"Auntie, what did my cousin say?"

Zhu family, Zhu Shou pulled Zhu Yan and asked hurriedly.

These days, he wanted to kill Tang Feng more than once.

But seeing the opponent's strength, he was afraid.

It's up to the Ye family!

After Zhu Yan made the phone call, her expression was a little unsightly.

Her precious son called and said that Tang Feng was not easy to deal with.

Moreover, the Zhu family was also responsible for Zhu Zhen's death.

At any critical moment for the Ye family, dealing with Tang Feng is not worth the loss.

Let her be patient.

In a word, the Ye family is not going to get involved in this matter.

This made Zhu Yan very angry.

But he dared not speak harshly to his son.

After all, she will have to rely on her son to live a good life in the future.

This child has not been by her side since she was a child, how can she show her mother's spectrum.

She simply called Ye Tai, but the other party never answered.

"Shou'er, just wait a little longer, aunt will definitely kill that bastard for you."

Zhu Yan scolded.

"Still waiting? How long has it been? Auntie, killing a brat with no background is just a matter of one sentence! What is my cousin worried about!"

Zhu Shou couldn't help but said.

Now he also has opinions on Ye Hen.

In the game, he begged Ye Hen to deal with Banzhan Qingfeng.

The other party refused.

Said it was for what guild.

That's fine, but now, in reality, the strength of the Ye family is enough to crush Tang Feng.

I don't know what to worry about.

If he wants the influence of the Ye family, who would dare to act presumptuously in front of him?

Kill them all!

Zhu Yan was silent.

She and Zhu Shou thought the same thing, it was just that the Ye family father and son didn't care about her now.

Otherwise, it would not be a matter of minutes to clean up a brat.

"Shou'er, don't worry, your father didn't die in vain. After the investigation of those people, if that Tang Feng really killed your father, aunt will not care about anything, and she must avenge you!"

Zhu Yan comforted her.

Zhu Shou's chest kept rising and falling, and he forcibly endured it.

After Zhu Zhen's death, he suddenly became sensible and knew that there were some things that he had to endure.

Of course, understanding is only a little bit.

On the other end, two days later, Sean's injury was fully recovered.

The two also officially set foot on the road to the Dragon Canyon.

The evil dragon canyon stretches for thousands of miles, and monsters roam freely here.

And there are many people above level 50.


The two headed towards the depths of the canyon, and a colorful and evil tiger jumped out.

This is a level 60 gold boss.

In the canyon, it can be regarded as an overlord.

But in front of the two of them, it's not enough to look at!

"Little Fireball!"

-18.2 million!

Just a small fireball hit a high damage of nearly 20 million!

This colorful evil tiger has less than 30 million HP.

Two small fireballs are done!

Everything is so easy!

Tang Feng walked almost sideways in the Dragon Canyon.

Many monsters above level 50 can pose a little threat to Sean.

But in front of Tang Feng, these are not enough.

"The dragon is down there!"

Soon, Sean pointed to the valley road below.

The trees in the valley are lush and green. From a distance, a huge hole can be seen.

That's the entrance to the dragon's lair!


Sean jumped down.

Sitting on the phoenix, Tang Feng also descended rapidly.

The two soon arrived at the dragon's lair.

Tang Feng could clearly feel the strong sense of oppression inside.


Sean's face was heavy, the pressure of the dragon was very heavy on him.

Even if it hasn't appeared yet, it has already made him short of breath.

On the contrary, the phoenix was very excited.

Its chirping sound seems to be provoking the dragon!

Inside the dragon's lair, it was extremely dark, but the further back, the brighter it became.

It is full of shiny gems.

And behind the lair, there is another world.

Here is a huge lake.

White air is floating on the lake, and hundreds of graceful women are playing in the water.

With these water vapors, it really feels like a fairyland on earth.

There is also a fruit forest beside the lake.

Many women are picking fruit.

These women all have one characteristic, that is, they are pretty and have a good figure.

"Qianmeng, you said you have been here for several years, and you are sad all day long. What's wrong here? It's our honor to be able to serve Lord Heilong. Look at how happy we are with so many sisters. No Lord Black Dragon, there is no happiness for us."

A somewhat mature-looking woman beside Qianmeng persuaded her earnestly.

She knew that this woman had been here for decades.

But she looks only in her thirties, and her age has long been fixed in the most feminine time period.

This is the glory bestowed upon them by the Black Dragon.

The women who come here don't need to do anything, the water in the lake can moisturize their skin.

The fruit in the forest can improve their physique.

For most women, this is paradise on earth.

Although these women were captured, after a long time, they became completely obsessed with this place.

"Sister Shanshan, I miss my family and... friends." Qian Meng murmured.

"Don't think about it, it's useless to think about it, Lord Black Dragon will not let you go, and think about it, after decades, everyone will be old, but you are still young and beautiful, what's wrong with that? "

Shanshan continued to comfort her.

Qian Meng sighed and looked at the evil dragon not far away.

People outside call it a dragon.

But here, everyone calls him Lord Black Dragon.

Dressed in black scale armor, he looked solemn and majestic.

It lies in front of the cave, like a high mountain.

One of its eyeballs is much bigger than these human women.

The black dragon kept turning its eyeballs, staring at the woman in the lake.

Looking at these beauties will satisfy his boring heart.


Suddenly, the black dragon roared.

The women stopped what they were doing one after another, and they gathered together to perform for the black dragon.

Shanshan pulls Qianmeng and wants her to perform one too.

But Qianmeng was very conflicted.

Soon, the black dragon's eyes fixed on her.

Qianmeng felt his whole body trembling.

The black dragon did not harm them.

But the fear of such a behemoth is innate.

"Hurry up, Lord Black Dragon is going to be angry!" Shanshan pulled Qianmeng.

Qian Meng gritted her teeth and refused to give in. She is the princess of the Xuanling Empire, so she can't be so useless!


Suddenly, a clear and crisp cry came through the cave and arrived here.

Everyone could clearly hear the chirping sound.

Hearing this voice, the black dragon's body that hadn't moved for a long time suddenly moved!

He has a long neck, and his strong and powerful limbs are gradually erected.

The tail, like an iron whip, slapped the ground, and there was a feeling of an earthquake immediately.

"Master Black Dragon, what's wrong?"

"I feel that Lord Black Dragon is angry!"

"Is that the voice just now?"

"There must be a monster to provoke Lord Black Dragon!"

"Even Master Black Dragon dares to provoke, it's simply too much life."

The women talked a lot.


The black dragon turned around, roared towards the entrance of the cave, and then rose from the ground.

He could feel that the owner of that cry was a phoenix!

As a legendary creature, he can gain great benefits by eating the phoenix!

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