
"Where are you going, old beggar, on your horse?"

"Oh! Did you stab me?"

A guardian covered his crotch and knelt down, crying in pain.

"Don't talk about martial arts! Put my eyes on me? I'll give in to you, the sixth child!"


Another protector covered his back and let out a scream that seemed painful but not painful.


Brother, are you so flamboyant in private?

The elder of the Beggar Clan immediately threw the stick away after poking it.

The beggars don't talk about martial arts with you, they just greet each other in three ways, no matter how insidious they are.

I'm going to beg for food, and I still want to show face to you?

Just after a round of offensive from the Beggar Clan, people from Wudang and Quanzhen Sect came up.

The cooperation between everyone was extremely smooth, and Baixi Temple did not get a chance to breathe.

The Wudang Seven Segment Formation is actually seven sets of martial arts. Zhang Sanfeng bestowed one set on each of the Wudang Seven Heroes, and these seven sets of martial arts can complement each other. Two people, three people, or even seven people can cooperate and use together, thus greatly increasing their power.

The most amazing thing is that this formation can produce an effect of one plus one greater than two, and two plus two can produce an effect greater than eight. If the Wudang Seven Heroes cooperate together to form a formation, it can resist the joint attack of sixty-four masters in the world.

The seven senior brothers complement each other, have both offensive and defensive capabilities, and are extremely powerful.

The Tiangang Beidou Formation of Quanzhen Sect consists of Ma Yu as Tianshu, Tan Chuduan as Tianxuan, Liu Chuxuan as Tianji, and Qiu Chuji as Tianquan.

Wang Chuyi is Yuheng, Hao Datong is Kaiyang, Sun Buer is Yaoguang, and the three form a bucket handle.

Among the seven stars of Beidou, Tianquan has the darkest luminosity, but it is the place where Ju Kui and handle meet, which is the most important. Therefore, Qiu Chuji, the strongest martial artist among the seven sons, is in charge, Yuheng in the bucket handle is the main one, and Wang Chuji, who is the second strongest in martial arts A commitment.

The formation of the Quanzhen Seven Sons collectively resists the enemy. When facing the enemy, they only use one palm, but the other palm is always on the person beside them. When the enemy comes to attack, the person who bears the brunt of the frontal attack does not need to parry, but the Taoist companion beside him strikes back and counterattacks. , It's like one person possessing the skills of several people, it's really unstoppable.

The authenticity of the formations of the two Taoist sects has shocked the ancient and modern times. It is said that if Guo Jing participated in the Tiangang Beidou formation composed of the "Tianxuan" stars, he could even defeat the Wujue. I don't know if it is true or not.

Emei and other sects behind also rushed over and made their moves one after another.

Among them, Shaolin is the most ferocious, attacking the vital points directly with moves, it is clearly an unstoppable way of fighting!

How could this riding horse look like a monk? One by one, just like the legendary bloodthirsty demon sect, the people who killed Baixi Temple cried for father and mother, crying for blood...

There is no way, you assassinated the other god monk and took away the Yi Jin Jing! Who can stand this? If ordinary people estimate that they have already started to greet the health of the family members of Baixi Temple.


This battle was fought at the Baixi Temple, where a mere dozen or so people were ravaged by so many masters one after another. The peerless masters who used to be superior are now beaten one by one, crying for their fathers and mothers, and a few shoes ran away.

Wang Teng hid aside and watched with relish, pointing at the battlefield incessantly, saying that this won't work for a while, and that won't work for a while...

Jiang Yichen and the others couldn't help feeling that if placed in modern times, Wang Teng must be a proper "Zu'an" master.

In the end, only the two angels and the three guardians were left. They didn't even struggle anymore, they just lay down on the ground and smashed it!

"It's fine if you accept your fate, catch them! Go back and ask them about their details."

"Hmph, let them explain the location of the lair! Go straight up and wipe it out!"

"Give me back the Shaolin Yi Jin Jing! Otherwise, you will have cramps, skin, bones and ashes! You will be sent to the 18th floor of hell, and you will never be reborn!"


Is this still Shaolin? Didn't you say that monks are compassionate?

Listening to the Shaolin monk's words, everyone felt a little unclear who was the villain for a while.

"Don't tell me if you kill me, just torture me. I haven't tried any kind of torture."

"Your so-called torture is nothing compared to what we experienced!"

