When he came to Jiang's house, several servants looked at him with obvious admiration.

It was so easy for him to kill the zombie just now.

"Xiao Tang, thanks to you just now."

As soon as Tang Feng arrived, Jiang Guoping immediately got up and asked him to sit down.

"Uncle, as long as you are fine."

Tang Feng said hurriedly.

"How's it going?"

Jiang Xue asked.

Tang Feng thought for a while and said, "There are still a few monsters around, which were taken care of by others."

"Those monsters are so terrifying, can they all beat them?"

"Yeah, it's terrible, my legs are weak."

Inside the house, several servants were busy talking.

"Monsters are strong and weak. The one you saw is relatively strong, and the ones they kill will be relatively weaker." Tang Feng explained.

Only then did everyone suddenly realize.

If they are all as strong as zombies, it is estimated that not many people can beat them.

"Brother, look quickly."

Tang Yu handed over the phone.

Above is a video of a monster.

This monster is not too strong, it should be just an ordinary two-level monster.

Most people can kill with a weapon and a little courage.

But when faced with the sudden appearance of monsters, everyone can only panic.

This monster killed several people and was finally killed by two shots!

The next short video is also about shooting monsters!

I read more than ten posts in a row, all of which were related to monsters!

This time the momentum was obviously much bigger, and many people died at the hands of monsters.

"Damn it, why are there so many monsters? I thought it was fake!"

"I didn't believe it at first, but I got so many at once, I believe it!"

"It's terrible. Fortunately, I was lucky, and there were no monsters around me!"

"Is the end of the world coming!"

"Don't be afraid, everyone. The monsters are not that scary. I hacked two of them to death with an ax!"


"Haha, I brought out the weapons in the game and killed one too. It's too simple!"

"Hey, I don't have anything, so I feel that the speed has become a little faster. That monster can't run as fast as me!"


The internet is full of comments from everyone.

It can be seen from the inside that the appearance of monsters is irregular.

And most of them are just ordinary monsters.

Most people can handle it.

Moreover, under the pressure of life and death, many players awakened their skills, or summoned the equipment in the game!

Soon, major countries and Miracle Group issued a joint statement.

The main thing is to let everyone not panic!

The appearance of monsters is not serious, everything is within controllable range!

I appeal to everyone not to go out if there is nothing to do, and to close the doors and windows.

When encountering a monster, run first, and then contact the military.

The major military regions have also started to take action, hunting and killing those monsters everywhere.

As for why the monsters appeared and the rules of their appearance, they are still under investigation!

Now, everyone is panicking!

Of course, many people were panicked with a hint of excitement!

Suddenly, a phone call came in.

Tang Feng quickly answered.

"Son, how are you? I see a lot of monsters on the Internet. Are you and Xiao Yu okay?"

Zhou Pei's voice on the other end of the phone was flustered.

"Mom, we're fine, how are you doing?"

Tang Feng said hurriedly.

"We're fine, your dad said, this monster didn't come to us because he thought our poor meat was not tasty, and now we're living at your uncle's house."

Zhou Pei said.

"Mom, be careful, don't go out if you have nothing to do!" Tang Yu cared.

"Don't worry, we're fine, the key is that you take care of yourselves!" Zhou Pei and Tang Wencheng were both worried about their children.

"Dad, Mom, I'm going to pick you up now!"

Tang Feng said suddenly.

Before that, he was still very weak.

Even if you know that there is a high probability that monsters will come, so what?

Nothing can stop him.

Can't protect anything.

What can be done is to become stronger quickly!

These days, besides eating, he is playing games.

Simply, God pays off.

His strength has grown tremendously!

Now he has the confidence to protect his family!

"No, it's too dangerous, we'd better wait until those monsters are eliminated before going out!" Zhou Pei and Tang Wencheng said hastily.

"Dad, Mom, don't worry, just wait for me."

Tang Feng didn't dare to let the two of them come to Jianghai City by themselves at this moment.

After hanging up the phone, he was ready to go.

"I'll go as well."

Jiang Xue and Tang Yu said at the same time.

"No, you two stay here, I will come back when I receive my parents..."

Tang Feng said.

"Xue'er, Xiaotang is right, it's useless for you to follow, and parents also need your protection."

Jiang Guoping said hurriedly.

Jiang Xue hesitated after hearing this.

Tang Feng pulled Jiang Xue aside and said, "Don't worry about me, you know my strength."

In the end Jiang Xue was persuaded and chose to stay at home.

Tang Yu also stayed at Jiang's house.

"I'll prepare a vehicle for you."

Jiang Guoping said.

"Thank you Uncle."

Tang Feng nodded.

Soon, Jiang Guoping made several phone calls.

He has already hired bodyguards to guard the place.

The entire river scenic area is basically full of rich people.

Together, these people are absolutely powerful!

Not long after, Tang Feng set off.

Originally, he planned to drive there by himself, but Jiang Guoping assigned him a driver.

He didn't refuse either.

Not long after he left, Lei Gang also called.

"Tang Feng, have you encountered any monsters!" Lei Gang asked.

"Killed two." Tang Feng said.

"You are still awesome! There are a lot of monsters now, what should we do? No one can guarantee that there will be more monsters in the future!"

Lei Gang was a little overwhelmed.

"Let's gather people in Jianghai City first! If more monsters appear in the future, the defenses will definitely be reduced, and the big cities will be safer!"

Tang Feng said.

There are a lot of people in big cities, and there are enough military forces. If monsters appear on a large scale, they can probably be defended.

"I have some money here, you can use it to buy some real estate, and use it to house people in the guild. In addition, you can log in to the game, sell some gold coins, and try to gather people together. Of course, the focus is on those players with good strength! Contact more! "

Tang Feng said.

"I see, free hands and loneliness are not wrong. I have the contact information, contact them now."

Lei Gang hurriedly said.

Tang Feng had long planned to gather everyone together.

I just wanted to go step by step before, but now monsters appear.

It is bound to promote the development of these things.

The members of the guild gathered together for the sake of the future.

However, this matter is not simple.

After all, these people come from all over the world in the game, and being able to gather together in the game does not mean that they can also be in reality.

All these require Lei Gang to contact and screen!

The Destiny Guild will also usher in a wave of reshuffle!

Tang Feng sat in the car, looking out the window.

There are fewer vehicles and pedestrians on the road!

Most people are scared.

There are probably thousands of monsters that appear in the country today!

Some cities have more than ten cases, and some cities have no monsters at all.

Generally speaking, compared with humans, the number of monsters is simply not enough!

It's just that no one knows what will happen next.

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