Bleak dark tunnels.

Ye Yang picked up his magic staff and ignited a ball of fire.

That’s the benefit of a mage.

In the dark, you can also use your own staff as a torch to explore the way.

If there were no torches… Bah! If there were no mages, they would really have to use their strong perception to explore the way.

It was also when he approached the dark purple mist that Ye Yang realized that it was just a tunnel entrance.

But his strong intuition told him that there must be something unusual in the depths of the tunnel, or at the end of the tunnel.

Or rather… This is where the final reward is stored.


All the way forward.

Ye Yang and Medusa did not suffer any obstacles.



After advancing for about half an hour, Ye Yang seemed to hear some sounds.

It’s like the sound of the wind in the tunnel, and it’s like the low roar of a monster…

“Is there something in there?”

With a deep groan, Ye Yang quickened his pace.

Not long after, he seemed to see a dark purple glow in the extreme distance of the tunnel.

Finally finding a little light in this tunnel, Ye Yang shook his magic staff, extinguished the flame, and walked in with the ghost light.

Just a corner.

From the narrow tunnel, Ye Yang walked into a huge stone chamber.

At least hundreds of meters in diameter, stone walls, and even many potholes.

At first glance, it looks like a lair of many monsters.

In the center of this huge stone chamber, there stood a huge stone pillar, and above the stone pillar, there was a dark purple glow floating that looked like a scroll.

No need to think about it, the dark purple glow that Ye Yang saw earlier in the narrow tunnel was emitted by this scroll.

However, Ye Yang could not see the information of the scroll.

Because he is a player, he can see its specific information as long as it is an item.

But not this time.




Description: None


All Ye Yang could see was such a useless piece of information.

There may be only two reasons for this.

Either this thing is an imaginary image, or… It is sealed.

However, when Ye Yang noticed those pits, which were like lairs, he did not rush to reach out and touch the scroll.

With the previous experience of the Qian King City Law Array, once these things were unsealed, its specific information would be presented in front of Ye Yang.

However, if those pits were really monster lairs, after Ye Yang stepped into this stone chamber, shouldn’t they take the initiative to attack?

With such a question, Ye Yang waited a little…


Ten minutes passed.

Unlike what Ye Yang thought, those stone wall pits, as if they were dead, did not react at all.


Ye Yang smiled self-deprecatingly.

“It should be that I am too sensitive.”

In those so-called fantasy novels, once there is any treasure, there must be something like a “guardian beast”.

But…… This time it may be that he miscalculated.

Step forward.

Ye Yang reached out and prepared to take the scroll away.

However…… At this time, the mutation suddenly appeared!


Just as Ye Yang was about to touch the scroll, countless dark purple electric rays suddenly burst out, repelling Ye Yang’s hand.

Also at this time, those potholes on the stone wall also reacted!


Large stones fell from the stone walls.

Ye Yang directly threw out a heavenly ganlin and protected himself and the snake people.

Bang! Bang!

A violent sound sounded, and although the healing shield could only last for 5 seconds, this had already blocked most of the stones for Ye Yang.

“The breath of humanity!”

“Dare to invade Lord Tias’s Remnant Soul Realm!”

“Please, accept your death!”


The mixed sounds around sounded at the same time, and after those stones stopped falling, dozens of monster heads also popped out of countless stone wall pits!

It’s terrifying!

It was as if the heads, those demons whose heads were cut off in hell, were forcibly hung on the walls!

However, it was precisely because of this abnormality that Ye Yang also saw the attributes of these hideous monsters.


【Land of Demon Sealing, Tias Remnant Soul Evil Ghost】

Rank: Overlord and Commander


HP: 2,582,000

Attack: 126000

Defense: 104500

Skills: Ghost Impact, Ghost Bit, Nightmare Realm, Fear Roar


Although the monster heads protruding from the holes in the walls vary, their attributes are indeed roughly similar.

More than 2.5 million lives, 120,000 attacks, and more than 100,000 defenses.

The remnants of Tias guard the demons

There are twenty or thirty such monsters!

But…… They don’t seem to have a way out of this hole.

It was as if the body was sealed inside this stone wall.

If Ye Yang didn’t touch that scroll, they would never wake up, but once someone violated the scroll, they would wake up in an instant.


Ye Yang not only saw the attributes of these evil spirits, but the moment they appeared, Ye Yang also saw the specific information of that scroll!

In the end, it is something that is sealed in the land of demons, and it is still stored in such a secret place.

No matter what it really is, it has a huge attraction to Ye Yang!


【Rebellion of the Eight Kings – Story Scroll】

Quality: Epic

Feature: Mission Scroll

Level: 1

Description: Fifty-five thousand years, the former King of the Wind, Tias, fell into the demon race, and in less than three thousand years, he became a huge demon!

Having slaughtered Yulia, the previous Lord of the Abyss Demonization, and all her troops, Tias created his own Demonization Realm.

But with insufficient ambition, he has long been not satisfied with staying in the Abyss Demonization Realm.

Seven hundred years after falling into the demon race and slaughtering Yulia, Tias leveled the entire Abyss Demonization Realm.

Thirteen hundred years later, Tias destroyed the supreme throne of the Demon Race.

Two thousand years later, Tias, known as the most murderous demonization lord in history, stepped into the continent of Anriel, intending to pull the entire world into the abyss.

Helena, the Holy Spirit Queen who learned the news, brought the Blazing King and the other six god kings to stop Tias!

A war of the Rebellion of the Eight Kings, which lasted for thousands of years, also began.


Mission Scroll: Once you open this scroll, you’ll trigger a unique level of hidden missions.


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