Ye Chun listened to the little teacher and sister, and looked at her sister and sister. They all looked at Ye Chun, so they said, "Ye Chun's two purposes are that the first Ye Chun will not say anything, just to find some medicinal herbs and materials." There are also treasures, the second Ye Chun Chun wanted to extend his training to the Jindan period during this time, so this experience took a long time. "After that, look at them, master and sister.

When the senior sister heard Ye Chun's words, she immediately became excited, and then the sister said, "Brother, is it true?" You must break through the golden elixir period during training. Great. My brother is amazing. "He looked happy with a smile on his face, Sister Sister, and they were happy too."

But at this time, brother Li Zhan said, "Brother Yan, you must be careful, if you want to know, hurry up and get out of your reach." After that, look at Ye Chun.

Ye Chun nodded after listening to Big Brother Li Zhan's words, and then said, "Don't worry, Big Brother Li, Ye Chun understands these principles, Ye Chun will not do what he can't do." He smiled and looked at Big Brother Li Zhan.

Brother Li Zhan nodded after hearing Ye Chun's words, and then didn't speak. At this time, the senior sister also said: "Master, then you really have to be careful." After that, he looked at Ye Chun with concern. The rest is also a concerned, excited, worried face.

Ye Chun listened to the elder sister-in-law, looked at them, smiled, and said, "Don't worry, you still doubt Ye Chun." After that, he smiled. After a long time, Ye Chun went on to say, "This time Ye Chun went out to practice with Kiki, and Ye Chun also decided to bring two more people." After that, he stopped and looked at them.

After listening to Ye Chun's words, the senior sister immediately looked at the other party, and then looked at Ye Chun's face with a suspicious expression. The younger sister asked bluntly, "Brother, who are you taking?" After that, look at Ye Chun.

Ye Chun looked at her sister's teacher's face, stopped her sister's words, and said: "Ye Chun must also be 100 ghost servants and iron gang together, so it is more convenient." After talking for a while, then said: " It turned out that Ye Chun was going to take Big Brother Li, but Ye Chun who was outside didn't know if there were any masters, if some masters found Big Brother Li Zhan's body, it would be hard to tell." After that, look at Big Brother Li Zhan.

After listening to Ye Chun's words, Senior Brother Li Zhan shook his head slightly, and said, "This is better, only Ye Chun can break through, and Ye Chun is also the best time to stop eating." After that, Ye Chun nodded.

After listening to Big Brother Li Zhan's words, Ye Chun looked at him again, nodded, and then said, "That Ye Chun left at the time, causing big brother Jet Li a lot of trouble." After all, looking at Li Zhan, Li Brother Zhan. Brother Li Zhan nodded with a smile.

Seeing this, Ye Chun nodded slightly, and then said, "This is a good decision, Ye Chun and his sister, as well as the ghost servant and the iron man have just arrived at the training ground in a month, and leave the door to your mother teacher. Sister. After a pause, he continued: "Next month, Ye Chun will be closed for a while. "After that, he breathed a sigh of relief in the dark.

At this time, the younger sister asked, "Brother, why did you take a long time?" After that, look at Ye Chun.

After listening to his sister's words, Ye Chun said, "Ye Chun retreated and made a Buddha, and also laid a solid foundation for refining and healing Shen Jian's sutra." After that, he stopped. The younger sister heard Ye Chun's words, "Oh", and then stopped talking.

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