But unfortunately, Ye Yang’s speed is faster than some of them!

With the blessing of Medusa’s speed, how slow can the speed be?

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Ye Yang is one step slower than them now, he is definitely half a day earlier than them!

In terms of speed, they have already lost.

Not to mention a successful defense!

Before anyone returned to their city, Ye Yang had already captured Bondno City.

Ye Yang can see the people of Bondno City, and of course some people in Bondno City can also see Ye Yang.

In particular, Ye Yang’s mount was still pulling the wind like this.

“We … Is it going to lose…? ”

“Looks like this!”

“The beacon will go, we are still on our way! What a gap! ”

“Beacon, if you stop, you will stop me! What kind of god are you, taking advantage of people’s danger? ”

“Yes! Wait until we go back and then storm the city! Otherwise, where would your face go? ”

Seeing Ye Yang’s mount leap over, the people of Bondno City, after being surprised, were panicked.

But there are others who plan to use the agitation method to force Ye Yang to stop.

Even if they don’t stop, they will have to wait until they return to Bondno City before attacking the city!

They thought that their voice was not small, and the beacon could definitely hear it.

But what about Beacon after hearing it? Forehead…… Without looking back, he continued to hurry forward.


“There is no great god style at all!”

“Bah, it’s taking advantage of people’s danger!”

Undoubtedly, their words were ignored.

After knowing this, they are even more sure that they will become the next people in the city, and they are even more angry while panicking!

Beacon, what kind of person is this! Take advantage of the danger! Villain! What kind of great god, would the great god be like him?

What they didn’t know was that Ye Yang really heard their words and listened to them.

But after hearing it, Ye Yang didn’t plan to do what they said.

“Wait for you, won’t the result be the same?”

And…… That’s just wasting more of his time.

The result is the same, whether the people of Bondno City can rush back or not, Ye Yang will still capture Bondno City.

After all, here in Ye Yang, the number of people does not mean anything, even if there are twice as many people in Bondno City, Ye Yang does not put it in his eyes!

Since this is the case, under such equal circumstances, Ye Yang does not have this patience to wait for the people of Bondno City to return.

They came back, the only difference, presumably more people died?

If Ye Yang said something, they didn’t have to rush back to defend the city now, it was better to rush to the next city!

In this way, after becoming a person who has lost the city, you can find a foothold faster!

The debuff state of the “dead city” is not comfortable, isn’t it more secure to find a foothold quickly?

To go back now is to go back and see the ruins of their city.

It is estimated that they are still thinking about struggling one last time! Anyway, Ye Yang couldn’t understand it.

Look at the official website forum again.

The current forum was more lively than ever because he knew the city that Ye Yang was going to attack.

After knowing that Ye Yang had attacked Vena City and would attack Bondno City next, the topic of their discussion had changed.

“Will the existence of Beacon affect our game experience?”

“Beacon is threatening the existence of this game balance, it is recommended to delete the number!”

“How can I hold Beacon Thigh?”

Of the three topics, it is clear that the first two are more popular and more people are discussing them.

On the latter topic, most people are in water stickers.

It’s impossible to know, but just fantasize in the post and satisfy your imagination.

The first two are the most important, now the beacon is so powerful, and it is still continuously attacking the city, causing panic in one city after another, who will not worry!

As for what to worry about… Of course, they are worried that their city will become the next target.

“I think the existence of Beacon is a bug, and if I have him, I can’t have fun playing games!”

“There is a person who can’t surpass no matter how hard he tries, and it’s not happy to think about it!”

“Either cut the four attributes of Beacon, or delete this number and let him play again, two choices, I will leave it on hold, the official you will see to it!”

“I just became a person in the dead city, and I was afraid when I saw the beacon!”

“Beacon this is taking revenge on society… I guess… Otherwise, why was it suddenly so cruel? ”

In their opinion, Beacon is a huge threat, which has threatened the balance of the entire game!

There must be a way to deal with it to be able to restore the balance of this game.

Occasionally, in the discussion and accusations of these people, interspersed with the replies of Ye Yang’s fans.

“The Beacon God is the most handsome! Why cut the Beacon God! ”

“You are not powerful enough, if you have this strength, you are as strong as the Beacon God!” Why don’t you do it yourself, let others cooperate with you to become weak??? ”

“It’s your business if you play games and are not happy, you can’t bring happiness to yourself, and we can’t help it!”

I have to say that Ye Yang really has a lot of fans, even if Ye Yang has now made a move to attack the city, but the fan base is still just as huge.

Fearfully scare the trolls, and firmly support the Beacon God!

These things that Beacon did, some of you fans don’t wash him, he is right to attack the city? ”

“Isn’t that right! Such a thing as siege should not have been allowed in the first place! ”

They thought that such a thing as siege was not allowed to exist, and Ye Yang was wrong to do so! It deserves to be punished!

As for what the punishment is… Then delete the number! If it doesn’t work, just cut it! Desperately cut, cut to similar to their attributes.

Of course, if the attributes are worse than some ordinary players like them, they don’t mind.

These people who accuse Ye Yang are really thick-skinned to a certain extent, I’m afraid they have reached the limit, right?

Ye Yang’s fans couldn’t stand it, and directly let the official personnel of the game come out.

Just say it! Beacon God Siege is not allowed in this game! Is it necessary to delete the number if the siege of the city is taken?!

The game official has long been paying attention to this matter, and this time it was taken out by so many people, and it has long been ready to answer questions.

“Dear, this is allowed! The siege function set by the game shows that it can be attacked! As long as you have enough ability, we will not impose interference in attacking the city alone! Have fun playing! ”

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