Chapter 162: Crazy Rising Stars, Full Server Vibration

"The king, what are you doing?"

Seeing that Ye Chun had been standing in front of the old man of the beast, Ziyuezhi asked curiously.

"You can give the mount a star, you can also try it." Ye Chun replied.

Ye Chun can still help with the mount, but if you are going to be a star, you can only rely on yourself.

Otherwise, Ye Chun could spend a certain amount of time helping others to strengthen their equipment to +10, and even improve everything that has a chance to be improved.

But obviously this is unrealistic.

There is only a 30% success rate in upgrading from three-star to four-star, which is already quite high, so Ye Chun didn't have too many worries and started to upgrade directly.

Because of the reputation mechanism, Ye Chun's cost was relatively much lower. Otherwise, it would take 5,000 gold coins to upgrade from three stars to four stars.

Although it is said that the aggregation of gold coins and Kyushu national currency has decreased now, there is also a one-to-two exchange rate. Five thousand gold coins are 10,000 Kyushu national currency. Although Ye Chun has a lot of money, he cannot accept such a cost.

After all, Ye Chun was poor. In the past, the national currency of thirty or forty-nine states was stretched out. Naturally, he did not want to spend 10,000 national currency of Kyushu for one star promotion.

Reputation is different, it is a hope for the world, and it does not have much effect, and it is consumed by consumption.

"Ding dong! The star upgrade was successful, the Dark Holy Dragon King-Blade of Judgment's star rating has been increased to four stars, and the attribute enhancement rate has increased by 5%."

"Ding dong! The star has been raised successfully, the Dark Holy Dragon King-Blade of Judgment has been raised to five stars, and the attribute improvement has increased by 5%."

"Ding dong! The star has been raised successfully, the Dark Holy Dragon King-Blade of Judgment has been raised to six stars, and the attribute improvement has increased by 5%."

"Ding dong! The star promotion is successful, the Dark Holy Dragon King-Blade of Judgment has been upgraded to seven stars, and the attribute improvement has increased by 5%."

Ye Chun didn't fail once after rising to the seventh star in a row. It was purely because of Ye Chun's character that he was overwhelmed. Otherwise, the 30% success rate would have already failed.

Although the time reversal ability was not used, the 100-point luck bonus still existed, so Ye Chun's hidden success rate was still very high.

After arriving at Samsung, Ye Chun didn't get promoted once, and the news of Ye Chun's successful promotion would be heard on the World Channel, which made the whole world boil.

"It's the big king again. The mount system has just been launched, and the big king has started to star."

"My sixth-order mounts have a very terrifying increase in attributes. Where are the eleventh-order mounts of the king and boss going to be terrifying?"

"Remember that the luck of the king is very strong. When the strengthening system was just opened, all the fantasy suits were +10. This luck... It's not that the mount's star-raising luck will be so powerful."

"It is said that someone failed when they tried to rise to eight stars, and a top-ranked seventh-rank mount disappeared directly. After seven stars, if they failed, the mount would be destroyed. This cost made many bosses stop seven-star."

"The king won't be directly promoted to ten stars this time. After all, if the star promotion fails, the price will be too high."

With Ye Chun's ascension, many people began to discuss.

Six stars and seven stars may not be difficult for some powerful players. After all, as long as there are enough gold coins, they can be promoted to six or seven stars.

But if you have eight stars, you can only see character.

This mount star is different from equipment enhancement. The most failure to strengthen is to drop the enhancement level, and the price of mount star failure is the loss of the mount.

This is unacceptable to anyone.

You must know that each mount is carefully crafted by the players, and if it is lost, it is simply unacceptable.

"Dear Lord of Darkness, I would like to solemnly remind you that if you continue to upgrade your star, the success rate will only be 10%, and if you fail, the Holy Dragon King of Darkness may be forever away from His Excellency the King and will no longer exist. ."

"Ding Dong, do you want to continue rising stars?"

"Rising star."

Ye Chun said indifferently.

If it is only to rise to 7 stars, it is far from Ye Chun's goal. After all, 7 stars only have a 35% bonus, while 10 stars are 50% bonus. There is a huge gap between the two.

I saw that the old man of the beast continued to raise the star for Ye Chun.

"Ding dong! Star Ascension failed, the Dark Holy Dragon King-Blade of Judgment was destroyed."

The body of the Blade of Judgment in the sky slowly dissipated, and Ye Chun could not feel the existence of the Blade of Judgment.

"Rewind time by ten seconds!" Ye Chun decisively used the time rewind ability.

The Blade of Judgment is very important to Ye Chun, and if it is lost like this, it will be unacceptable to Ye Chun.

If it was before, the role of mounts was not very obvious, but now that the mount system is online, mounts are particularly important, especially the eleventh-order mounts.

"Continue to strengthen."

With the time reversal ability, Ye Chun is also full of confidence.

"Ding dong! Star Ascension failed, the Dark Holy Dragon King-Blade of Judgment was destroyed."

"Ding dong! Star Ascension failed, the Dark Holy Dragon King-Blade of Judgment was destroyed."

"Ding dong! Star Ascension failed, the Dark Holy Dragon King-Blade of Judgment was destroyed."

A ten percent success rate is terrifying, and Ye Chun keeps failing.

Fortunately, Ye Chun has long been used to this kind of failure.

Success comes from failure after failure.

"Ding dong! The star has been raised successfully, the Dark Holy Dragon King-Blade of Judgment has been raised to eight stars, and the attribute improvement has increased by 5%."

"Player from Kyushu Kingdom, King's Sigh, Dark Holy Dragon King-Blade of Judgment has been raised to eight stars!"

The prompt of the world channel window, once again legend.

This time, the world was shocked.

"Fuck, the king is so hard-headed, he really dares to rise to eight stars."

"Xingxing, who will destroy his mount if he fails, dares to try. A real man, I will serve the king."

"The king will not be promoted to nine stars, or even ten stars!"

"A plug-in, it's definitely a plug-in! I don't believe that this kind of thing can be successfully promoted."

"Wait for Nine Stars to fail!"

No one can ignore this news, even the presidents of some big guilds are always paying attention.

After all, the rising star of the mount is too important, which symbolizes the combat effectiveness of a player.

You must know that even if a sixth-order mount rises to ten stars, the attribute increase given is very terrifying.

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