, and then Ye Chun will give them spells, and then give the walking disciples some more aggressive spells, just in case. "After that, look at Brother Li Zhan and them.

Brother Li Zhan listened to Ye Chun's words, nodded immediately, and then found the ghost's disciple. Senior sister lost Hui Xixian's disciple, found a stronger part, and then told them Ye Chun's plan. Soon, all the disciples knew about the task, and Ye Chun put down the spell.

After all this, Ye Chun looked at the sky and found that it was very early, and said, "Everyone rest first, at night, Ye Chun took action again, and now we are all fully nourished." After that, let's get into it . The rest of the people listened to Ye Chun's words, and they either entered into the decision or closed their eyes. Waiting for night to fall. As time passed, it soon became dark. At this time, Ye Chun also woke up from the entrance, saw that it was already dark, and thought to himself: "It's time to go." Thinking of this, Ye Chun shouted: "The time is up, it's time for Ye Chun to go. ." After that, I looked at them and Li Zhan's disciples. Big brother Li Zhan, they and those disciples shook hands mentally after listening to Ye Chun's words, and then looked excited.

Ye Chun looked at them excitedly, and then said: "It's dark now, it's time to go out." After that, he stopped and continued: "The disciples on the road below immediately went to guard the road of the dead, no Let anyone go, if the person out is too tall, you can't play, just blast him with a spell." You know what? "After that, look at the disciples who went to guard the way.

The disciples who followed heard Ye Chun's words and immediately chorused, "The disciples know what they are going to say." Ye Chun heard the disciples' words and immediately said, "Let's go." He flew in the direction of his guard.

After watching the disciples leave, Ye Chun said to the rest: "Wait for Ye Chun to be careful, remember, Xi Xian's disciples must collect clear spiritual charms and exorcism amulets, otherwise Baiyin Qi and Corpse Qi will invade the body. ."do you know? "After that, I looked at the disciples who practiced immortals.

After listening to Ye Chun's words, the disciple immediately said, "Disciple understands." After listening to the disciple's words, Ye Chun nodded and said, "Okay, that's fine, keep your voice down later, don't frighten the disciples guarding the mountain, Ye Chun Slowly forbid the disciples." You know what? "After that, I watched brother Li Zhan attack the zombie sect with his disciples.

Brother Li Zhan, after hearing Ye Chun's words, they and the disciples nodded immediately to show their understanding. At this time, the younger sister said: "Brother, Ye Chun knows that you are really talking about a long story. Ye Chun and the others will soon go up the mountain." After that, he winked at Ye Chun.

Ye Chun listened to his sister's words, and immediately fell silent, and then said, "Okay, Ye Chun should have said so much, and Ye Chun set off." After that, he took the lead to the mountain gate of the corpse, and his elder brother Li Zhan followed him. As for those disciples, he didn't make a sound at all.

Not long ago, Ye Chun and the others saw the mountain gate of the Soul Sect, and from a distance they saw two disciples of the Corpse Soul Sect standing beside the gate, as if they were gatekeepers. Seeing this, Ye Chun whispered to Qian Wu, "Qian Wu, it's up to you." After that, look at Qian Chuan.

After listening to Ye Chun's words, Qian immediately nodded and said, "Don't worry, hold the door." After that, he walked towards the mountain gate.

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