, then smiled, and then said, "Okay, Kiki, this time Ye Chun will tell you, but later opened his own?" After that, look at the teacher and sister.

Hearing Ye Chun's words, the younger sister immediately said, "Okay, brother, Ye Chun agreed to you." After speaking and looking at Ye Chun, she thought to herself: Hmph, wait until Ye Chun can't find it and ask you, if you don't tell me, Ye Chun was acting funny, or it wasn't Ye Chun who cried to you, see how you're doing, stinky brother, bad brother.

Of course Ye Chun didn't know what his sister was thinking, but after listening to her sister's words, he said, "Kiki, there is a treasure in that wall." After that, he pointed to a wall.

After listening to Ye Chun's words, the younger sister followed Ye Chun's hand and looked at it. What she saw was a wall, and she didn't follow immediately: "Brother, that is a wall, there is no treasure. You lied to Ye Chun, bad brother." After that, he looked at Ye Chun with his big, watery eyes.

Ye Chun heard what his sister said and immediately said: "Kiki, Ye Chun didn't lie to you, there is a treasure in that wall, don't believe that you go to check with God." Looking at his sister, he continued: "Ye Chun knows you I didn't pay attention to that wall just now." After she finished smiling, she looked at the teacher and her sister.

When the younger sister saw Ye Chun said this, she could immediately look at the wall with the feeling of God. The younger sister said happily at a glance: "Brother, Ye Chun found it." After running, she ran. Ye Chun watched her sister run over, and then followed.

After Ye Chun died, the younger sister looked at the wall for a while, and after a long time, she took out her sword, as if the wall was about to collapse.

As soon as Ye Chun saw it, he stopped and said, "Kiki, there is an organ." After that, walked to the side of the shelf and opened the bottle. With only the sound of "clicking", the wall immediately appeared in a dark box holding a small bag.

When my sister saw the bag, she took it out immediately, looked at it, and immediately said happily, "Brother, this is a storage bag." With a smile on her face.

Ye Chun looked at his sister, then smiled and said, "Okay, Kiki, put it away, Ye Chun will change rooms." After that, he walked out of the room and walked towards another room. After listening to Ye Chun's words, the little teacher and sister also took the storage bag and followed Ye Chun out of the room to the next room. Ye Chun and her sister came to another house. Just entered, Ye Chun didn't say anything. The little teacher and sister started to see it with their senses. After a while, the sister walked excitedly to a box, couldn't wait to open it, and took out an jade bottle from it. Ye Chun looked at the younger sister in Yu Ping's hand, and then looked over. At a glance, Ye Chun smiled, it turned out to be several Qi Dan.

At this time, the younger sister also ran to Ye Chun with a jade bottle like a treasure, ran in front of Ye Chun, and immediately said to Ye Chun: "Brother, Ye Chun found one." Give the jade bottle to Ye Chun.

Ye Chun looked at the jade bottle handed over by her sister, smiled and didn't answer, and then said, "Okay, Kiki, Ye Chun saw it, you said, it's full of gas pills." Look at the teacher and sister.

After hearing Ye Chun's words, the younger sister immediately looked at Ye Chun in disbelief, and then said, "Brother, how did you know?" : "Brother, how did you know?" Great. Teach Ye Chun, okay? "after,

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