
Effects: When enabled, your normal attacks cost mana and carry heavy damage, reducing the target’s healing effect by 50%.

Seeing the above skill description, Dongfang Yixian was also very happy, but he didn’t expect that there was actually a skill of serious injury in this treasure chest.

You know, in role-playing games, whether it is player vs. wild monsters or players vs. players, drugs are indispensable, and even in the player team, there are mages who specialize in nannies to provide a lot of life recovery for the team.

Once the two teams of players get into battle and suffer heavy losses, in the case of similar strength, the team with a nanny will undoubtedly have the last laugh, which shows the importance of the nanny in the team.

However, it is such an important nanny who has a debuff of Tianke, seriously injured!

“Good! It’s up to you! After suppressing the excitement in his heart, Dongfang Yixian did not hesitate to adjust the probability to 100%.

Subsequently, he also took out the mission prop [Treasure Chest Key] from his backpack and opened it.

“Dingdong, congratulations on opening the treasure chest and obtaining the special skill [Executioner].”

“Dingdong, congratulations to the player [Oriental Duxian] for completing the treasure hunting series of tasks, rewarding 1000 experience and 3000 reputation.”

“Haha, sure enough, this trip didn’t come in vain!” After nodding in satisfaction, Dongfang Yixian was about to turn around, but found that there was actually a hole on the opposite side leading to a deeper place.

Although the treasure hunt mission has been completed, it seems that this cave map has not yet been explored, could it be that there are more powerful monsters here?

In this regard, Dongfang Yixian also skimmed a trace of speculation in his heart, if that was the case, maybe he could get other unexpected rewards.

“Hehe, go check it out.” With such thoughts, Dongfang Yixian also dismissed the idea of going back, and walked directly towards the opposite cave entrance.

It took about ten minutes to travel, during which Dongfang Yixian also encountered some wild giant scorpions, but because of the scorpion powder, these wild giant scorpions did not attack him, but obediently gave way to the road.

Therefore, Oriental Yixian did not spend much effort to come to the deepest part of the cave, and with the space becoming more and more spacious, Oriental Yixian came to a huge cave world.

On the high roof of the cave, countless inverted stalactites were like spears, embedded in the rough stone walls of the ravine, and after a little rounding, Dongfang Yixian looked at the small hillside in front of him that looked like an altar.

Although it is a small hillside, its shape is not at all natural, like artificial carving, the soil slope is generally diamond-shaped, there is a circle of ditches containing groundwater around it, and at the four corners of the soil slope, there are stone stairs that go upwards and connect to the highest part of the soil slope.

On the stone walls around the altar, there are also some ancient patterns carved, all kinds of signs indicate that this is not an ordinary place.

Looking down the stone staircase to the top of the dirt slope, Dongfang Yixian found that there was a baby-sized egg there.

“What’s that?” Seeing this, Dongfang Yixian also clicked on its item information.

【Pet eggs】

Item Type: One-time item

Level requirements: Level 1

Occupational restrictions: None

Description: An egg that exudes warmth, and inside it seems to be pregnant with a strange beast.

“Lying groove, it’s actually a pet egg, my God, I didn’t expect that there was actually this good thing here.” After seeing the above information, Dongfang Yixian suddenly laughed excitedly.

Sure enough, it was the right choice to leave if I didn’t leave, hehe, this egg belongs to me!

Then, Dongfang Yixian stepped forward excitedly, ready to take off the egg.

However, just as he stepped on the small dirt slope, a handful of sand and stones inexplicably fell on his shoulder from above.

How can sand fall at the end of the good end?

Seeing this, Dongfang Yixian raised his head, but he was surprised to see that above his head, a huge scorpion was hanging upside down, and a pair of blood-red eyes were looking at him fiercely at this moment.

“Ugh!” Then the giant scorpion shouted at the same time, and the entire body fell straight down like a meteorite, straight towards Dongfang Yixian.

“Groove!” Seeing this, Dongfang Yixian Gan Man retreated sharply.

“Boom!” A loud bang, accompanied by the sand and dust generated by the impact, exploded in front of Dongfang Yixian.

Then a black figure with two huge red dots emerged from here, blocking the path of Dongfang Yixian.

Name: Wilderness Scorpion King (Elite Wild Monster).

Level: 9

Attack: 350-400

Defense: 250-260

Magic resistance: 120-130

Blood volume: 5000


[Ring Tail Thorn]: The tail thorn of the Wilderness Giant Scorpion King is flower-shaped and has multiple tail thorns, while stabbing the target and applying queen scorpion poison to it, there is a 90% chance that it will bind the target with a barb to make it unable to move, and there is a 10% chance that it will fall into the ground due to too hard hitting the air, and it will not be able to move within 10 seconds.

[Eating]: By eating, 3% of the maximum life is restored every 5 seconds, and the annular tail spine does not cool down during eating.

Description: The spouse of the Wilderness Giant Scorpion Queen, a murderous desert underground ruler, has more strength and special tail spines than the Wilderness Giant Scorpion Queen.

Looking at the Wilderness Giant Scorpion King in front of him, Dongfang Yixian also twisted his neck slightly.

It turns out that this egg also has bodyguards.

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