"Return your Yi Jin Jing? Then I'll go to hell, it doesn't matter~ I'm mad at you old bald donkeys~"

Seeing these people in Baixi Temple who were in bad shape, everyone had a headache.

"Take them back first, then let that old pervert Huang Laoxie torture them!"

"Fuck, who do you think is a pervert? Your father is the pervert!"

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Guo, I made a slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue, haha..."

When these people were discussing how to deal with it, Guo Jing and Yang Guo, who were reminiscing about the past, suddenly frowned.

Immediately, they all looked up at the sky, and the others were puzzled when they saw the performance of the two? There are flowers in the sky?

But slowly, more and more people felt something was wrong...

This feeling, this feeling...

correct! This feeling is like the feeling of facing the sweeping monk, Wang Chongyang and Zhang Sanfeng!

"Tsk tsk tsk, it turns out that the so-called upright people also like to bully the few who have more people~"

As soon as the words fell, four figures appeared in front of several remnants of Baixi Temple. They were all dressed in white robes and white veils, and their faces could not be seen clearly.

Everyone in Baixi Temple was overjoyed when they saw it!

?_? (?_?)

"Master God King! This subordinate is so miserable..."

"Yang Guo doesn't talk about martial arts and plots! That kid Guo Jing is still sneaking up..."

( ̄e( ̄)☆

( ̄e( ̄)☆

Faced with the complaints of these people, the four god kings slapped each other without saying a word!

Then he turned to Yang Guo and the others and said:

"This matter is because we worshiped the West Temple abruptly. How about all the masters give me a little face?"

"That's the end of this matter. We have already paid enough for the death of so many masters, right?"

Shaolin Fangzheng stood up.

"There is a saying that when is it time to repay the injustice, please return me the Yi Jin Jing! Everything is easy to discuss!"

"It's easy to say, easy to talk ~ I will return it to you when we have all enlightened."

? ? ?

Enlightened all? Can you find a better excuse?

"Master Fangzheng, what are you talking about with them, and those who are on horseback claiming to be gods and gods, what the hell are mentally handicapped and disgusting..."

"I think it's okay, my five-year-old nephew is also yelling that he is a god king every day~"

"Hahaha, it makes sense..."

"Fuck them to death! All gods, kings and gods, all of them will be taken back!"


Many people were mocking the four men in white robes in front of them, but the ones with higher strength were more silent at this moment.

At this time, Wang Teng, who was struggling, no longer forced to comment, but leaned forward excitedly, making it more clear.

"Oh? Is this what you mean too?"

One of the god kings looked at Guo Jing, Yang Guo, Fang Zheng and the others and asked.

Yang Guo raised his head and smiled: "What kind of bastards are you, you're yelling here."

"Is this Xi Kuang? What do you think we are? We are the strongest under the leader! You don't really think you can stop us, do you? Don't be so shameless!"

"Hmph, do you really think these rotten fish and rotten shrimps can keep us?"

"We didn't ask for your opinions just now, we just informed you! People, I took it away today. Yi Jin Jing, don't even try to keep it!"

"Second brother, don't be so angry. They have little knowledge, so don't be as knowledgeable as them."

Ok? At this moment, Yang Guo suddenly saw a beautiful figure rushing towards the mountain, it was the person he was thinking of...

Then he turned his head decisively and looked at the four god kings of Baixi Temple:

"I'm on a horse to meet Nima! I'll give you the Depressed Palm first!"

How could the rest of the people watch Yang Guo charge up alone.

"I'll help you later!"

"Dragon fights in the wild!"

"Great Mercy and Great Compassion!"

"Luoying Excalibur Palm!"

"Intent Dao Divine Sword Art!"


Countless tyrannical exercises attacked the four angels, and the legs of the angels and guardians hiding behind the four were numb from fright.

God King and the others dare not be careless, this is not a joke, if you are not careful, your life will be gone!

I saw the four of them standing together, the aura on their bodies was connected as if there was nothing, like a whole, the aura was even more terrifying than before.

The four of them looked at each other and nodded. At present, they can only use that trick...

"Hahaha, good job! The more aggressive you are, the more excited I will be!"

"The battle turns and the stars move!"

! ! ! !

Yang Guo was taken aback! Gusu Murong's family repays the other with the same way! ?

At this moment, everyone couldn't hold back their strength anymore, and powerful moves fell on the four god kings one after another!


When you touch it, the situation changes instantly, and the sky and the earth change color!

Even Wang Teng couldn't judge the result of this fight...

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