he saw, and all those killed by him became the souls of the dead.

Gradually, he amassed an army of millions of undead, destroyed the country he once lived in, and destroyed everything.

However, she and the heir of the supreme power fled to the territory of the supreme power.

He chased after him, and he wanted revenge for his family.

Ye Chun was also very shocked when he saw this. An existence with a heart toward the light actually fell into the darkness.

For revenge, countless innocent people were killed.

He has no choice, all he does is to make himself stronger, otherwise, he will not be the enemy's opponent at all.

At that time, he occupied one-third of the land of the mainland and fought against the forces of light.

The army of tens of thousands of undead belonged to him alone. Under the order, the situation shook, and he was once the son of light, and the undead he summoned were resistant to the power of light, and they had the upper hand for a while.

But the undead is the undead after all, and he finally lost.

And he also suffered endless curses and survived by luck, but all those who had disrespected him were killed, she, the strongest, the heirs of the strongest.

In the end, he completely disappeared on the continent.

But he left behind his own inheritance, the Necromancer, the inheritance of the undead master.

Seeing this, Ye Chun finally understood why his profession came. It turned out to have such a sad history.

As a talented genius, he was betrayed by everyone, the nine clans were executed, and finally he had no choice but to embark on a road of no return.

Ye Chun felt pity for him, but he killed countless innocent people for revenge, which Ye Chun did not agree with.

After all, no matter how much hatred there is, one cannot ignore other people's lives like this.

The memory is over, and everything seems to have never happened.

"What is the true meaning of death?"

A voice suddenly sounded, and two options appeared in front of Ye Chun's eyes.

Such a familiar scene, when Ye Chun just logged into this Hope World, Ye Chun had experienced it once, and he never thought that this time the undead dominates the second turn of the profession as well.

1. The true meaning of death is destruction

2. The true meaning of death is rebirth


Since Master of the Undead is a profession that can revive the dead, Ye Chun decisively chose the second.

And Ye Chun was not afraid of answering the wrong answer, after all, time could be set back.

"Congratulations for your correct answer, what is the meaning of light?"

Then came the second question.

1. Under the light, there is no darkness at all

2. Under the light, darkness still exists

"I choose two."

Knowing that the undead rule is because of the transformation from the light, Ye Chun decisively chose the second.

This world is like this, there is no immutable light, and there is no immutable darkness, it all depends on your heart.

"Congratulations on your answer, the last question, if you can answer it correctly, the undead master profession will be promoted to the necromancer. If you answer wrong, you will lose this profession forever."

"Whether the undead master was born for destruction."

1. Yes

2. No

This question made Ye Chun silent for a while.

Obviously, in the memory of the undead master, he was born for revenge for destruction, thus causing countless creatures to suffer.

However, Yu Zi, the original intention of the undead **** is not to destroy the continent, but to take revenge, and the destruction is only to accumulate strength and fight against the enemy.

After hesitating for a while, Ye Chun chose one.

"Answer wrong and you will lose forever..."

"Ten seconds back in time."

Ye Chun used the power without hesitation.

"I choose two!"

After Ye Chun's voice fell, a powerful energy suddenly radiated from the entire space, covering Ye Chun's body.

"Ding Dong, complete the quest of the undead **** of the second rank, advance to the rank of the necromancer, and awaken the second rank of the necromancer."

"Ding Dong, all of your attribute points have been reset. Every time you increase one level, all attributes will increase by 20 points, and you will receive an additional 100 points of magic attack damage."

"Ding Dong, your necromancer skill point has been reset, and the second rank professional skill has appeared."

Ye Chun breathed a sigh of relief when the sound of a series of warnings sounded.

The undead **** profession is also similar to the holy dragon riding profession, changing the name of the profession, which seems to be more powerful in the past.

However, Ye Chun was still in awe of the fragment in the memory of the Necromancer.

The power of the Necromancer is beyond doubt, otherwise, it is impossible to fight against the powerhouses on the entire continent by himself.

Although it was defeated in the end, it was equally powerful.

And now that he has inherited this profession, it is very likely that he will become so powerful in the future.

Even if it's just in the hope world, that's not bad.

With a wave of hands, the base of millions of undead was revived, and only one person could compete with countless people. Just this, Ye Chun was excited enough.

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