“For the entire Boulder City, you are the highest contributor to the entire megalithic city.”

“Even… Even I am inferior to your existence. ”

Saying this, Ai Qi suddenly lowered his head and sighed, but when he looked up and saw Ye Yang again, his face was full of hope again.

“So, can I beg you to be the city lord of this megalithic city.”

“Let me, come and be the city lord of the megalithic city?!”

Ye Yang suddenly hesitated.

What the hell does Ai Qi want to do?!

You know, how many benefits do you have to gain from controlling a city?

Is he so willing to give it to himself?

“Oh no…” Ai Qihao realized Ye Yang’s doubts and hurriedly added, “Lord Beacon, please don’t misunderstand. ”

“The current situation of the megalithic city, you and I can see it to all.”

“Despite such a huge and tragic war as the undead rampage, it is still a beautiful city and still exudes endless vitality.”

“The reason why I want to give it to you is actually very simple…”

“I’m no longer the former General Ai Qi.”

“Cumberland, too, is much older.”

“We ordinary humans don’t live as long as those ferocious behemoths, and unless we reach the legendary Holy Domain rank, it is possible to increase our lifespan. But it was clear that Cumberland and I had no chance to see this fascinating rank. ”

“My only request is my daughter… That is, Princess Ina with whom you met. ”

“After I leave the city, I want to ask you to take care of her.”

Time flies.

Almost thirty years had passed since Ai Qi and Cumberland were young and took the city of megaliths from the hands of ferocious beasts and skeleton soldiers.

Before the beacon appeared, Ai Qi had the heart to abdicate long ago, but the most reluctant was Princess Ina.

Now…… Princess Ina has such a powerful destination as Lord Beacon, and all his wishes have been fulfilled.

The strong live forever.

He didn’t want to lie silently on the bed in the Boulder City when he grew old.

If he could be young once, he would be willing to die with Cumberland at the hands of those ferocious beasts.

Ai Qi envied the most was General Galway thousands of years ago.

He led his legion to level the entire desert dry city, and finally fought the snake race to the death.

Although in the end, Galvie lost the war, and the bodies were exposed to the sun and turned into a pile of dry bones.

But he is still a life without regrets.


“So that’s it.”

Ye Yang seemed to be a little envious of Ai Qi.

“Reborn” with your best friend and enjoying the journey of your youth does seem like a good thing.


Ye Yang didn’t seem to have his own good friends.

In his previous life, his only friend was the computer he used during his live broadcast.

Traveling into this world, he doesn’t seem to have even friends.

For the sake of the game business, he did not hesitate to spend his family to buy this game pod, but finally died suddenly at home.

Ye Yang, who inherited the memories of his original body, naturally inherited the cold eyes of those so-called relatives and friends.

But…… None of this matters anymore.

Ye Yang’s personality is to act freely, and he will do whatever he likes.

Moreover, in his previous life, he also came to this big city alone for the sake of the game career.

Glancing at the longing smile on Ai Qi’s face, Ye Yang was really a little envious.

The only thing is that I don’t know if Ye Yang will have a legendary reward when he accepts this giant stone city this time.

After all, no matter what, what Ye Yang wanted most now was a 100-point legend degree.

Attacking the city and getting himself to that exciting “epic” rank as soon as possible is Ye Yang’s most important goal now.

However, give away a city for nothing.

No matter what the reason, Ye Yang would not refuse.

After all, the transaction between players and indigenous people, those indigenous people need to pay taxes.

Of course, Ye Yang would not ignore this huge wealth.

As for the issue of guarding the city after he captured it…

Come on, those are not a problem at all!

First of all, not to mention that in Jushi City, there will be a large number of players doing “city defense welfare tasks” every day, even if there are no these players, there is no aboriginal army, and even Ye Yang himself does not defend the city.

When Ye Yang began to fight for his epic rank in the future, when countless cities were uprooted one after another, the name “Beacon” was already the best guarding army!

Just one name is enough to scare off those weak monsters.

This is the power of “legend degree”.

The higher the degree of legend, the faster the spread of “beacon” among monsters and indigenous people.

At that time, it was not Ye Yang who came to think about how to defend the city.

It is how those monsters, or the aborigines or players who covet Ye Yang, come to kneel and lick this powerful “beacon”.

After figuring everything through, Ye Yang no longer hesitated, nodded to Ai Qi, and prepared to receive this historic megalithic city.

“City Lord Aiqi.”

“Have a great trip for the rest of your life.”

With a gentle smile, Ye Yang said indifferently.


Hearing Ye Yang’s words, Ai Qi’s face was suddenly startled, “So, you agreed?” ”

Ye Yang nodded.


An unconcealable smile appeared on Ai Qi’s face, turned around, and excitedly hammered Cumberland’s Hun mouth, “Brother! It seems that we can go on a campaign again to fight those damned beasts! ”

“Huh, huh…”

The corner of Cumberland’s mouth twitched, but the smile on his face was not inferior to the Lord of Ai Qi City in the slightest.


Simple handover ceremony for the city lord.

Ye Yang did not let Ai Qi do too gorgeous.

After all, the current Megalithic City has just suffered a “riot of the undead”, and the people still need time to recover their vitality.

In the simplest way, let all of them know about Ai Qi’s abdication and Ye Yang’s new life.


Ai Qi held a simple meeting in the temple of the goddess Helena, where everyone worshiped in the megalithic city.

When he was exactly announced, cheers surged in the temple of the goddess Helena!

General Cumberland unloaded the burden of “The General” and held his epee in his arms, as if looking forward to the journey ahead.

He knew that he would give the City of Megalithic to such a young man.

This is the honor of the City of Megalith.

Equipment Building Master Kettering smiled admiringly.

He was the one who personally helped Ye Yang refine a complete set of ghost god-level equipment, and naturally knew the horror of this young man in front of him.

The face of the administrator of the goddess temple, Sylvie, showed admiration and fascination, as if the beacon lord in front of her was like the administrator of every girl’s dream.

One person suppressed the three major magic formations in the Moganda Royal City Realm, repelled the “undead rampage”, and bombarded the terrifying undead master!

Countless amazing deeds are remembered as if they happened yesterday.

Princess Ina did not go to the handover ceremony of the city lord.

She just stayed quietly in her boudoir, waiting for Ye Yang’s arrival.


PS. Sorry, sorry, sorry.

The author fungus really didn’t mean to be less…

But the fever has dragged on for several days, today I really did not hold on, after passing out and waking up, I found that I was already in the hospital…

Readers, sorry!!

Tomorrow will still be five more lowest!!

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