Qian Wu was in a daze after hearing Ye Chun's sound, and then said: "Ye Chun is not afraid, because Ye Chun's practice of law is promoted by absorbing yin and corpse qi." As for some disciples with lower practice, they use spells, as for what spells , Ye Chun didn't know, because these spells were all punished from the dark. "After that, look at Ye Chun.

After listening to Qian Wu's words, Ye Chun immediately understood that this charm should be pure spiritual charm and an exorcism amulet. Realizing this, Ye Chun said, "Ye Chun has a way." Tell mother and sister what the spell is. Sister nun, they listened for a while.

At this moment, Big Brother Li woke up from the practice. When Ye Chun saw Big Brother Li wake up, he asked, "Brother Li, how are you?" "Are you okay?" After that, look at Big Brother Li Zhan.

Brother Li Zhan listened to Ye Chun's words, and then said, "Okay, nothing, not only nothing, Ye Chun also feels that Ye Chun's repair has also improved." After that, ha, he smiled.

Ye Chun heard Big Brother Li Zhan's words and said cheerfully, "Congratulations, Big Brother Li." After that, he smiled and looked at Big Brother Li Zhan. As for the younger sister and senior sister, they are also very happy to congratulate Brother Li Zhan. Brother Li Zhan heard Ye Chun's congratulations, and immediately said with a smile, "Thank you, ha."

After a long time, the Ye Chuns stopped laughing and said, "Brother Li, now that you are awake, Ye Chun will set off to see the second brother." After that, look at Brother Li Zhan. Brother Li Zhan nodded after hearing Ye Chun's words, and then said, "Okay, okay."

Ye Chun saw Big Brother Li Zhan and said, "Okay, Ye Chun has set off." After saying what you said, go with your sword. Sister nun, they follow me. Of course, Brother Li Zhan left with Qian Wu's sword.

Half a month later, Ye Chun and their entourage arrived at the predetermined location and knocked down the sword. As soon as he landed, the 2,000 Feather apprentices immediately knelt down and said, "See you at the door, all the teachers and aunts are here." Well, salute Ye Chun.

Ye Chun looked at the two disciples and said, "So, get up, what about your two brothers (the second brother Li Dazhuang)?" After that, I looked at the two disciples.

The two disciples listened to Ye Chun's words, and one of them said, "If you go back to the door, the second master is not far ahead." After that, he stretched his fingers not far away, and looked at Ye pure.

Ye Chun listened to the disciple's words, nodded, and then said: "Okay, Ye Chun knows, take Ye Chun away." The two disciples heard Ye Chun's words and immediately said, "Yes, Master." After that, he took Ye Chun to the second brother's house.

After a while, Ye Chun and the others came to the place where the two disciples were talking. From a distance, they saw the second brother walking around with an anxious face. Behind him were more than a hundred disciples, and there were more than 100,000 feathers on the door. door, and practice gas on the eighth floor. Ye Chun looked at the second brother, walked over immediately, and shouted: "Second brother, Ye Chun is here." After saying that, he looked at the second brother with a smile. The second brothers heard Ye Chun's voice, and immediately looked in the direction of Ye Chun's voice. When they saw Ye Chun's voice, they immediately ran over and asked, "Master, why are you here now?" Ye Chun and the others were desperate. "after that,

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