After saying that and smiling, he looked at the punishment.

After listening to Ye Chun's words, he immediately said, "Huang, you brought so many disciples here late at night, you'd better explain it to Ye Chun, otherwise." After that, give me a cold snort.

Ye Chun listened to the punishment and thought to himself: This kind of punishment is not stupid. Ye Chun asked for his soul so late, of course it is to destroy your sect. Thinking of this, Ye Chun just wanted to talk, and his sister said, "You idiot, Ye Chun just said that Ye Chun is going to attack the soul of the dead, that is to say, destroy the soul of your dead." After that, he saw With punishment, look at the fool.

Yin Pu listened to his sister's words, and once looked at his sister's silly eyes, and his heart was full of anger. Although the punishment was very angry, he didn't dare to attack. After all, there were so many Ye Chun here, so he said depressedly: "Yellow Palm, is that what you mean?" "Aren't you afraid that other factions will attack you and hit Qianyu? The door?" After that, look at Ye Chun.

Ye Chun listened to the punishment, and then said: "This is what Ye Chun means. As for the other sects you said besieging Ye Chun's Qian Sect, that is impossible. Qingjian Sect will not care about this matter." The Liyang faction and Baicaomen were Ye Chun's allies with Yangyun Temple, and they didn't care. As for the rest of the school, to be honest, Ye Chun wasn't in his eyes yet. "After that, he looked at the punishment with a sneer.

Hearing Ye Chun's words, his heart fell to the bottom of the valley, but he still said: "Ye Chun knows that your thousand feathers are very strong, but Ye Chun also has a base period of master three, if you fight hard, you will be thousands of evil. People can't be good." After that, look at Ye Chun.

Ye Chun listened to the punishment, smiled, and then said: "Ye Chun wanted your soul to die, and now you are also the master of the foundational period." Looking at the negative punishment, he continued, "Shadow punishment, look at this Who is it?" "Qian Wu, come out," he called. After saying that and smiling, he looked at the punishment.

Hearing Ye Chun's words, his eyes widened, he watched Qian come out from behind Ye Chun, and then stammered: "Money." Qian. Qian Wu, you. You, you. You betrayed the zombies. "After that, he looked at the money boat as if he couldn't wait to tear it to shreds.

When Qian Wu heard this, he shouted loudly: "Ye Chun did this, you didn't force it, what is Ye Chun on this corpse, fortunately you and two people were killed, when did you think of Ye Chun? already?" After saying a few words of resentment, he looked at the punishment.

Hearing what Qian Wu said, he was speechless for a while, because what Qian Wu said was true. Ye Chun looked at Qian Wu, then said: "Then, Qian Wu, you come down first, don't worry, Ye Chun will not treat you like this, when you return to Qian Yumen, Ye Chun will give you Dan Yao's magic and charm ." After that, look at the money boat.

After hearing Ye Chun's words, Qian Wu said goodbye to Ye Chun, and then said: "Thank you for opening the door." Dodge. After Ye Chun saw Qian Wu retreat, Ye Chun continued: "Now only you, Ye Chun will not Embarrassing you, as long as you can hit Ye Chun's two brothers, Ye Chun will let you go and the disciples behind you." After that, look at the punishment.

After listening to Ye Chun's words, he immediately said, "Well, you are so confident, wait until I get back." After that, look at Ye Chun.

Ye Chun listened to the punishment, and then said

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