Online Games: How Did I Become Famous

Chapter 43 Guo Jing Is Invincible

A dragon shadow directly tore apart Nanban's frontline defense. Hundreds of people died with one palm! Countless serious injuries.

What General Dalu saw was that he was about to burst into tears. Is this the ceiling of the Lingnan Dynasty's combat power? Really scary.

The masked man also yelled for those eight people to block it with all their strength! Guo Jing can't be allowed to attack again, the peerless master is too lethal to ordinary soldiers.

Immediately, the eight people surrounded Guo Jing again, and all kinds of powerful offensives greeted him frantically.

One person used the long-lost Lieyang Palm! Guo Jing turned slightly to avoid this move.

The other person used the palm of the heart, Guo Jing directly used the Nine Yin Manual, and reversed this move to the Nanman army, and there was another flurry of chaos, with heavy casualties...

Dalu hastily issued an order to retreat temporarily, and the masters exchanged moves. Must stay away.

Seeing that all the moves were blocked by Guo Jing lightly, the eight of them immediately felt ashamed. He is also a peerless master, and he has not achieved results in fighting one out of eight...

They exchanged winks with each other, and five of them blocked Guo Jing, just to harass and block, and Guo Jing couldn't keep moving around to hide his skills...

One of the strong men who hadn't shot came out with a sneer.

Let me experience whether the eighteen palms of the falling dragon are the most overbearing!

I saw the man's hands glowing with gold, and he rushed up to Guo Jing's, palms facing each other!

"Strong Vajra Palm! Are you from Shaolin?" Who is Guo Jing? At the moment of contact, they sensed the opponent's way.

"Hehe, who wants to be those bald men?" The strong man sneered, but he was clearly uncomfortable from the corners of his trembling eyes.

The Vigorous Vajra Palm is also famous for its fierceness.

Master Shaolin Xuanci once used the powerful Vajra Palm to face Qiao Feng's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. Although he had the upper hand, the scene did not collapse immediately.

So this strong man is one of the trump cards of Baixi Temple, and even the gods have poured countless talents and treasures on him to greatly improve their internal strength. Just to fight against Guo Jing!

Seeing that the rest of the people were indifferent, the strong man suddenly became anxious, why don't they all just let it go and watch the show?

(;≥dish≤) shouted at several people.

Horse riders, why are you staring blankly! Now that he can't move, hurry up!

At this time, the rest of the people came to their senses and took advantage of the moment when the two palms met to attack Guo Jing!

The scene suddenly seemed precarious.

The players and aborigines in Xiangyang City also stared at the scene, feeling deeply powerless.

The eight people are probably all peerless masters, otherwise they would not be able to withstand Guo Jing's palm at all, and the opponent is still too many, even if the city lord can fight again, he will be at a disadvantage now...

"Guo Jing, you accept your fate today! We were carefully selected by the gods to kill you!"

Guo Jing frowned. What is the origin of this Baixi Temple? How could it easily dispatch eight peerless masters!

You know, a first-class sect may not have a peerless master in command, and Baixi Temple obviously has more than the eight peerless people in front of it, and it is obvious from the tone of the other party that there are still people who have not made a move...

But now there is no time for Guo Jing to think about it, and the other seven people also killed them.

"I, Guo Jing, have never seen such a scene since I became famous! When Mongolia attacked Xiangyang, I blocked thousands of horses and slaughtered thousands of troops! The million-strong army that killed one man and one shot collapsed and fled! Take the head of the Mongolian Khan! You cats and dogs! What a thing!"

Guo Jing was obviously angry, even though he was a good guy, he couldn't take it anymore, the other party really didn't understand flattery!

Dalu swallowed, because Guo Jing's record was too impressive, so Nanman had no idea of ​​attacking Xiangyang before.

"Pfft..." Guo Jing hadn't finished his sentence when the strong man, who seemed evenly matched just now, vomited blood and flew backwards.

"Dragon fights in the wild!"

"Shuanglong goes to sea!"

"The flying dragon is in the sky!"

"See the dragon in the field!"


Guo Jing is going crazy right now! The big move seems to be like not wanting the blue bar, blasting at the seven people rushing over!

The few people in front couldn't dodge in time, and were directly blasted to vomit blood, and they couldn't even block a single move!

(??Yi?) (?o﹏o?) d(?д??) (?Д?)

The few remaining people turned around and ran away without hesitation! There is also a forced shoe that ran away!

