After that, look at Ye Chun.

Ye Chun listened to the ghost servant's words, nodded, then called Big Brother Li Zhan and Senior Sister, and said, "Ye Chun should go to the top of the mountain, he will be the undead of an elite disciple, and he will see the second brother and the war. punishment." After that, he smiled.

After hearing Ye Chun's words, the two brothers immediately laughed and scolded: "When Ye Chun and the shadow are punished, are you still going to go to the theater?" After that, look at Ye Chun. The younger sister immediately smiled and nodded after hearing the second brother's words, and then said, "Yes, Ye Chun is ready." Then, she took out a bag of melon seeds from the storage bag.

Ye Chun listened to her sister's words, saw that she really took out a bag of melon seeds, and immediately laughed, and brother Li Zhan also laughed. As for the second brother, he looked at his sister and said nothing.

After a while, Ye Chun stopped laughing, and Ye Chun said, "There are only more than 40 elite disciples and punishments above the eighth floor. Ye Chun doesn't need to be afraid of feet and hands, how about going straight up?" After that, Look at Brother Li Zhan and them. Big brother Li Zhan, they all agreed to listen to Ye Chun's words.

When Ye Chun saw that they all agreed, he smiled and said, "Okay." After that, he paused for a while, and then continued, "Ye Chun went up." Then he walked to the top of the mountain. Big Brother Li Zhan, they and the disciples followed, angrily walking to the top of the mountain. Nothing to worry about this time. So fast, in less than a quarter of an hour, Ye Chun will reach the top of the mountain, and the dawn has not yet broken. At this time, the younger sister asked, "Brother, what should Ye Chun do now? Do you want others to get up? If not, is Ye Chun still waiting?" After that, he blinked his lovely big eyes and looked at Ye Chun.

After listening to his sister's words, Ye Chun thought for a while, and then said, "Call, of course, since Ye Chun decided to make a high profile, he would be arrogant." After a while, he stopped for a while, turned to brother Li Zhan and said, "You guys Who will open the door?" After that, look at Brother Li Zhan and them.

After listening to Ye Chun's words, Big Brother Li looked at each other and looked at each other. Nothing to show. At this time, it was the younger sister who said, "Ye Chun is here, Ye Chun likes to do this." Then he giggled.

Ye Chun listened to her sister's words and thought to herself: This is indeed the character of the little sister, afraid that the world will not be in chaos. Thinking of this, Ye Chun said helplessly: "Kiki, it's your turn to open the door." After that, look at the teacher and sister.

After listening to Ye Chun's words, the younger sister nodded immediately, then took a step forward happily, then raised the real Yuan, and shouted: "Xin Yuan, come out quickly, Ye Chun is here to attack the zombie clan, if they don't come out, Once the house catches fire, Ye Chun will burn the house down." Come out. "

Ye Chun listened to her sister's words, sweating in her heart, and thought to herself: Whoever shouts such words, ah, also has the purpose of speaking. Thinking of this, Ye Chun looked at his sister without saying a word. However, at this time, a voice louder than the little master and sister shouted: "Who broke into the soul of the dead in the night."

Ye Chun heard the voice and immediately knew that it was the voice of punishment. Then, he saw a person rushing to Ye Chun quickly, with dozens of silhouettes behind him.

Soon, this figure appeared in front of Ye Chun, followed by dozens of figures. Ye Chun looked at the punishment in front of Ye Chun, then smiled and said, "Friends, long time no see."

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