“Just leave it over there.”

Ye Yang pointed to the table next to him, and then temporarily closed the official website of “World Master”.

However, when Wu Xiaoyue inadvertently saw the picture on Ye Yang’s computer, she was a little surprised in her eyes.

This small change in expression naturally could not escape Ye Yang’s sensitivity now.

Sitting on the sofa, watching Wu Xiaoyue serve several exquisite dishes in front of him, Ye Yang asked casually.

“Is Xiaoyue also playing World Master?”

“Hmm… Nope. I just heard one of my sisters say it. ”

While speaking, Wu Xiaoyue lowered her head with some shame.

“Is there no money for a game pod?” The corners of Ye Yang’s mouth raised slightly, directly breaking her mind.

“Let Mr. Ye make fun, where can people like us afford such an expensive thing…”

Wu Xiaoyue did not lie.

Although she works in a five-star hotel, her monthly salary is only about 6,000.

In other words, if she wants to buy a game pod, she will have to go without eating or drinking for almost two years to save this money.

What’s more, she came to Casiran in less than half a month.

Moreover, this was the first attendance after etiquette training.


Ye Yang did not say anything further.

It can be seen that not everyone can be as courageous as Ye Yang’s original body.

In order to be able to enter “World Mastery”.

Even if you are bankrupt, you have to scrape together money to buy a game pod.

“Sit down and eat, I can’t finish eating alone.”

Patting the position next to his sofa, Ye Yang said to Wu Xiaoyue.

“No… We at Casiran have a rule that we cannot eat with Casiran members. ”

Wu Xiaoyue subconsciously took two steps back and refused.

“I said it all, I don’t have that many rules, and I don’t like things like that.”

Ye Yang said lightly.

It seems that this Wu Xiaoyue’s business is not yet skilled?

If you change to an ordinary waiter, I’m afraid you would have thrown yourself into someone’s arms a long time ago, right?

“Eh…” (Struggling within…) )

Seeing Wu Xiaoyue like this, Ye Yang was almost amused.

It seems that his luck is not very good, and he chose a new waiter.

“If you don’t sit down to eat, I’m going to complain about you.”


Wu Xiaoyue suddenly exclaimed in surprise, and then realized her gaffe.

“Yes, I’m sorry Mr. Ye, I’ll sit down.”

After sorting out her clothes, Wu Xiaoyue sat on the edge of the sofa with some trepidation…

“Come here.”

Ye Yang patted the position next to him.

“Good, okay…”

After Wu Xiaoyue finally rubbed her body and sat closer to her, Ye Yang asked again.

“Did you come here on your first day to work? How do you think you are so restrained in everything? ”

Wu Xiaoyue shook her head.

“The waitress of the life service must go through Sister Zhao’s two months of etiquette and skills training before she can go to work.”

“yes? So what skills will you have? If I’m not mistaken, Casiran’s waiter seems to be… Multifunction? ”

“I… I’m good at massage…”

Wu Xiaoyue said, her body trembling.

“Massage? That’s not bad either. Ye Yang nodded, “Then how do you train these skills?” Training with real people? ”

Nodding, Wu Xiaoyue said, “It’s usually the sisters we train together, training each other with their bodies…”

“That’s good, after training for a few months, Kung Fu must be very good, and when you finish eating, you can give me a massage.” I’m looking forward to you.”

“Okay, Mr. Ye Yang.”

Almost at the same time as speaking, Wu Xiaoyue stood up with great “dedication” and bowed slightly to Ye Yang.

“Well, you don’t have to do that.”

Ye Yang smiled a little helplessly, but it was quite interesting to tease these waiters.

Compared to the game, these living people can make your heart more comfortable.


“Mr. Ye wait a bit, I’ll clean these up.”

After eating, Wu Xiaoyue pushed the small cart and walked out again.

And Ye Yang.

He continued to sit next to the computer, charged his phone to the phone, and prepared to swipe the official forum of “World Masters” for a while.


When Ye Yang opened the forum, even he was shocked.

Costume dungeons and world-class dungeons have just opened the channel, which is naturally a hot topic for players.

However, in “World Master”**, it is more about the topic of “undead rampage”, and in this monster war, the most eye-catching “Beacon God”!

Now it is almost a day before “Undead Rampage”, and this one-day fermentation has made the terms “Undead Rampage” and “Beacon God” hyped up to the highest point of the forum!

And I have to say that in the major cities of Huaxia District, the players of the Megalithic City have become a hot topic for many red-eyed players!

The battle soared by several levels, and the players in the City of Huge Stone almost became the strongest existence in the Huaxia Region!

Moreover, the Holy Monarch Guild at the top of the guild list, the Coiling Dragon Guild at the second, the Chaotic Wind at the fourth, the White Rain Pavilion at the fifth, and the Supreme Guild at the seventh all gathered in the City of Megalith!

It is worth mentioning that due to the increasing popularity of “Beacon”, more and more players are worshiping him!

[Beacon: Fan Pavilion] successfully broke through tens of thousands of members, and the guild’s strength ranking also jumped from the previous twenty-nine to the twelfth largest guild in the Huaxia District!

Because, in the fan cabinet, there are many fans from “Beacon”, as well as admiring, powerful European emperor-level players, powerful players, and top strategy gods!

For various reasons, [Beacon: Fan Pavilion] almost has the strength to rival the top ten guilds!

The source of everything was almost all under Ye Yang’s anger, and he slashed the top ten five guilds in the Huaxia District.

The very beginning of Juxianzhuang.

Then there is the Emperor Heaven Pavilion and the Night Death Guild.

After that, it was the chaotic wind and the submission of the Supreme Guild.

Seeing Ye Yang’s fully crushed battle video, those players who owned the video almost regarded it as a treasure.

The storm is raging.

Ye Yang didn’t expect at all that just by relying on the influence brought by the word “beacon”, he could forcibly squeeze a guild into such a high ranking.

But it’s much more than that.

This monster war in the city of giant stones in Huaxia District, when the video was circulated, has even been circulated to the international forum of “World Master”…

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