"Inheritance Fragment-1, Inheritance Fragment-2... Inheritance Fragment-10."

The ten inheritance fragments were taken out one by one, and the system prompt sound came.

"Ding Dong! Whether to activate the inheritance fragments to open the inheritance land."


I saw ten pieces of inheritance began to bloom with a huge light.

The inheritance fragments resembled the shape of dragon scales, with densely covered runes, very mysterious, and Ye Chun couldn't understand them at all.

It seems to be the writing of the Dragon Clan. It was lost in ancient times. It is more complicated than the oracle bone inscriptions, and the strokes are full of charm.

However, at this time, these words were floating in the air, and the distance was together, and it turned out to be a real dragon condensed from the strokes of the words, which was very mysterious.

And after this real dragon was condensed, it slammed into the deep wall of the Hidden Dragon Land.

There was no terrifying sound, but the real dragon merged into the wall and burst into a stronger light, which was surprising.

Vaguely, Ye Chun saw a golden gate standing in the light, slowly opening, revealing the scene inside.

The light gradually dimmed, and Ye Chun saw everything clearly.

I saw that the place that was originally blocked by the hard wall opened a golden door. The door was dark, as if there was something terrifying hidden in it, which was very strange.

Ye Chun's heart trembled slightly.

Although this is the world in the game, he is immersed in the scene, and what just happened seems to be real, just like being in this world, which is daunting.

However, Ye Chun stabilized and did not continue to worry, but walked straight towards the golden portal.

"Ding Dong, enter the hidden map, the place of inheritance."

As the system beeps sound.

Ye Chun was already in a dark space, and everything around was shrouded in darkness.

Ye Chun tried to turn on the luster of the equipment, but there was still no light shining out, which made Ye Chun feel a little flustered.

As time passed, Ye Chun slowly became fearful.

He stepped back, but the golden portal had already disappeared, and Ye Chun had no way out.

The surrounding silence was terrifying, and after trying to shout a few times, there was still no movement, as if Ye Chun was the only one in the entire inheritance.

"Offline!" Ye Chun wanted to go offline.

"Ding Dong, the player is in a special map and cannot go offline."

However, the sound of the system prompt sounded, causing Ye Chun to be stunned for a while.

This is the first time Ye Chun has encountered such a situation.

Everything that happened now seems to have exceeded Ye Chun's expectations.

It is estimated that it has been about an hour since he entered this inheritance place. For the first time, Ye Chun has an incredible feeling. This is like a trap, waiting for himself to jump in.

"Ten seconds back in time!"

Ye Chun exhausted all means, and finally used the ability.

Suddenly, Ye Chun found himself in the Land of Hidden Dragons, and the golden portal was still not far from him.

This made Ye Chun's heart full of shock.

Ye Chun can be quite sure that he has been in the inheritance land for at least an hour or so.

But now, going back ten seconds, he appeared at the position ten seconds before entering the land of inheritance. That is to say, after entering the land of inheritance, time completely stopped.

The occurrence of this incredible thing made Ye Chun feel that he had come into contact with something bizarre for the first time.

"Perhaps, this hopes that one day the world can really integrate into the real world." Ye Chun thought.

After knowing everything, Ye Chun, who has a smart mind, is no longer as fearful as before. This inheritance place was created by the ancient dragons that rivaled or even surpassed the gods. Such a phenomenon can occur, which means that the ancient dragons have the ability to The ability to change the rules.

This made Ye Chun want to obtain this inheritance even more.

Ye Chun tried several times to enter the land of inheritance. From one hour to one day, every time Ye Chun went back ten seconds, he could return to the position ten seconds before entering the land of inheritance.

This proves Ye Chun's conjecture.

Perhaps the stillness of time in this place of inheritance is a test. Only after completing this test are they eligible to obtain this inheritance and everything that the ancient dragon has.

When he entered the land of inheritance again, Ye Chun was completely immersed.

The test of this inheritance place may not be dangerous, but there is something more terrifying than danger.

That is loneliness!

Scientists once conducted experiments where a person was locked in a room alone, with nothing but daily necessities and food.

In one day at most, human beings will be in a state of restlessness, and various adverse reactions will occur in two to three days, and in a week, they will even go crazy.

So being alone is very scary.

But Ye Chun was okay, knowing that this was a test, and Ye Chun's mind was also different from ordinary people. After seeing everything, he didn't panic.

Ye Chun didn't just stay where he was, but aimlessly in this dark world, identified a direction, and started walking.

one day!

two days!

One week!

One month!

one year!

In this dark space, Ye Chun can't feel hunger, I can't feel the passage of time, as if facing eternal loneliness.

Ye Chun couldn't help but want to use the time rewind ability several times, but he held back.

Ye Chun knew that this inheritance was very important.

It may not be manifested now, but in the future, if the real game comes to the world, and everyone has a strong strength, then the world must be in chaos.

To survive, you need a lot of strength.

I don't know the passage of time, Ye Chun is already numb, and the distance of walking in the dark now, Ye Chun estimates that he can circle the earth once.

However, Ye Chun, who had nothing to sit on, had only this choice.

Suddenly, a sound rang throughout the inheritance.

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