Online Games: How Did I Become Famous

Chapter 24 Overlord Seeking Medicine

After eating and drinking, the two went back to their rooms and went online.

"ding dong"

"Brother, do you have some great tonics. I have been looking for a lot of people, but there has been no news"

Just when Jiang Yichen went online, he heard someone send him a message, and it turned out to be from Xiaobawang.

This is a kid from a rich family, and he gave him his first pot of gold...

After thinking about it, Jiang Yichen replied:

"Brother Overlord, your body is so weak."


"I don't have any tonic, but there is a holy medicine to prolong life~"

Jiang Yichen naturally knew that Xiaobawang must be used for missions or other places, but he deliberately teased him.

"Hurry up, brother. What kind of medicine, please make a price. I'm in a hurry here."

The little bully replied in seconds.

Immediately, Jiang Yichen sent the millennium-old ginseng properties that had been suppressed from Heifengzhai to Xiaobawang, prolonging his life for five years!

There was a long silence...

It's been a long time.

"Brother Yichen, I only have 800,000 yuan here for the time being, and the funds have been frozen recently. See if you can get credit..."

Xiaobawang asked in embarrassment.

"Fuck, so valuable? It seems that I don't know much about the valuable things in the game."

Jiang Yichen has already begun to feel sorry for the three Ganoderma lucidum he ate... What a waste.

"Haha, Brother Overlord, you don't have to be so polite, you don't need to pay on credit, I'll sell you whatever you pay."

Jiang Yichen thought about it, had many friends and many ways, this time it was considered as a help for him.

"Okay, where is your location. Pingyang City? I'm leaving now, and I'll probably arrive tomorrow."

The little overlord is impatient now.

"Fuck, brother, are you going to drive overnight? It's already past nine o'clock in the evening!"

"Brother Yichen, I can't help it. The teleportation is not activated in major cities and towns now, so don't wait for me! You have a good rest, I guess it will be noon tomorrow. Don't say anything, I'm on my horse."

After talking about Xiaobawang, the call ended.

"Hey, I really don't understand the thoughts of rich people. Why don't you enjoy life and ride horses all night in the game?"

Jiang Yichen couldn't help shaking his head, lamenting that the happiness of rich people was beyond his imagination.

I went to the reward hall to search around and found no suitable tasks for me.

Then he went back to the yamen and hung up the phone in the practice room, planning to practice Liushui swordsmanship tomorrow, but his attack was too weak.

I do have a second-rate secret book on the Cloud Breaking Gun, but I still prefer to use the sword. Jiang Yichen plans to exchange things with players for a swordsmanship classic.

Offline, sleep!

Jiang Yichen didn't go online until around ten o'clock the next morning, and the Liushui swordsmanship had already become a little mature. After all, it was only a third-rate swordsmanship book, and there was only one move, "Falling Flowers and Flowing Water".

Sigh, when will I be able to learn the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms like Mu Xiaorou! Jiang Yichen sighed inwardly.

But for the time being, it is enough. Swordsmanship is mainly fast, accurate and ruthless. Jiang Yichen doesn't care much about moves.

Immediately, Jiang Yichen went to Zhao Hu to test his strength, and it turned out that his current strength was still in the third rate, but it was still in the middle and upper reaches of the third rate.

But Zhao Hu didn't know that he had eaten three Ganoderma lucidum, and his strength should be regarded as the top three. Jiang Yichen thought to himself...

"Wow, Kong Ni. Good morning, catcher Jiang~"

At this time, Jiang Yichen received a message from Mu Xiaoyu. Originally, he wanted her to come and go to Fatty's with him to do the mission.

Unexpectedly, this little girl said mysteriously that she had a mission.

Jiang Yichen asked what task, but she didn't say anything, and asked Jiang Yichen to wait, and she would give him a surprise.

Shaking his head helplessly, he realized that Fatty hadn't logged on yet.

No way, it seems that we can only go to Huayang Building to enjoy the food~

Thinking that Xiaobawang was coming, Jiang Yichen sent Xiaobawang his location while eating.

It wasn't until about eleven o'clock that Xiaobawang hurried over, before Jiang Yichen could say hello.

Xiaobawang transferred one million Huaxia coins directly to Jiang Yichen's card without saying a word.

"Brother Jiang, this journey has exhausted me."

Xiaobawang rubbed his bumpy buttocks.

"Haha, come on, sit down and chat while eating. You don't have to be afraid that I won't give you something if you transfer the money directly."

