"Fuck, the king and the big brother are so fierce, they have already hit the hard mode, and the strong lineup of the Tianxian Temple has just hit the three bosses in the medium difficulty mode."

"Tiangong is even worse. It seems that they are still cleaning up those skeleton knights. They can't compare with these two guilds."

"The next plot mode is estimated to be much more difficult, and 80% of the plot needs to be completed, otherwise it will not be considered clearance."

"The medium difficulty mode only took fifteen minutes. It's amazing. Those skeleton knights and the three bosses are all instant kills."

"The king is mighty!"

Now the live broadcast room where Xinghuan Wudi is located should be regarded as the hottest live broadcast room, and countless people are brushing the barrage in the live broadcast room.

The death canyon in hard mode is even more gloomy. The surrounding wind is blowing, the sky is completely dark, and only a few starlight flows in the canyon.

It's basically a standard horror movie scene, and it's chilling.

"Everyone, can you take me to the place of the curse, I can help you eliminate the **** necromancer, and lift the curse in this canyon to prevent more people from dying here."

At this moment, a gloomy voice sounded, and a soul floating in the void appeared beside everyone.

This soul is in a translucent state, exuding green light, extremely eerie.

"Fuck, ghost!" Xing Huan Immortal, even a big man, couldn't help shouting.

Because this soul is leaning against him tightly, from the body of this soul, Xinghuan Immortal can feel a deep chill.

As for the others, it was even more pale, so Ye Chun and Xing Huan Wudi were able to maintain their normal expressions.

Xinghuan Wudi said: "Don't panic, this should be a plot character. Judging from his appearance, it is very likely that he is a person persecuted by this death canyon. Maybe he has a deep understanding of this death canyon."

Hearing this, everyone gradually calmed down. After all, this is in the game world, not in reality. Otherwise, normal people would be scared to death.

It can only be said that the game is too realistic, and it makes people feel like they are there.

Xinghuan Wudi tried to walk in front of the soul and asked, "The cursed land? You know something, can you tell me so that I can help you."

Ye Chun also looked towards the soul.

[Ernst's Soul of the Dead]: A plot character.

Ernst's soul said leisurely: "I am one of the twelve bishops of the empire. I was instructed to solve the problem of the curse in the canyon of death, but I never thought that I would be attacked by the necromancer in it, and I fell to such a point that only After I left my soul, if I hadn't become an undead by the power of the undead in the canyon of death, I would have been lost. But I already know the secret of the curse of the canyon of death. You only need to take me to the place where the curse is. Destroy the curse of Death Canyon, and the power of the Necromancer will also disappear."

Sure enough, this Ernst knows a lot about Death Canyon, and it is very likely that this Ernst is the key to this hard mode story mission.

"Where is the cursed land?" Xinghuan Wudi asked immediately.

"Continuously killing the five summoned undead creatures guarding the death canyon within ten minutes can open the blockade of the cursed land, and the cursed land will only appear at that time. If it times out, although the seal will also be opened, But part of the curse will be hidden and continue to be used by necromancers," Ernst said.

Immediately, on everyone's map, five locations were marked, all of which were in the depths of the Death Canyon, with a certain distance between them.

Obviously, the most important thing in this hard mode is the high-end combat power in the team.

A total of five places, two people to solve a BOSS, and must be completely killed within ten minutes, this is a big challenge for the Star Fantasy Guild and others.

After all, although the Star Fantasy Guild is growing day by day, the strongest combat power in the Guild is not too strong.

According to the standard of hard mode, these five bosses should all be at the gold level. Although they will not be very powerful, except for Ye Chun and Ziyue Heart, it is still possible for the rest of the people to solve a boss in ten minutes. difficult.

"Let's assign it. Mr. King can solve a boss alone, and Miss Ziyue should also be able to solve a boss. Together with Xinghuan Immortal and Xinghuan Qiangwei, we can barely solve one, and the other five people can be restrained separately. Two bosses, consume as much health as possible, and whoever kills the boss first, go to support." Xinghuan Wudi said aside.

As for Ernst's soul, after hearing everyone's assignment, he remained calm, but a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Ye Chun didn't object, but there was still a trace of doubt in his heart, and he didn't know what was wrong.

This is a story-type clearance copy, but according to the current trend, it has become a normal mode of fighting monsters, and the difficulty of proficiency has increased.

The only plot that emerges now is what Ernst said.

Everyone has no other choice, otherwise, the only plot clue will be gone.

Riding and riding, everyone started to move towards the boss they were dealing with according to the previous assignment.

Ernst, on the other hand, did not follow the crowd or stay in place, but went directly to the center of the place where the five bosses were.

No one has noticed this detail, after all, the primary goal now is to kill the BOSS.


In the voice of the team, seeing that everyone was in place, Xinghuan Wudi shouted, and then everyone began to attack.

"The King's Curse!"

"The king is furious!"

"Kill the king!"

In an instant, Ye Chun shot, almost instantly, a gold-level BOSS was directly beheaded.

I saw that after the death of the BOSS, a gray mist appeared and drifted away into the distance, as if touched by something.

Immediately afterwards, the heart of Ziyue also killed the boss. With Ye Chun's shared attributes, a round of skills is not something that the boss can resist.

Immediately, the two moved towards the weakest BOSS, which was killed by the Xinghuan Guild and others.

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