There was a crisp sound of "ding".

Everyone saw that the golden snake sword of "My Lord is proud of me" was actually blocked by the man's long knife!

But obviously, after the long knife was blocked, a white spot appeared on it, and a gap that was hard to detect with the naked eye could be vaguely seen on the blade, which would definitely break after a long battle.


Scarface frowned, obviously taken aback. This knife was a weapon given by the aborigines after he just entered the game and completed a mission.

Accompanying him all the way to travel north and south to this day, he is invincible all the way. I thought that even if I lost to the Golden Snake Sword, I could barely resist, but I didn't expect to fall into a disadvantage with a simple temptation.

But the one who had the upper hand, "Ye Ao Nai Wu He" laughed loudly and kept taunting the other party.

And he said that if he gave him the "Infinite Sword Art", he could give him a sum of money and spare him from death.

Scarface sneered after hearing this, and saw him slowly inserting the knife into the scabbard, and an extremely dangerous wave emanated from his body.

The faces of many masters present became serious.

This momentum...

It seems that the strength of this scar face should not be underestimated.

Faced with the coercion, "My Lord is proud of me", also felt the aura of terror, and immediately put away the mentality of belittling the other party.

I saw that he poured his internal energy into the Golden Snake Sword, the long sword in his hand began to glow with a faint golden light, and began to hum softly.

Seeing the aura of "My Lord is proud of me", everyone present couldn't help but look up to him two points. They thought this pig-headed and pig-brained thing was useless, but they didn't expect that his strength was still remarkable.

At this time, Scarface's saber momentum also reached its peak, and everyone only heard the sound of a sharp blade being unsheathed.

With a "clang", the swords collided again.

Before everyone could react, Scarface's long knife returned to its sheath.

This is such a fast knife!

Everyone's heart trembled.

And "Ye Ao Nai Wo He" was so shaken by this knife that his blood surged continuously, and the long sword in his hand almost fell out.

It's slow to say, but in fact, the second confrontation between the two was only an instant.

After one move was over, Scarface said lightly:

"Draw your sword and chop!"

Lin Shaoyun calmed down, Ma De, it's difficult.

Unexpectedly, there is still something about this scarred face. If he doesn't play his hole cards, it will be difficult to beat him.

But now there are so many masters in the field, if they show their cards early...

Lin Shaoyun shook his head, he is not stupid, it is too early to show his cards.

The appearance he showed as a child of the cross is just what he wants to show. As the direct descendant of the Lin family, he has his own considerations of course.

On the surface of the scarred face, everything was under control, but he was already panicking in his heart.

The sword-drawing move just now is already his strongest skill, and it was also taught to him by the aborigine who gave him the sword at that time. There is only one move in this sword technique, and there is no grade.

What the aborigines told him at the time was that there was no upper limit to this knife technique, and it depended entirely on the speed and strength of the person using it.

But now Scarface would like to add that it also depends on the opponent's weapon...


The reason why he quickly returned the long knife to the scabbard just now was because he was being handsome, and more importantly, the gap on the long knife was even bigger!

If they collide again, they may be disconnected if they don't move...

Now the two of them don't want to do anything, so they snorted coldly and retreated silently.

Seeing the strength of the two, the others didn't intend to make a move, Ye Ao Nai, I He and this scarred face are not ordinary people...

There are still many opportunities in the valley. This "Infinite Swordsmanship" should be just an appetizer, so you don't have to be persistent...

Moreover, this canyon is only a small part of the Sword Tomb, and every canyon has countless opportunities, not to mention the vast space outside the canyon.

The situation at the top of the canyon is even more dangerous at this time...

I saw Mu Xiaorou and Zhang Xiaopang standing together, and both of them were obviously injured.

But the rest of the people were not feeling well either, and not everyone on the mountain was more or less intact.

Just now, Mu Xiaorou had a fight with a foolish, smirking man holding a huge pair of hammers. She never expected that her Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, which had always been invincible, would meet her opponent.

This hammer can be about 1.5 meters high, and the diameter of the hammer head is estimated to be half a meter smaller, but this man dances vigorously.

No one can see that this silly man's small body can contain such a great power. Facing his Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, he doesn't dodge or evade, and is directly tough!

The two sides had just fought directly for dozens of rounds, and the fight was evenly matched, making it hard to tell the winner.

But there are also reasons why Mu Xiaorou has to be distracted by taking care of Zhang Xiaopang at the moment, and she is still in a weak state.

If it was normal, I should be able to stabilize this double-hammer man.

Sensing Mu Xiaorou's gaze, the man with the double hammer showed his trademark smirk again...

None of the people on the top of the mountain dared to underestimate this foolish boy with a silly smile. Just now, this dude sent away dozens of people one by one. If Mu Xiaorou didn't stop him, they would all have to be carried away.

There is more space above the mountain, Mu Xiaorou's side is just one of the small battlefields, and there are more places where the aborigines fight with aborigines, as well as aborigines and players.

Feeling that he has almost recovered, Hammer Man raised the hammer with one hand, and ticked Mu Xiaorou with the other, full of provocation.

Where did Mu Xiaorou experience this kind of grievance?

The image of a lady can no longer be maintained!

Mu Xiaorou: (▼dish▼)

"You're a special grandma, let me give you the ability! Are you baring your big teeth and laughing like hell?!"

"Let's see if grandma can take pictures of your menstrual disorders and cervical erosion today!"

d(?д??)(?Д?)Σ(っ °Д °;)っ(=?Д?=)

After Mu Xiaorou spouted her words, not to mention Hammer Man, even the onlookers were stunned...

What kind of word for tiger and wolf is this stepping on a horse? !

As for Hammer Man, as the object of insult, everyone's eyes on him changed...

Hammer Man couldn't laugh at this time either, his face flushed red from anger or shame, he wanted to say something but couldn't, he jumped up in anger.

Mu Xiaorou didn't care about him, and when he was in a state of unrest, she rushed forward with a move called Long Zhan Yuye.

The man yelled: Well done! Eat my drum and urn with a golden hammer!

! ! ! !

I see!

Mu Xiaorou didn't know what this silly boy was shouting about, but everyone else knew.

Invincible Golden Hammer Li Yuanba's Hammering Technique!

No wonder he can go head-to-head with the Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon, so it makes sense.



In this confrontation, Mu Xiaorou actually vomited blood and flew back backwards.

There's no way, Xiaorou is already in a weak state, her combat strength has been halved, and there is almost no way to recover. The two have already fought a battle just now.

Hammer Man in a normal state recovered very quickly, but Mu Xiaorou just made things worse, plus he was injured just now, causing his current state to decrease rather than increase...

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