"You dare to kill me?"

"I'm afraid you all won't be able to go out alive today!"

Fabti said coldly.

If Loki really dares to do it, the Frost Giant will definitely wipe out their family

"What's not to dare!"

Loki gritted his teeth.

There are only three of his five children left now. If Hela is really damaged, Loki will really fight with Fabti!

He slowly exerted force, and the dagger on Fabti's neck became tighter and tighter...

A group of frost giants under the stage felt bad..

"Loki!, how dare you!"

"If you hurt the leader, you all have to die!"

"You don't want to go out alive!"

"All to die!

The knife rested on the leader's neck, and the others did not dare to move.

I can only intimidate Loki from the air...

An ice cone fell beside Hela, the ice cone burst and shattered into countless ice flowers. Hela was affected, and many wounds were scratched on her body by the sharp ice flowers.


Loki exerted force again, and a blood flowed down Fabti's neck.

This time, Fabti was a little scared, because he could clearly feel that the dagger was cutting his skin a little bit.

Just when Fabti wanted to compromise...

A clear voice sounded...

"Stop it, Loki..."

A beautiful woman with an enchanting figure and a stern face slowly walked out...

"Angelna..." Loki stared at the figure, a little lost...

It turned out to be an old man, or a previous evil fate...

"My child is still inside, you told me to let go? Impossible!" Loki shook his head, his eyes firm.

"Father, you can stop too..." Angela asked.

It happened to be a step down, and Fabti couldn't ask for it.

"Humph!" He snorted coldly and closed his hands. The ice and snow giant formation stopped abruptly and disappeared in an instant.

"You know, if you really dare to do it, I will kill you!" Loki said viciously

Then he put away the dagger and pulled Fabti away with one hand.

Angelna supported the stumbling Fabti.

He gave Angela a puzzled look, a little puzzled.

"Loki, you've changed..." Angela looked at him and said with deep meaning

At that time, Loki, who was as white as jade and heroic, had become a rough man with a stubborn beard.

"I've been in the underworld of Heim for hundreds of years, and it will naturally change..." Loki said lightly, watching Hela return to his side without any major problems.

"These three children, are your wife Sigurn's?" Angelna asked.

"Sigorn.. Sigurn.." Loki lowered his head and repeated the name, falling into endless contemplation.

That white figure will be forever etched in Loki's mind..

Sigon, the goddess of loyalty, and Loki are childhood sweethearts.

When Loki was mischievous and hated every day, only Sigon sympathized with him, comforted him, and even encouraged him.

When he was punished by the gods, only Sigurn would be by his side to guard her day and night.

Because of the ugly appearance of these three children, they were hated by all Asgard.

How could such a beautiful goddess give birth to such a monster.

Because Loki's evil thoughts are too strong, he is always wandering between gods and demons.

Because of this, she lost all her friends..

Sigurn took the three children away from Asgard without hesitation...

"Sigon..." Loki was intoxicated in his memories and lost his soul...

"I'd love to see what a woman who can get Asgard's most naughty troublemaker, such a loyal and unswerving love..."

"You want to see what she looks like..." Loki looked at Angela strangely, and suddenly laughed like a madman: "Haha.. You can't see it, Sigon, hahahaha. ...you can't see her anymore..."

He smiled in despair, and suddenly said with gritted teeth: "She is dead! Hahaha..."

"What? Dead?" Angela frowned, regretting asking Loki this stupid question.

Fenrir and Hela on one side were also full of sadness, and their eyes were full of loss..

Everyone was silent...

"You shouldn't remind me of Sigurn..." Loki wickedly stared at Angela, with a wicked smile: "This will only deepen my hatred of Asgard!"

"I hate Odin! I hate the ruthless gods! I hate the whole heaven!"

"Asgard, I must destroy it!"

"I want to kill all the gods who have bullied me and Sigurn! I want everything in Asgard!"

"Everything that stands in my way is my enemy!"

"I want the whole of Asgard to be reborn from the destruction of [Ragnarok]! No one can stop me.."

Loki's tone and demeanor were very abnormal, giving the impression of a lunatic.

"Father, let's go back..." Hela could feel Loki's sadness and comforted: "These cowardly frost giants will not join..."

Ye Chun indulged for a long time and nodded slowly.

He listlessly climbed onto Yermengard's body.

"Second brother, let's go..." Hela said.

The undead base they built with their own efforts should be completed today, and they have to go back early to see the strength of this base.

This frost giant should be hopeless here.

The four figures of Loki disappeared instantly, leaving only a group of frozen frost giants.

Fabti gave Angela a deep look,

She was still obsessively looking at the place where Loki appeared just now, unable to return to her senses for a long time.

Fabti knew that this daughter had a good impression of Loki since she was a child, and she often went out to Asgard to find him in disguise.

Because Loki always does something interesting.

It's just that at that time, he opened one eye and closed the other.

If it weren't for the appearance of the perfect goddess of fidelity Sigurn, maybe the two of them would really be together...

"[Twilight of the Gods], what do you want?"

Fabti turned to look at Angela, and asked a meaningful question..

Angelna lowered her head and pondered for a while, and said with a blushing face, "I...I want to help him..."

"Do you still care about him?" Fab asked.


Fabti stroked his beard

Girls about the same age as Angela are already wives, and only she is still alone.

Fabti knew that he was just waiting for Loki.

For this daughter, it is not as good as to love her even more.

Although giants are not very intelligent, they are far more affectionate and righteous than those ruthless gods.

"I saw the strength of Hela, the goddess of death, today." Fabti was still a little shocked when he recalled that Hela slashed Blott's arm with a knife.

And if it wasn't for her arrogance, Fabti's ice and snow formation just now could have been easily avoided.

"I think, [Gods Ragnarok], we can think about it."

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