This person is invincible! I'm just a wage earner, so I don't want to work hard!

(▼皮▼) Seeing that the eight people who were aggressive just now are all running away with their heads in their arms, the masked male leader suddenly became angry!

"Steamers, can the eight of you run away? The armies on both sides are watching! My old face has been lost by you!"

"Guardian, it's not that the subordinates don't want to fight. The power of this person's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms is really appalling."


"Yes, yes, a fierce group, I can't stop it!"


Seeing that these people were still raising Guo Jing's morale and destroying his prestige, the masked man's face became even more livid.

At this time, the strong man also spoke. As the only one who was facing Guo Jing's palm, he had the most right to speak:

"Guardian Zuo, Guo Jing combined the "Nine Yin Manual" with the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms to create the ultimate version of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!"

"A palm stepping on a horse can generate thirteen inner strengths, which can be superimposed layer upon layer to produce a multiplier effect. It is also hard and soft, and can be retracted and released freely. When God steps on a horse, he must kneel down!"

"Combined with the blessing of the Nine Yin Scriptures, the internal power is endless. The horse-riding man keeps on magnifying his moves like an animal. Who can resist this? You do what you want!"

The more the brawny man talked, the more vigorous he became, and the more he spoke, the more aggrieved he became.

Seeing this situation, Dalu only hated his father and mother, so he gave birth to two legs for himself, and kept retreating crazily, screaming for approval, let the army run quickly!

And Guo Jing saw that the eight people began to avoid fighting, and immediately set his target on the Nanman army that was retreating frantically...

Now the tiger has entered the flock!

I saw Guo Jing rushing into the Southern Barbarian army, waving his palms left and right, dragon energy flying all over the sky...

Seeing that the situation was finally under control, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Yichen checked the time, and it was almost 23:00.

Damn, I originally wanted to go offline to take a rest and act at night, but now I'm getting my blood boiling.

After making a call to Mu Xiaorou, sure enough, the two sisters had been watching the live broadcast without taking a break.

Immediately, the four of them planned to go online directly. Now that they are so passionate, they can't sleep even if they want to sleep...

With a flash of white light, the four of them went online together.

Hua Beichen also dispersed the 3,000 troops, and they were forming a small group at the moment, planning to enter the hinterland of the Nanban when the time was up.

They first talked to Hua Beichen about the Xiangyang City Battle.

Hua Beichen frowned when he heard that no player master was born, but he let it go again, expressing that the Jianghu sect wished that the dynasty would be deflated.

However, he actually restrained the players who joined his sect from supporting Xiangyang!

This is a bit too much, this is not a task issued by the dynasty, it is issued by the system, it stands to reason that every player can come if they want to, it seems that these famous families are healed and forget the pain...

After hearing that Guo Jing made a move, Hua Beichen immediately called a stop.

As long as that man is born, no matter what lineup the opponent is in, he will be an absolute chicken and a dog, vulnerable to a single blow!

Others don't know, but he knows through Huamanlou that he is also a peerless master, and Guo Jing is definitely one of the top ones.

And here in Xiangyang City...

General Daru fled frantically with the army in disgrace, and lost both shoes.

The 300,000 army didn't know what happened to the loss. Dalu looked around in a daze, and all the soldiers were ashamed like bereaved dogs, and the arrogant and domineering expressions at the beginning were gone...

Guo Jing also seemed to have killed enough, quietly floating in mid-air and staring at the defeated Nanman troops.

Seeing that Guo Jing stopped chasing, Dalu also stopped slowly.

Looking at the loss in front of me, I felt a sudden chill in my heart. This is a big defeat...

And the masked man jumped out again at this moment.

Startled, Daru hurriedly grabbed the masked man:

(??Д?) "You said it, I beg you, you said it. Let's surrender, please, we won't fight."


Seeing the bearded General Daru crying with snot and tears at the moment, the masked man couldn't bear it anymore.

"Guo Chengzhu, it's getting late, let's talk about it tomorrow."

The masked man didn't say to continue the fight, nor did he say he would surrender. He didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd.

But Guo Jing was also tired of killing, and immediately returned to Xiangyang City, bursts of cheers erupted in the city! Big win!

There are records in later generations of Nanman Chronicles: In the 453rd year of the founding of Nanman, General Dalu led an army of 300,000 to attack Xiangyang. If you meet Guo Jing, you will be defeated! Guo Jing killed 60,000 Nanman troops by himself!

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