"Give it, I'll give it! Stop it!"

Tang Xingwu shouted.

"I wish it had been like this earlier!" The big man said, patting Tang Xingwu's face.

Tang Xingwu held his breath in his chest.

Tang Yong clenched his fist even more and was kicked by the opponent, and now his body still hurts.

Zhou Pei and Tang Wencheng looked at these people and dared not speak.

Tang Xingwu brought the big man to the study, and then opened the safe, which contained his savings for so many years.

Not even his kids know about it.

"Made, he is indeed a rich man! Keep the cash at home!" The big man laughed, greeted, and began to pack money.

Tang Xingwu felt distressed, but now he dared not resist.

"Ah, let me go!" Suddenly, a scream came from the next room.


Tang Xingwu said anxiously.

Then, Tang Lele, who was only fifteen or sixteen years old, ran out with a look of horror.

Just now she was resting in the room, but a big man ran in, which scared her into a panic.

"What are you doing! Poisonous snake!" The big man in the head frowned.

"Boss, this girl is watery, white and tender, much more comfortable than these two old women, I couldn't hold back for a while." The poisonous snake laughed.

Zhou Pei and Tang Xingwu's wife Li Min were so angry that their teeth itched.

"Bastard, let go of my sister!" Tang Yong roared angrily.

"Go to hell!"

The poisonous snake went up and punched Tang Yong twice, and blood was dripping immediately.

"Hurry up!" The leader waved his hand.

"Don't worry, boss, wait for me for two minutes!"

The poisonous snake hurriedly said.

Tang Lele was so frightened that her face turned pale. She was spoiled at home since she was a child.

Did not expect to encounter such a thing.

Tang Yong wanted to resist, but was subdued and couldn't move.

The same is true for Tang Xingwu.

Tang Wencheng's chest kept heaving and he wanted to help, but the other party pointed a gun at them.

If you dare to move, you will die immediately!

"How to do how to do!"

Everyone was anxious like ants on a hot pan.

"You guys better be honest, we only want money, but we have to dare to resist, I don't mind killing a few more!" the leader boss said in a loud voice.

As he spoke, he kicked Tang Xingwu.

Watching the poisonous snake drag Tang Lele into the room, everyone burst into tears.


Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar scenery around him, Tang Feng was quite emotional.

The car quickly drove into Lijiang Garden.

When he was a child, he was often brought over by his parents to play. From his current angle, he could just see the uncle's house.

Tang Feng looked sideways and saw a scene that made him angry.

Tang Lele was pinched around the neck by a big man with one hand, her petite body was like a chicken in front of him.

"Space Jump!"

Tang Feng didn't have time to think about it, he used the space jump from the car, and came directly to Tang Lele's side.

The poisonous snake looked at the person who appeared suddenly, and was taken aback for a moment.

He was stunned, but Tang Feng was not.

"Little Fireball!"

A fireball smashed away.

With a bang, the poisonous snake was instantly killed.

"Wuuu, second brother."

Tang Lele was terrified, and threw herself into Tang Feng's arms, crying like pear blossoms with rain.

Tang Feng Mie often came to the uncle's house to play. Tang Lele called Tang Yong his elder brother and called him his second brother.

"what happened?"

When the poisonous snake was killed, it made a huge noise, and another big man also rushed in. Seeing Tang Feng, a stranger, he immediately became vigilant.

"Little Fireball!"


The fireball was very fast, killing one person again!

In the living room, no one knew what happened.

The remaining four big men became careful.

And Tang Yong also took the opportunity to resist successfully and broke away from the opponent.

"Looking for death!" The big man was about to kill Tang Yong immediately.

But at this time Tang Feng stepped forward and appeared in front of everyone.

"Xiaofeng!" Tang Wencheng and Zhou Pei exclaimed.

They never expected Tang Feng to appear in such a way.

"Kill him!" the big man in the head said immediately.

Then several people prepare to pull the trigger.


Tang Feng had a sullen face, and immediately gathered ice elements to activate the freezing technique.

The remaining four people were instantly frozen, and the high damage directly killed the four of them.

At this point, the Tang family's crisis has also been resolved.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

"Lele, Lele, are you okay!"

Li Min anxiously stepped forward and found Tang Lele.

Fortunately, Tang Lele suffered no other injuries except for a mark on his neck.

It's just that she is still a little scared now.

She is a flower in the greenhouse on weekdays, where has she ever experienced such a thing.

Not only her, but so many people in the room have never experienced it.

"Xiaofeng, how did you come in?" Tang Xingwu asked curiously.

Tang Feng smiled lightly, and then used a space jump in front of everyone.

They were stunned.

Tang Yong was even more envious.

He knows that many people have awakened the skills and equipment in the game.

It's a pity that he seems a little dull, and he hasn't awakened yet.

But when he resisted just now, he felt that his strength had grown a lot.

And this power has not dissipated yet.

Soon, everyone questioned Tang Feng.

Tang Feng didn't hide anything either, and revealed a lot of things.

After learning that he was half a breeze, Tang Yong was completely dumbfounded.

He also plays games, so he naturally knows the name Banzhan Qingfeng, this is a great master!

It turned out to be his cousin!

If this is said, his classmates and friends must be envious?

Tang Lele was also very excited. Although she was relatively good at it, she was also playing this game.

It can be said that there is no young person who does not play.

Even if they are old, there are many people who are galloping in the game.

Even Tang Xingwu would play for a while when he had time.

On the contrary, his parents have no spare money and little interest, so they haven't bought a helmet yet.

"I really didn't expect that my nephew is half a breeze! Xiaofeng, why are you still hiding it from your family! It's too shameful, how many opportunities I have missed!"

Tang Xingwu joked.

"Brother, this is my son, what are you talking about!" Tang Wencheng was dissatisfied.

"Ha ha……"

Everyone roared with laughter.

The whole family enjoyed themselves.

Tang Feng briefly stated his thoughts, and wanted to bring both families to Jianghai City.

Anyway, his villa is more than enough to accommodate so many people.

Tang Xingwu's family was very hesitant. This was the place where they had lived for half their life, so they were naturally reluctant to leave like this.

In fact, before Tang Feng came, Tang Wencheng also intentionally asked Tang Xingwu's family to go with him.

It's just that Tang Xingwu and others are not very willing.

But after what happened just now, they were scared.

The world has really changed!

More dangerous things will happen later.

Life should always come first!

Under Tang Lele's strong request, Tang Xingwu finally agreed to move out.

Fortunately, their family doesn't have any big property. The most valuable thing is this house, which is over one million!

Of course, Tang Xingwu had a lot of cash in his hands.

It's just a drizzle compared to Tang Feng's daily income of several billion.

The uncle's family simply took a few things and prepared to go to Jianghai City!

After resting for a while, everyone set off immediately.

On the way back, they didn't encounter any difficulties. They switched cars and arrived in Jianghai City soon.

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