The opening of the pet system has enriched the gameplay of Hope World.

Now there are three ways to get pets, one is to buy pets from Pokemon, the other is to kill monsters to explode pet eggs, and the third is to complete hidden tasks to get pets.

For most players, the first way to buy pets from Pokemon is the most convenient and easiest way.

The second is to kill monsters and explode pet eggs. Such pet eggs can usually be sold for a lot of money. After all, there are many local tyrants who like to cultivate various pets.

There are also some players with special hobbies who like to cultivate those human-shaped pets, especially human-shaped pets with good faces and stout figures. Although they can't do some substantial things, they can also feast their eyes on them.

As for the last way to obtain pets by doing hidden tasks, it is the method with the highest probability of high-quality pets appearing, but hidden tasks are difficult to receive, and the difficulty of completing such hidden tasks is very high.

Pets are also like mounts. They are divided into tiers. Tier 1 is the second, Tier 10 is the strongest, and above Tier 10, they are called divine pets.

On top of the pet rankings today, the best quality pet is a Tier 6 pet.

There is no classification for pets, but there are star classifications, from sporadic to ten stars.

Raising a star with a pet is not like raising a star with a mount. You can directly use gold coins to raise a star. It also requires various materials, which is much more complicated than raising a star on a mount.

But the power of pets is undeniable.

"The king, I bought a third-order pet pollen beast!"

In front of the Pokemon, Ziyue Heart released a pet.

This pollen beast has a body similar to a flower, and its rhizomes have turned into its feet and hands. The only strange thing is that this pollen beast has a elf-like face, pink and tender, like a plush toy generally.

The upper limit of pets purchased by Pokemon here is Tier 3, which requires 10,000 gold coins. Ziyue Heart has followed Ye Chun to brush monsters for a long time. The cleaning of the battlefield is usually done by Ziyue Heart, so Ziyue Heart The gold coins owned by him are also not a small amount.

Otherwise, ordinary players can also buy Tier 1 or Tier 2 pets.

Ziyue's heart did not hide, and directly shared the attributes of the pollen beast with Ye Chun.

【Pollen Beast】

Level: 0

Quality: third order

Star: Level 0

Health: 1000/1000

Mana: 500/500

Attack Power: 130~250

Skill: Pollen Seduction

Pollen Temptation: Release pollen, confuse the target for 1-10 seconds, consume 100 mana, cooldown, 30 seconds.

Explanation: A creature transformed from a flower into a monster, its face has the effect of confusing the mind.

Owner: Purple Moon Heart.

The attributes of this pollen beast are quite good. It is only level 0, and it has such a high attribute, which is stronger than a player who does not wear any equipment.

Of course, it is obviously very unrealistic to want pets to surpass players.

Players can wear equipment, cultivate blood, etc., which are not owned by pets.

Unless it is a very high quality pet.

The attributes obtained by pet upgrades are also determined by the quality of the pet.

For example, a Tier 1 pet can increase its health by 10 points per level, and a Tier 2 pet can increase its health by 20 points.

Therefore, a really powerful pet is likely to have growth attributes that surpass the player's.

And the skills of pets are completely dependent on fate.

Every time a pet is upgraded, there will be a certain chance of automatically comprehending skills, strong or weak. According to the summary of some people on the forum, the probability of pets comprehending skills each time they upgrade is only 1%.

In other words, if a pet wants to comprehend a skill, it may not be able to comprehend a skill even if it reaches level 100.

Of course, pet skill books can also be used for pets, but pet skill books are very rare and cannot be bought in various stores, unless they are killed when the boss is killed.

But once the pet is strong, it is a powerful fighting force that is not weaker than the player.

However, the third-order pollen beast, the Heart of the Purple Moon, is too weak.

"Find a way to buy a pet egg, otherwise your pet will be killed in seconds if it encounters a monster."

Although he didn't want to attack the enthusiasm of Ziyue's heart, Ye Chun couldn't help but said.

After all, a pollen beast like this, even if it reaches level 70, will be instantly killed under its own attack.

The heart of Ziyue said righteously: "The king, I don't rely on pets to export, just cultivate a vase~"

Indeed, when Ziyue Heart was with Ye Chun, the damage broke through the sky.

If you really want to be serious, pets without the quality of the seventh or eighth order are really not worthy of the heart of Ziyue.

However, pets of the seventh and eighth tiers are too rare, even Ye Chun himself has no confidence to obtain them.

A truly rare pet is more precious than a mount.

If there is an eighth-order mount that is auctioned on the bright side, the price of one million can be said to be achieved in an instant.

Now that the Hope World is so hot, it is not the kind of three-minute hot game, so there are countless local tyrants who have moved their industries into the Hope World.

The prices of the products in the entire Hope World are accelerating.

If it weren't for the introduction of some restrictions in order not to affect the basic operation of the real world, it is estimated that the real world would have been paralyzed long ago.

"His Royal Highness the King of Darkness, if you want to be eligible for pets, you must first learn animal trapping. Do you want to learn?"


There is no cost to learn animal trapping, it can be learned easily.

I saw that on the skill page, an option for animal trapping appeared.

Animal trapping is a necessary condition for obtaining pets. Even if you have pet eggs, you need to use animal trapping to make pets surrender before they can be accepted as pets.

And it also has a certain chance of failure.

However, pets hatched from pet eggs can basically succeed with a single beast trapping technique, and there is no possibility of failure.

Unless it is the kind of high-quality pet.

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