"Fuck! This is not a hangup, and I don't believe it if I kill me."

"It's impossible for two people to output a billion damage in half a minute!"

"The king is mighty, I don't believe that the bright camp dares to be arrogant."

"Haha, the king alone is enough to top a million troops. Seven in and seven out of the bright camp, a real hero!"

"Hmph, it's all fools to say that the king is not. If the national war starts, it is not to rely on the king."

This faction battle can be said to have caused a sensation in the Kyushu region.

It was also the first time that most people saw Ye Chun's powerful strength. Among the hundreds of millions of players, no one could do anything about it.

And the damage that burst out is also very terrifying, outputting one billion damage in half a minute, no one knows how Ye Chun did it.

Because the MVP belongs to Ye Chun, in everyone's heart, although the heart of Ziyue is also hurt, it is definitely not as good as Ye Chun's.

In fact, the same is true. Although Ziyue Heart shares Ye Chun's attack power, it also possesses terrifying attack power, but Ziyue Heart's strength is group attack, and its instantaneous explosive power is far less than Ye Chun's.

From the beginning to the end, Ziyue Heart only caused tens of millions of damage to the flag, and Ye Chun caused the other damage.

In this faction battle, Ye Chun's harvest is still very large, with more than 100 million faction points, which means that if you participate in ten more faction battles, you will be able to collect 1 billion points to exchange for the treasure map of the platinum suit. .

However, the most urgent task now is to improve their own strength.

In the faction battle, Ye Chun basically relied on the credits of the fantasy suit and mount, so in these two aspects, Ye Chun basically had nothing to improve.

Especially mounts, as the best mounts of the 11th rank, they definitely hope to be at the top of the world. If you want to get a mount that is stronger than the Blade of Judgment, there is basically no such possibility.

But in the faction battle, Ye Chun found that the strength of the Frost Dragon was still too weak.

Although it is said that the Frost Dragon is a divine beast, and its attributes are stronger than that of ordinary players, it really does not have the power of a divine beast.

The release of a skill will consume all the magic value, that is to say, the frost giant dragon is said to be a divine beast, but there is only one truly terrifying attack.

However, this is definitely not because the Frost Giant Dragon is too weak, but because the Frost Giant Dragon's potential is not really stimulated.

The power of pets depends on the quality and star rating of pets.

The quality Frost Dragon is definitely available, and the only thing that is difficult to improve is the star of the Frost Dragon.

In order for the Frost Dragon to ascend to the star, the most important thing is to need a material called Dragon Soul.

Dragon Soul can only be obtained by killing dragon creatures.

But in all the maps, dragon creatures are basically very rare, and they only contain a little dragon blood, and it is impossible to explode the cherished material of dragon soul.

Although it is said that a player once killed a lizard monster with a trace of dragon blood, and the dragon soul exploded, it was only a small chance.

At least among the billions of players in the Kyushu region, this is the only case.

Ye Chun did not give up, but searched on the forum where the official players discussed.

As soon as he opened the forum, Ye Chun saw many posts about him.

[Hope the world's most mysterious powerhouse: the king's sigh]

【Faction battle! The king's sigh destroyed the flag by himself. 】

[The Ten Days of Spring Love that the King and I Have to Say]

[On the Ten Powers of the King's Sigh]

Now that Ye Chunzai's name is in the world of hope, it can be said to be a real hot spot. As long as it is a post with the word king, it will have a high degree of attention.

Ye Chun just clicked a few at random, but it was boring.

After all, no one can accept that in the eyes of others, he is the sole heir of a hidden consortium in the real world, with more than a dozen concubines under the age of eighteen, and blah blah blah blah blah.

It was all nonsense, and Ye Chun didn't bother to continue reading.

Keep searching for any posts about dragons.

[Top Ten Dragons in the Legend of Hope World]

[On the top status of the Dragon Race in the Hope World]

[Dragon Slayer - The King's Sigh]

Most of the posts are about how powerful the dragon family is, but the traces of the dragon family are completely unusual, which makes Ye Chun very helpless.

After all, dragon creatures rarely appear in the monster area, and trying to find them is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Suddenly, Ye Chun saw a post.

[Northern Demons Falling into Dragon Abyss, Weird Dragon Cry]

Ye Chun opened it directly and looked at it.

There is a map of the Northern Demons called the Falling Dragon Abyss. It is rumored that a dragon tribe once perished here.

Because the dragon clan once lived here, the monsters generated in the Falling Dragon Abyss are very terrifying. All of them are elite monsters of level 100, and they have attributes that are not weaker than BOSS.

Therefore, no one in the Falling Dragon Abyss comes here at all, but from time to time there are people who admire the prestige of Falling Dragon Abyss and come here to have a look.

The owner of the post is this skilled thief and the anchor of the official platform, so he had a live broadcast of Falling Dragon Abyss.

In the post, he described the strange things he encountered in Falling Dragon Abyss.

When approaching a huge mountain wall, I could hear the faint sound of dragons from time to time, which was very strange.

But other than that, the owner of the post didn't find anything unusual, but it was recorded and posted on the forum.

"There must be something odd here!"

After reading this post, Ye Chun said.

The appearance of the sound of the dragon's roar definitely means that in this falling dragon abyss, it is very likely that there are dragon-like creatures, and even if there is no, there must be other things related to dragons.

Otherwise, it is impossible for such a strange situation to happen.

And anyway, Ye Chun didn't have any other clues now, and went directly to the place where the post was.

The exact location and coordinates are marked in the post, which is very detailed, so Ye Chun is not afraid of finding the wrong thing.

This Falling Dragon Abyss is also among the northern demons, and it is not very far from Ye Chun.

In just an hour, Ye Chun had already reached the Falling Dragon Abyss.

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