Ye Chun stopped paying attention to the frequent chats in the Kyushu region, but looked directly at the faction store.

Ye Chun's faction points have reached a height of one billion, so there is no need to collect faction points in the faction battle.

After all, things exchanged from the faction store are not tradable.

And I can't give each other faction points, otherwise, some guilds with a large number of owners can quickly collect huge amounts of faction points.

For example, for guilds such as Tianxian Temple and Tiangong, the accumulation of two faction battles is definitely in the hundreds of millions or even billions.

However, it falls on each person equally, not many.

And now the faction with the most points is definitely Ye Chun.


One billion faction points can already buy anything in the faction store, no matter how rare it is, because the price limit of items in the faction store is only one billion points.

And what Ye Chun was looking for was the treasure map of the platinum suit that could be exchanged for one billion faction points.

[Platinum Suit Treasure Map]: The secret of the platinum suit is hidden, and you can get the platinum suit by completing various challenges. Faction Points Required: One Billion.

Once the platinum suit can be obtained, it is bound to be the most powerful suit in the hope world, and even the fantasy suit is far less urgent.

It may be said that this platinum suit is not as powerful as the fantasy suit in terms of survivability, but in terms of attributes and other aspects, it is steadily surpassing the fantasy suit.

However, Ye Chun never thought that he could easily obtain this platinum suit. As stated on the treasure map, there were many challenges to be completed.

It will never be so easy to get a platinum suit,

Otherwise, the value of this platinum set treasure map cannot be exchanged for one billion faction points.

If I had known that in the market now, the equipment of bronze and silver might already be the stuff of the bad street.

Even if it is gold equipment, many players have it.

But the real high-end equipment is still priceless.

A piece of ordinary purple gold equipment is above one million Kyushu national currency, and the price of top-quality purple gold equipment is even more difficult to estimate.

As for platinum equipment, it is controlled by some powerful and powerful players, and each piece is priceless.

A set of top-quality gold suits can be compared to a set of ordinary purple-gold equipment.

A set of superb purple gold equipment can be compared to a set of ordinary platinum equipment.

And a set of top-quality platinum equipment can be compared to a set of ordinary diamond equipment.

One can imagine the value of this treasure map.

If you can really get a set of platinum equipment because of this, you will definitely not lose money.

This is why many players want to accumulate billions of points and exchange them for the platinum set treasure map.

This is a shortcut that can turn an ordinary player into a top powerhouse, and no one wants to get it.

Without thinking much, Ye Chun directly chose to exchange in the faction store.

"Ding dong! Do you want to spend one billion faction points to exchange for a platinum set treasure map?"


As Ye Chun's voice fell, a burst of light flashed, and a treasure map fell into Ye Chun's hands.

This platinum suit treasure map is like a parchment scroll, revealing a quaint sense of history, and I don't know which era it is.

On the treasure map, there was a pattern that even Ye Chun could not understand. It was very complicated.

If Ye Chun is asked to search for the treasure according to the pattern and route on the treasure map, it is estimated that it will take a long time, and there is no clue.

Fortunately, this is a game. Ye Chun only needs to use the treasure map to obtain the information contained in the treasure map, which is a lot more convenient.

"Ding dong! Are you using a platinum set treasure map?"


"Ding Dong! The player activates the hidden mission, the Tomb of Tibetan Soldiers!"

"Ding dong! The Tomb of the Hidden Soldiers was tens of thousands of years ago, the habitation of a saint-level casting master on the mainland, Sain, but the once-scenario Sien suddenly disappeared overnight, and the hidden soldiers disappeared. The tomb has also become a place shrouded in death, and for tens of thousands of years, no one who entered the tomb of Tibetan soldiers has appeared again, and it has become a fierce place, and gradually no one cares."

The Tomb of Tibetan Soldiers

Mission difficulty: SSSS level

Mission description: Go to the Tomb of Tibetan Soldiers and crack the secrets of the Tomb of Tibetan Soldiers.

Mission reward: unknown

Mission Limit: Only one person

Sure enough, it was another SSSS-level task.

S-level tasks represent a lot of difficulty, SS-level is difficult to complete, SSS-level is a near-death experience, SSSS-level symbolizes incompletion, as for SSSSS-level tasks, there is no detailed description of the difficulty, but it is definitely more dangerous.

And this task has a limitation, that is, only one person is allowed to participate, which shows the horror of this task.

Ye Chun is okay, after all, Ye Chun has always been a very strong individual in combat, acting alone, unlike other players who complete difficult tasks, definitely exist in groups.

If someone else had collected one billion faction points and exchanged them for the platinum suit treasure map, it would definitely be a blood loss.

After all, for SSSS-level tasks, except for Ye Chun who still has a little confidence that he can complete it alone, it is as hard as it is for others to complete it.

From the mission, Ye Chun did not develop any clues. The only thing Ye Chun knew was that this SSSS-level mission was not as simple as he imagined.

Obviously, the so-called Sain was killed by a strong man, otherwise, with the prestige of a world-famous casting master, how could he disappear for no reason.

And it turned its territory into a dead place.

If Ye Chun didn't guess wrong, he would be able to meet the mysterious powerhouse during this mission.

However, tens of thousands of years have passed, and even if it happens, it must have already reached the state of running out of oil and lights, and at most it has arranged some organs or something.

So Ye Chun is not very worried.

Now just need to figure out a way to accomplish this task.

The platinum suit still has a huge temptation for Ye Chun.

Ye Chun did not delay, but went directly to the mission location marked on the map.

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