"ding ding ding"

Jiang Yichen saw that it was actually Mu Xiaorou's voice calling, and he wondered why Mu Xiaorou didn't come on such an important occasion today.

Click to answer.

"Boss Jiang, is he busy? I have time to do a task."

Before Jiang Yichen could speak, Mu Xiaorou's lazy voice came over.

"I'm an idler. What can I do? Me, Xiaopang and your sister just watched the competition between Zhang Yunming of Wudang and Elder Sun of the Beggar Gang. It was very enjoyable!"

"Oh? So, you have already been picked up when you come back to the moon, right? I warn you, don't lie to my sister because she is dull, or I will send you to the west to see the Tathagata Buddha with two slaps!"

"Ham, who dares to lie to her. You may not know that she has become the little princess in the hearts of soldiers in Pingyang City."

! ! !

"What the hell! Soldier?! Could it be that she ran over to become a soldier?"

Mu Xiaorou on the opposite side was not calm anymore.

It took Jiang Yichen a long time to explain clearly, and let Mu Xiaorou accept this fact.

Otherwise, seeing Mu Xiaoyu in armor would definitely be scolded at the meeting.

"Don't talk nonsense, come and make a big deal with me. Do five second-rate masters!"

Mu Xiaorou seduced Jiang Yichen.


"Second rate? Five more??! You're not crazy, are you? Have you forgotten how many catties you have? How can there be such an outrageous task."

Jiang Yichen didn't want to die.

"Hey, it's not a quest actually, just come here to help me, they are all players. His grandma, these bastards snatched a quest item I just got! I'm so mad, My aunt can't swallow her breath! I have to fuck them."

Mu Xiaorou was obviously furious, and she was full of bullshit words, maybe this was her true face...

"Hey, players, at present, the second-rate strength should be the ceiling of our players, but it's not that we haven't made a fool of ourselves, but we need to plan well..."

Jiang Yichen thought about how to be sure.

Mu Xiaorou on the opposite side didn't expect Jiang Yichen to really agree, she thanked her repeatedly, and immediately posted her location.

Looking at the location, it is estimated that it will take about three hours, no wonder Mu Xiaorou has no time to watch this duel.

Immediately, Jiang Yichen explained the matter to Xiaopang and Xiaoyu. Both of them are very nervous, especially Mu Xiaoyu, who has received so many benefits in the past two days, and is a little addicted to being with Jiang Yichen.

What Jiang Yichen didn't expect was that several soldiers also planned to follow to see the fun and help out. You must know that although these big guys are not very strong, they are all genuine third-rate strength.

Now my strength here is:

Mu Xiaorou: A second-rate master who has learned the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and her fighting power is high.

Uncle Five Soldiers: Third-rate strength.

Self: third-rate strength.

Zhang Xiaopang: Third-rate strength. And yesterday I exchanged for a second-rate low-level palm technique, Hundred Flowers Palm.

Mu Xiaoyu: Bastard, just don't hold back.

Opponents: Five second-tier players, with unknown strengths.

"Let's go, help your sister find her place!"

When a few people rushed over, Mu Xiaorou had already been waiting there, and there was still a little blood on her body, obviously injured.

"Damn it, I was forced by those old cunts for a while. They actually snatched food from my mouth!"

After Mu Xiaorou saw a few people coming, she also explained the problem in detail.

My original task was to track down the traces of a first-class master. I just found a clue, a wood carving was about to go back to hand in the task, but five players blocked the way back.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was afraid that he would die with them, he probably would have suffered more than a minor injury today.

But the mission props were still taken away. If you don't hand it over, the other party will never let it go.

At this time, an uncle soldier next to him spoke:

"According to the logic, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms of your beggar gang are so fierce, not to mention that you can beat them, at least you won't be able to hand them over to save your life! Could it be that the other party also has unique skills?"

Mu Xiaorou smiled wryly and shook her head:

"The opponent's strength is just that of an ordinary second-rate expert, but one of them has cultivated the poisonous palm. Every time we confront each other, I will let the poisonous gas enter my body, and the more I fight, the weaker I become..."

use poison...

I saw a few uncles frowning. They are all experienced people, and they are not comparable to rookies like Jiang Yichen. Then they said:

"Poison kung fu is the most despised kung fu by people in the Jianghu, but it is extremely practical when the third-rate and second-rate. The internal strength of a person with this strength is not enough to keep the poisonous gas out of the body, so if the opponent is a second-rate expert who is good at poison, then The lethality to our group is very great, even if you can't bear it, we may be seriously injured in one hit."

Mu Xiaorou also frowned, thinking to herself that she was negligent, according to what the uncle said, except for myself, no one else on our side could handle the three tricks.

"I was negligent, it seems that this matter has to be discussed in the long run..."

Mu Xiaorou smiled wryly, planning to give up this operation temporarily.

I can't let these people follow me to die in vain.

"You don't need to. Mere poisonous work is nothing to worry about. Look at me, Mr. Jiang, taking him! As the saying goes, if a gentleman doesn't take revenge overnight, we'll kill them today!"

"Could it be that Captain Jiang has a clever plan?"

The big man scratched his head and said. ( '∵')

"There is no trick, but there is this."

Then Jiang Yichen threw a pair of gloves to Mu Xiaorou.

"Celestial Silkworm Gloves": Made of silkworm silk, which is mixed with a little thunder and fire fine gold. Invulnerable to all poisons, invulnerable to swords and guns.

Mu Xiaorou's eyes sparkled after taking it!

