Xinghuan Wudi is still talking about his analysis, and everyone listens with relish.

But Ye Chun didn't want to listen anymore. After all, waiting for the Necromancer to summon a diamond-level BOSS, this would be a devastating disaster for everyone.

Summoning the Blade of Judgment, Ye Chun went directly to the place where the Necromancer appeared later.

"Mr. King, what are you doing here?" Xing Huan immortal shouted loudly.

The others were also confused, but they all chose to trust Ye Chun.

It was Ye Chun's sudden action that killed Ernst's soul during the hardmode dungeon, and it was because of this illogical action that they saved their lives from danger.

This time Ye Chun suddenly acted, something must have happened.

On the Blade of Judgment, Ye Chun had already arrived at the place where the Necromancer was about to appear, waiting quietly.

The Blade of Soul Reaper in his hand is already firmly in his hand, ready to start at any time.

No one knew what Ye Chun was doing, and even some people watching the live broadcast were very confused, because Ye Chun's actions now seemed to have no meaning.

Unless Ye Chun's place is exactly where the Necromancer is going to appear.

But no one believes this inference. After all, the location where the Necromancer appears is not fixed, unless Ye Chun can predict.

However, at this highly anticipated moment, a figure appeared not far from Ye Chun, only five meters away.


At this moment, Ye Chun moved, without the slightest pause, all the movements seemed to have been rehearsed in his mind for a long time.

"The Curse of the Dead!"


A huge damage flashed above the Necromancer's head.

Seeing the damage, Ye Chun breathed a sigh of relief, which also proved that the Necromancer had only 5 million HP, enough to kill him in seconds.

The necromancer looked back at Ye Chun with a look of horror. He didn't know why Ye Chun suddenly appeared beside him, and he lost half of his health in an instant, making him want to escape.

However, at this moment, the dagger in Ye Chun's hand had already pierced into the body of the Necromancer.

"Kill the king!"


Although all attributes have been weakened by half, the mechanism of doubling damage to dark creatures has not been weakened, and King Beheading is still very powerful.

The Necromancer was instantly killed and knelt on the ground. Ye Chun could see the skin on his face that had been rotten by evil forces, his face was hideous, revealing his unwillingness.

"I'm not reconciled, I'm just one last step away, and I can become a great magician!"

"Why, I'm not reconciled!"

"But... my life force is fading..."

The voice of the necromancer gradually weakened, accompanied by the skeletons in the entire death canyon scattered on the ground, and the soul flame completely dissipated.

They are the beings summoned by the Necromancer.

As soon as the Necromancer dies, they completely lose their source of power.

In the entire canyon of death, the only undead creatures that were still alive were those who were revived by Ye Chun.

From the body of the necromancer, a cursed power slowly rose, shrouding the entire death canyon in it.

The necromancer has long since integrated the power of the cursed land in the death canyon for his own use. It can be said that the death canyon today is controlled by the necromancer alone.

Now that the Necromancer dies, the power of the curse gradually begins to dissipate.

From the sky, a ray of sunlight was revealed, shining on Ye Chun and others.

"Ding dong! Congrats to the sigh of the player king, clearing the 60th level dungeon of the disaster mode with 100% plot, Death Canyon! Become the first disaster-level player in the entire server to kill the Death Canyon!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to Ziyue Heart, Xinghuan Invincible, Xinghuan Indestructible... Xinghuan Rose and other nine players! Clear the Death Canyon! Become the first disaster-level player in the entire server to kill the Death Canyon!"

As the system beeps, the entire Hope world is shocked.

Whether it was the players in the Kyushu region or the players in other places, they all showed a surprised look.

It is not an hour before the level 60 dungeon is opened, but all players have already cleared the dungeon. This can be said to be a very terrifying thing.

The most surprising thing is that the audience in the Xinghuan Invincible live broadcast room showed incredible expressions.

"Fuck!! The king is so stubborn, the prophet, it seems that he knew that this necromancer would appear in that place."

"Is this a hang-up! Or did the king discover the law of the appearance of this necromancer?"

"I can't believe it, the king is one **** with nine pits. No, the heart of Ziyue seems to be a big man, that is, two gods with eight pits. Such a lineup can surpass those of the Tianxian Temple."

"The Xinghuan Guild is also very powerful, and it was able to invite the king and the big brother to open up the wasteland."

"The damage of the king's boss is too high. After watching this live broadcast, I feel like I played a fake game."

Ye Chun's last squatting made everyone think that Ye Chun had discovered the pattern. After all, normal people wouldn't be so inexplicably guarding in one place, and they even guessed right.

After the sixty-level dungeon's land reclamation, Ye Chun's reputation can be said to be completely spread in the world of hope.

Nowadays, the Hope World can be said to be the second world. There is no one who doesn't play the Hope World game. Now Ye Chun's identity is not weaker than some first-line stars.

Along with this wasteland reclamation, the Xinghuan Guild has also gained a complete reputation. Although it does not have the rich background of those big guilds, its name is loud enough.

Many people are running for the reputation of the Star Fantasy Guild. After all, among the 10-60 level dungeon statues, the people of the Star Fantasy Guild occupy half of the country.

Among Ye Chun's bank cards, Xinghuan Wudi directly remitted 20 million Kyushu national currency.

It was doubled from what was agreed before, but Ye Chun did not refuse.

After all, this dungeon can be said to be completely because Ye Chun was able to clear the level by himself.

Otherwise, this team has no idea how many times the team has been destroyed.

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