"Ding dong! The Frost Dragon star has been upgraded successfully. The current star rating is 6. The attributes have been enhanced, and the growth attribute has been enhanced."

"Ding dong! A player from the Kyushu Kingdom, the king's sigh was among the pet stars, raising the fame of the divine beast Frost Dragon to six stars."

Six stars is a watershed for pets to become stars.

Every time a pet is upgraded by one star, it is equivalent to a huge transformation, so the star upgrade of a pet should be the most difficult thing to upgrade so far.

Even the success rate of equipment enhancement is relatively simple than that of pet star upgrade.

Therefore, those who can raise their pets to 2-3 stars are considered as powerful players among the players, while those who can raise their pets to 4-5 stars are all top powerhouses.

Of course, with the exception of low-quality pets.

It's also not that no one has raised pets to six stars.

For example, there is a fifth-order pet on the leaderboard, which raised the star to six stars, but it is said that it took dozens of materials and failed many times before finally succeeding.

And that player also boasted that it would be impossible to increase to seven stars in this life, but one can imagine how fearful this player is.

Therefore, there are very few six-star pets, and Ye Chun's Frost Dragon is the best among them.

At the same time, players all over the world began to pay attention again after the sound of the system's prompt sound.

"The king is about to start making merit again, this time he even raised the beast to six stars."

"It is said that the higher the quality of the mount, the rarer the star-raising materials required. I don't believe that the king's sigh can continue to improve."

"I don't care! I am a die-hard fan of the king. The king is mighty, and he has risen to ten stars and slapped his face."

"Based on my more than ten years of experience in playing games, it is definitely very difficult to raise the star rating of a pet. In all likelihood, this time it is just a bubble, but as a native of Kyushu, I still hope to see miracles again. The monarch is mighty!"

"Ten stars! Ten stars!"

Every time Ye Chun's news appeared in the world, it would cause a huge shock.

Ye Chun seemed to be able to create miracles every time, whether it was equipment enhancement, mount advancement, or mount star upgrade.

In the eyes of everyone, Ye Chun has no possibility of failure.

If it was another person, everyone would probably not pay attention, but Ye Chun was enough to attract their attention.

In the world, there are also two voices.

One is the Kyushu people who support Ye Chun, and the other is the foreigner who does not support Ye Chun...

After all, Ye Chun is a native of Kyushu, and no one wants to see their enemy become so powerful, but this is something that no one can stop.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Especially in the game, this concept is vividly displayed.

If the national border is opened, it is possible to enter the regions of other countries. In the Kyushu national area, whether it is the light camp or the dark camp, it must be the same to the outside world.

Civil wars can be fought, but the more important thing is to fight foreign enemies.

This is why, although the major forces in the Kyushu region are competing against each other, they have never interfered with others to improve their strength.

Just because one day, they still need each other.

"Ding dong! The star rise failed, and the beast Frost Dragon fell from six stars to five stars."

"Ten seconds back in time!"

Ye Chun didn't pay too much attention to the discussions in the world, but was doing the same action repeatedly.

Rising star!

Although the failure rate is high and the cost of failure is very high, Ye Chun used the ability time and time again to completely avoid the loss of failure.

So Ye Chun didn't feel any psychological pressure at all.

Even if there is only one chance of success in a thousand times, Ye Chun is willing to try.

After all, this is Ye Chun's greatest advantage. If it can't be used to the fullest, it will be too wasteful.

"Ding Dong, the Frost Dragon star has been upgraded successfully, the current star rating is 7, the attribute has been enhanced, and the growth attribute has been enhanced."

"Ding dong! A player from the Kyushu Kingdom, the king's sigh was among the pet stars, raising the fame of the divine beast Frost Dragon to six stars."

Finally, after the thirty-third failure, Ye Chun finally raised the Frost Dragon to Seven Stars.

This is already a very terrifying level. You must know that in the entire Hope World, there is only such a pet that has been promoted to seven stars.

No matter how low the quality of other pets is, they have not reached seven stars. After all, the success rate is too low.

With Ye Chun adding 100 points of luck, it was only after 33 failures that he succeeded in ascending the star.

With other players, the odds may be lower.

Moreover, there is also the cost of losing the star after the failure of the rising star and re-rising the star. Not many players can persevere and persevere.

Fortunately, it has the ability to go backward in time. Otherwise, even with a hundred dragon souls, it would not be enough for Ye Chun to squander.

However, Ye Chun's star promotion was successful, but the World Channel, which had been quiet for a while, became lively again.

"Fuck, 666, it's really been promoted to seven stars, so terrifying."

"The king is really going to show his power this time, and he has risen to seven stars. I don't think any player has such courage."

"I always feel that the king's sigh is a top hacker. He can find loopholes or bugs in the Hope World every time. Otherwise, how low-probability things will happen often."

"It's amazing, the king will be my **** of luck from now on, and I will pay my respects every day!"

Seven stars, this is a terrifying height.

Of course, there is still a doubt in everyone's heart. They have already been upgraded to seven stars. Is eight stars still far away?

Perhaps things that are inconceivable in the eyes of others can be done here in Ye Chun.

Ye Chun didn't mind either.

I have been working hard to upgrade the star, and I want to upgrade the Frost Dragon to eight stars.

It is possible to avoid all risks, Ye Chun has no reason not to work hard.

Failure is only temporary, if you persevere, you will always succeed.

Ye Chun is like that!

People who are better than you work harder than you, so what reason do you have to envy others?

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