Online Games: How Did I Become Famous

Chapter 78 Western Poison Ouyang Feng

The little bully rolled his eyes, thinking about it!

"Senior Ouyang! It's me! Didn't I come here after accepting your mission?"

"I didn't expect to see a snake bigger than a small mountain fighting with a man in blue shirt with a sword!"

"It was too scary, so I took my friends and planned to sneak away..."

Ouyang Feng didn't react after listening, but continued to say coldly:

"Since that's the case, how about I take the two of you to see the world? Maybe I can give you two some treasures."

Jiang Yichen and Xiao Bawang were shocked and refused immediately!

go back?


What are you going back for?

The two of them were short of digging three feet to empty out the snake den!

If the two go back, with Ouyang Feng's knowledge and experience, they can definitely tell that the things were taken away by Jiang Yichen and the others!

In fact, Ouyang Feng also thought so in his heart. He saw this little policeman running around in the woods with a man in his arms from a long distance away. He wouldn't believe that the two of them were innocent...

And he didn't lie, if he went to the snake's den and found what he wanted, so what if he rewarded the two of them with some natural talents and earthly treasures!

He also saw that the lightness kung fu performed by Jiang Yichen was exactly the signature lightness kung fu of his adopted son, Yang Guo's wife Xiaolongnv.

And the little dragon girl...


Ouyang Feng sighed.

Although he is a vicious, treacherous and unscrupulous villain, he has always been kind to two people in his life.

One is his own son Ouyang Ke, and the other is Yang Guo, his crazy godson who doesn't dislike him.

When I reversed the scriptures of Nine Yins back then, I suffered from insanity. When I taught Yang Guo Ha Toad Kungfu, I tapped Xiao Longnv's acupoints, which resulted in my virginity being taken away...

Even now, Ouyang Feng has regained his sanity due to his magic skills, and he still feels that the only ones in the world who are sorry are Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv.

So even though he is already a master at the ceiling level, he still has no courage to meet Yang Guo...

Seeing that Jiang Yichen and the others refused to go with him, Ouyang Feng didn't get angry, he just asked who was Jiang Yichen's teacher?

How could Jiang Yichen not understand? Directly and aboveboard self-reported family:

"The sun is setting at the Xiaxia Gate! I once met Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv by mistake, and finally worshiped Xiaolongnv as my teacher..."

Little Overlord: Good guy, I really got into the drama...

Ouyang Feng nodded and didn't think much about it. After all, with the strength of the Condor Heroes, it is impossible to forcibly snatch Yaojiao Bikong.

"boom boom boom"

At this moment, there were bursts of roaring sounds in the distance.

When Jiang Yichen and Xiaobawang saw it, they all stayed where they were...

Dozens of flying sword masters formed a huge sword array, and they are constantly bombarding the giant python below!

The giant python also collided violently with the opponent without any hesitation!

Every time there was an impact, someone would vomit blood and fly backwards, but then other personnel would fill in the gaps in the sword array.

Both sides have played real fire, and now it's time for all to die!

Returning to Yunjian Village?

The old poison was also surprised.

At this moment, the giant python retreated to its lair while fighting, Ouyang Feng saw that it was okay?

I didn't have time to worry about Jiang Yichen and the two of them, so I directly used the best lightness kung fu passed down by the White Camel Mountain Village: I rushed to the snake's nest at a very fast speed.

When the giant python saw someone approaching its lair quickly, it immediately let out a shrill and threatening roar.

Seeing that Ouyang Feng was unmoved, the giant python chose to resist the attack of dozens of people from Guiyun Jianzhuang and arrived one step ahead of Ouyang Feng!



The giant python hit the ground fiercely, and the huge snake finally arrived before Ouyang Feng.

At this moment, it tightly surrounded the entrance of its own cave, raised its head, and stared at Ouyang Feng and the people from Guiyun Jianzhuang who rushed over.

"Hmph! Ouyang Feng! You spread information maliciously everywhere to attract these outsiders to come and die. What is your intention!"

The people of Guiyun Sword Village saw Ouyang Feng and immediately took the lead in launching an attack.

Ouyang Feng sneered and said disapprovingly:

"Maliciously spreading information? When did I maliciously spread information? Everyone is willing to fight and suffer."

"I sent a mission, and they were willing to accept it. What's wrong? Didn't I reward them for completing the mission?"

"You! You... shameless!"

"Guiyun Jianzhuang listens to the order, attack indiscriminately, and kill Ouyang Feng, the scum of the world first!"

Following the leader's order, the gorgeous swordsmanship rushed towards Ouyang Feng and the giant python.

"Hehe, do you think you are happy?"

Ouyang Feng was half squatting on the ground at this time, his hands were bent to shoulder level, and he was making a clucking sound, like a big frog doing a sumo wrestling.

This skill is purely static braking, the whole body accumulates strength and momentum, and does not spit out the rhyme. As soon as the enemy attacks, it will immediately counterattack with incomparable strength.

It is the unique skill passed down from the White Camel Villa: Toad Kung Fu!

When the sword light from Guiyun Jianzhuang came down, Ouyang Feng also instantly shot out a burst of energy!

The two sides collide with each other, and the attacks cancel each other out.

Because the top-level Peerless Xiaoyao of Guiyun Sword Village was just injured by a giant python, only three of the dozens of people who came over this time were peerless masters, and they were all in the early stages.

It's not enough to shake Ouyang Feng, a veteran peerless player.

And the giant python seemed to feel something at this moment, suddenly raised its head to the sky and screamed, and let out an extremely painful whine!

The sudden change made everyone present tense.

Afterwards, the aura of the giant python began to rise steadily, and finally even Ouyang Feng started to break out in a cold sweat.

Why did this snake suddenly become like this?


At this moment, the python is completely crazy!

He frantically hit the sword array of Guiyun Sword Village with his head, and at the same time, his tail kept sweeping across Ouyang Feng.

The moment Ouyang Feng's Ha Toad Kung Fu touched the snake's tail, he was knocked into the air by dozens of feet!

Obviously, the strength of this snake is beyond the reach of human beings. If you want to win it, at least five or more top peerless masters will have hope!

And the people of Guiyun Jianzhuang were like dumplings, vomiting blood and flying out after being hit by a giant python.

At this time Ouyang Feng also thought of Jiang Yichen and Xiaobawang!

It is impossible for the python to go crazy for no reason. The specific reason must have something to do with Jiang Yichen!

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