, said, "Thank you, older generation." That's right. Goodbye. Ye Chun heard what he said: "No." After that, he went to the hall of Lanjianmen. After only a few steps, Ye Chun stopped again, and then said to the senior sister: "Senior sister, Kiki, Huo Yu, you go back to your hometown first, and Ye Chun will come." Say it and walk again.

Senior Sister, Qi, and Huo Yu listened to Ye Chun's words, and took Zhou Kun's family to live here.

After a while, Ye Chun came to the door of Qingjianmen, waiting for the disciple to see Ye Chun at the door, and immediately led Ye Chun into the hall. When Ye Chun went in, he found that the other door was already in charge, so he said embarrassingly, "It's been a long time, Ye Chun has a certain delay." After that, look at those palms.

The masters of these schools all listened to Ye Chun's words and understood that only the masters of dead souls made a grim humming sound on his head. Ye Chun looked at the murder of the shadow, and thought secretly: Let you live for a while, and after half a month, you will regret it. I thought Ye Chun was not talking here.

At this time, Liu Heng said, "Huang Shoumen, please take a seat." He pointed to the seat next to him. Ye Chun listened to Liu Heng's words, then the point was on the other side, and then walked to the seat next to Liu Heng and sat down. Ye Chun sat down and asked, "Liu Zhangmen, what do you mean by calling Ye Chunlai?" After that, he looked at Liu Heng curiously.

Liu Heng listened to Ye Chun's words, and then said, "This is not a large proportion, Ye Chun's ranking is not very good, so please discuss the ranking of Xianfeng County." After that, he looked at Ye Chun, and then Check out other school administrators.

Ye Chun listened to Liu Heng's words and just wanted to say something, Zhang Yao said: "Ye Chun talks about Ye Chun's opinions, Ye Chun is like this, the first one is not to say, it must be the Yellow Brown Gate Qianyu Gate, then the ranking The back is directly intact." It was only the second before the first change, the second to the third and so on, what is the future of Xianfeng County is the nine major schools. "After that, he looked at the master of the school and beckoned them to talk about it.

The teachers in each school listened to what Teacher Zhang wanted to say, and the rest nodded in agreement with Doctor Zhang. At this time, the master also said: "Ye Chun can also see the power of thousands of households, so the opinions of chapter donors are the same." Stop talking. And Yuan Yangzi also said: "Ye Chun is no problem, anyway, Li Yang faction does not have Qianyu Gate, Green Sword Gate is fierce, and the third is the third way." I don't care if I'm finished.

But Yin Sha said at this time: "Yuan Yangzi, are you a strong Yang Pian?" Ye Chun is no worse than you. "After that, he looked at Yuan Yang carefully.

Yuan Yangzi said after listening to Yin Sha's words: "Is it true?" *Friends, there is no better chance to be with Ye Chun than before, but now your magic weapon and your brother's weapon are gone, you How can it be compared with Ye Chun and Li Yang? "After that, watch this **** murder."

After listening to Yuan Yangzi's words, Yin Ji'er immediately stood up and said excitedly, "You." You, you. shoulders, and then never saw Yin Sha again, thinking to himself: Ye Chun is not with you, you only have half a month to live. Think about the corner of your mouth slightly raised here.

Ye Chun saw Yuan Yangzi raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and knew what he meant, so he didn't say anything. But that was when Liu Heng spoke. Liu Heng only said: "Just now, Zhangmen and the master were abstinent, and Yuan Yangzi said, I don't know if you have any other opinions?" After that, he looked at the palm of his hand.

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