Jiang Yichen laughed, and then let Xiao Er serve another table of good wine and food.

"Ham, why do you and my brother say this, my little overlord can trust my brother."

Jiang Yichen didn't bother, and directly gave the ginseng to Xiaobawang.

"Good thing, good thing! If you give it to some aborigines who are dying soon, you don't know how much benefit you can get! Brother, you have helped me a lot this time, but unfortunately I only have so much money at present."

The little overlord said embarrassedly.

"It's too much to say, but you can trust me. Both transactions were directly transferred. Talking about money hurts feelings."

Jiang Yichen made a serious face on purpose.

"Haha, yes, you helped me twice with the ax last time. I still use this ax now. After the revision, the damage value has been canceled. This ax is really indestructible. Haha."

Talking about it, Xiaobawang wanted to return the ax to Jiang Yichen.

"Oh? What else? It's okay. Since it's sold to you, it's yours. I, Jiang Yichen, definitely won't take it, and I prefer to use a sword."

"Brother, I really did see the right person. It's the same sentence! Next time you come to the capital, you can talk to me. I don't have anything else, and others still want to give me a little face on my one-acre three-point land. of."

Immediately, the two began to eat and drink.

Among them, Xiao Bawang also lamented that Jiang Yichen, who is also a fast catcher, is so loyal and courageous. And recently, there was a shameless player on the Internet pretending to be an NPC to trick players into joining the Beggar Gang. The same is a policeman, but the difference is worlds apart...

This made Jiang Yichen extremely embarrassed, so he could only nod in agreement.

After eating and drinking enough, Xiaobawang didn't delay, he got on his horse and went back.

Looking at the little bully who can't wait for a moment. Just now, he took so much time to have a meal with himself, Jiang Yichen couldn't help sighing that this person can get along!

"Hurry up Jiang Da! Have you finished your task?"

Mu Xiaoyu sent another message.

"No, the fat man hasn't woken up yet. I'm going offline to wake him up, what? The crying little cat has time to come over?"

"Hmph! I'm not a crying cat! I used to save face for you. Don't be ignorant of compliments. My sister said that if you don't know how to compliment her, she will come and teach you how to do so."

Thinking of Tayue, who was sent flying more than ten meters away yesterday, is still lying in prison...

Jiang Yichen couldn't help being excited, and immediately asked Xiaoyu to come to Huayang Building, where he could buy some delicious food and wait for him while eating. It would take some time for him to go offline and wake up the fat man.

Jiang Yichen, who was offline, woke up the fat man and explained the situation. The two went to eat something and went online together again.

When the two rushed over, Jiang Yichen looked around but couldn't find where Mu Xiaoyu was hiding.

"Strange, she clearly said that she has arrived, why didn't she see anyone..."

"I think you've been let go of the pigeons, you're just as dead as you are, I think it's a toad playing with a frog, an ugly flower~"

Xiaopang kept mocking at the side.

"Haha! Didn't expect it! Surprise!"

At this moment a soldier came over and patted Jiang Yichen on the shoulder.

! ! ! !

"Damn, Mu Xiaoyu, are you spying on the guards?! Does your sister know?"

Jiang Yichen looked at Mu Xiaoyu in front of him, who was dressed exactly like the soldiers guarding the city gate!

"Get out, you're a spy! You're just a policeman, that fat man is a beggar!"

Mu Xiaoyu retorted angrily.

"Why, isn't it pretty?"

As he said that, Mu Xiaoyu pursed his mouth in aggrieved manner.

"Not really..."

Jiang Yichen looked at the "little soldier" in front of him. Although Mu Xiaoyu was not short, the military uniform was obviously not suitable for a girl's size, so the heavy armor seemed to hang loosely on Xiaoyu's body, making her look even petite. cute.

"That's about the same, Miss Ben is born beautiful!"

Seeing Jiang Yichen staring at him without blinking, Mu Xiaoyu nodded in satisfaction.

"I said, this loli, you've been standing at the door waiting for us for almost an hour? Don't tell me the restaurant won't let you in? They don't even let me in because they look down on people."

The fat man scratched his head.

"Didn't I ask you to go to Huayang Tower to eat and wait, why, I won't let you in?"

Jiang Yichen also asked, it shouldn't be. I never heard that soldiers can't enter.


Mu Xiaoyu swallowed.

"I spent all my money yesterday, there's nothing left~"

Mu Xiaoyu lowered his head dejectedly and buttoned the small buttons on his clothes.

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