"Why can't Ye Chun see?" After that, he looked at Ye Chun as if he wanted to know.

Ye Chun heard what his sister said: "Kiki, look, Yin Jisan was beaten up by Big Brother Li in a mess, and failure is not a matter of time." After that, he laughed. When the younger sister heard Ye Chun say this, she nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, Brother Li Zhan broke through the magical barrier of Yin Sha, walked directly to kill Xian in front of him, and stabbed directly into Yin Sha's heart. Yin Gil looked at the spear that stabbed to the heart, it was not difficult to connect, and immediately dodged aside. Although the fatal blow was avoided, Li Zhan's spear was still cut off in his left hand. Homicide fell to the ground screaming.

Of course Li Zhan would not miss this opportunity. Immediately, a icy fireball hit his body. He only smelled a stench, and his dead legs were corroded by the fireball. The murderous cries grew louder and more bleak.

This is the time to kill the weak and say, "Kill. Kill Ye Chun, please kill Ye Chun." After that, he stared at Brother Li Zhan closely.

Brother Li Zhan sneered when he heard the words of Yin murder, and then said, "Kill you, hehe, Ye Chun will torture you." Ye Chun's revenge. "You're done, red eyes, you have to do it."

Ye Chun listened to Big Brother Li Zhan's words, then looked at Yin San, and said, "Brother Li, forget it, he has to forgive others, forgive others." After that, look at Big Brother Li Zhan.

Brother Li Zhan listened to Ye Chun's words, and the red eyes slowly turned around, then nodded, then picked up Yin's brake gun, and stabbed Yin's heart fiercely. As Brother Li Zhan's long spear pierced Yin Xia's heart, a look of relief appeared on Yin Gil's face, and his eyes slowly lost their luster.

With the death of the deceased, the first step of Ye Chun's dead soul was officially completed. At this time, the younger sister said, "Brother, what should Ye Chun do next?" After that, look at Ye Chun.

Ye Chun listened to his sister's words, then looked at brother Li Zhan, and said, "Ye Chun rests first. Brother Li has just smoked so much poison gas before he can extract it. When Brother Li finishes speaking, Ye Chun and the second brother will be able to do it." After that, look at Brother Li Zhan.

Big brother Li Zhan listened to Ye Chun's words, nodded, and then said, "Okay, this is good, Ye Chun has to keep improving." After that, he walked aside to refine the poison gas. Li Zhan and Big Brother went to refine the poison gas together. The younger sister ran around and asked, "Brother, why does it have nothing to do with uncle smoking so much poisonous gas?" Now that we are going to extract the poisonous gas, won't uncle be poisoned? Look at him like he still likes it. "After that, he looked at Ye Chun as if he wanted to know.

Ye Chun listened to his sister's words, smiled and said, "Kiki, since you want to know, Ye Chun will tell you." Looking at the younger sister, he continued: "Kiki, you should know that Brother Li is a zombie, a zombie. Born from yin evil spirits, they carry their own body poison, which is the strangest poison in the world." Besides, Big Brother Li is still a silver corpse. In addition, the corpse poisonous mist released by Yin Kill should be yin qi and corpse poison. Brother Li has already received the training of yin qi and corpse qi. Did you see so much absorption? Maybe, when Big Brother Lee wakes up, he'll be able to add it up. "After that, she looked at her teacher and her sister and laughed.

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