Gloves and other equipment have always been extremely rare. The masters in the beggar gang have all-powerful internal strength, and their hands are like magic weapons, so they don't need them.

So of course there were no protective gloves like gloves, Mu Xiaorou never thought that Jiang Yichen would give herself such a big surprise.

"Well, I bought these gloves, and I will transfer the money to you when I earn money. Money is a bit tight recently, anyway, thank you..."

"Damn, you're being polite to me, Nima, if I give it to you, it will be your birthday present from last year."

Jiang Yichen waved his hand generously, indicating that these are just drizzle.

( ′∵`)( ′∵`)( ′∵`)( ′∵`)

The few people around were all stupefied.

Last year's birthday present? It's okay.


Putting on the gloves, Mu Xiaorou's confidence soared, she didn't care what she said...

"Five of us can hold one..."

The five uncles also spoke.

"Fatty, Jiang Yichen and I can barely drag one another, it's a joke..."

? ? ? ?

"Zhang Xiaopang, you bragging, can you not take me with you?"

╭n╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭n╮

"Then I'll hold four of them by myself, and you guys will kill one together and come help me."

Jiang Yichen saw that Mu Xiaorou's words were obviously a bit reluctant, and said:

"Hold on? This word looks down on me more or less. Let me rearrange it. Sister Xiaorou hits three, the uncles drag one, Xiaopang and I kill one directly, and Xiaoyu cheers us on the sidelines." , It’s such a happy decision!”

The fat man was anxious when he heard this:

"That's what he said. Everyone has seen it. It has nothing to do with me."

( ′? o ?′ )╭? This is the person!

"Ham, chubby, it's okay. Let's take it by surprise and catch him unprepared. I have a plan. Let's do this first... Hehe"

Zhang Xiaopang retorted:

"That's not good, it's better like this, hehehehe..."

"Since you said so, I think it's okay to do that..."

A few people around watched the two whispering and didn't know what they were discussing, they could only hear the laughter of the two...

Can not help but mourn for the two opponents.

"It's not too late. Let's set off now. Those five people should still be in the valley not far ahead. I haven't seen them come out. They should also have their own tasks."

After Mu Xiaoyu finished speaking, he led the way and rushed over, followed by the rest of the people.

"Xiao Yu, we haven't opened yet today, we have to do something big!"

"Everyone get off your horses, you are right in front, you follow me first, I will explore the way first."

After speaking, Mu Xiaorou groped over alone, while Jiang Yichen and the others hung behind leisurely.

"Come here, they are all here!"

A few people behind Mu Xiaorou sent messages.

Jiang Yichen and the others rushed over immediately. Sure enough, there were five people at the scene, and they were sneering around Mu Xiaorou at the moment:

"Hahahaha, I laughed so hard. What? Is this the helper you hired? Has your brain been poisoned? What kind of weird configuration is this? Six soldiers, a beggar, and a fast catcher? Not a single second-rate Master. Are you going to find these rotten sweet potato and rotten bird eggs to avenge our five tigers in the wasteland?"

The five laughed and mocked Mu Xiaorou. Players who have reached the second-tier strength at this stage are definitely the player ceiling. The other second-rate players are lone rangers, each with their own arrogance. They don't bother to cooperate with people.

And these five people know each other no matter in reality or in the game, and they even gave themselves a nickname: Five Tiger Generals of the Wasteland!

That's why today he dared to rob the beggar gang's disciples halfway without fear.

"What, what rat? What five rats? Do you also watch the Fu five rats? People of the same kind, I also watch it, but I prefer the cat kingdom, mainly because the rat kingdom..."

Jiang Yichen asked with bright eyes, as if he had seen each other for a while, and kept saying that everyone is an anime fan...


"Hurry up, it's the Five Tigers, not the Five Rats! Also, the Fu Wu Rats are cartoons, not animations. Listen clearly, there will be no good end for messing with our Desolate Five Tigers!"


After the man finished speaking, the four people around him all looked at him with strange expressions, as if they had seen this for real...

"Oh, that's it, what are your titles? The one who spoke just now is your boss Fufushu, isn't the youngest one the old five Jijishu?"


"Are you out of your mind? Did you hear what I'm telling you clearly? We are the five tigers in the wilderness, not the five rats! We are the rats of mice! No, no, no, we are not tigers of tigers, no, okay Let me sort it out..."

"Sir, don't talk nonsense with him, just kill him!"

Seeing that the third child still wanted to quarrel with this little policeman, the eldest couldn't stand it anymore and said. Immediately took the lead and rushed to Jiang Yichen.

"See the dragon in the field!" "Ang!"

How could Mu Xiaorou let them succeed, the anger in her heart has not been vented!

Directly with a palm, the three stronger bosses, the second and the fifth, were circled together.

"Hmph! I don't know how to live or die, the scar is healed and the pain is forgotten, right?"

One of the men greeted him with a blue light on his palm.

"Second, be careful!"

The boss found the transparent glove on Mu Xiaorou's hand.

When I saw this woman running back again, I felt bad.

It is impossible for anyone in this world to foolishly run back to die. It seems that this pair of gloves is her reliance.

"Hiss, it's dangerous!" The second child also found out that something was wrong, so he stopped in time to avoid serious injuries. I can't help saying that the idea is tricky, let's go together!

"Let's go together? The five of us are also here to experience the strength of the Jianghu masters!"

After talking about the five soldiers, they stopped the fourth child who wanted to support him.

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