The arrival of Sean gave many people hope.

Especially Qian Meng, who stared at him blankly, tears streaming down his face.


Shanshan looked at the barrier she had set up being broken, and her face was completely down.

Seeing this, Sean rushed forward with a stride, holding Qianmeng firmly behind him.

"Sisters, kill this man!"

Shanshan said angrily.

Soon, many women began to condense their magic.

Many of them are magicians, especially under the nourishment of this treasure land, even if they are ordinary, their strength has increased a lot.


Qianmeng roared loudly.

But Shanshan didn't care.

The sword energy in Sean's body burst out, forming a shield of sword energy to protect the two of them.


Sean pulled Qianmeng and said.

Many women also took the opportunity to slip away.

"Stop them!" Shanshan yelled.

Soon, dozens of spells came towards several people.

There are fireballs, vines, and ice spikes.

Sean turned his head and swept across with his sword, dispelling the magic.

Only Shanshan can compete with him in his strength.

However, the opponent has a large number of people, and he can't fight hard.

They can only evacuate with Qianmeng.

"Catch up!"

Shanshan gave an order.

A few desperate women really rushed up.

Sean's eyes flashed, no one can stop him!

Soon, the two sides just came and went, deadlocked.

Suddenly, there was a cry, and a fiery red figure followed.

And there was a boy in a black robe standing on it.

It was Phoenix and Tang Feng!

"Who are you, Lord Black Dragon!"

Shanshan had a bad premonition in her heart.


Tang Feng said lightly.

"Dead? Impossible! You lied to me, Master Black Dragon is invincible, how could you die! How can you kill Master Black Dragon, a humble human being!"

Shanshan said angrily.

"Lowly human? I think you are stunned!"

Tang Feng chuckled lightly.

"Go to hell!"

Shanshan yelled.

Two black vines were drawn towards Tang Feng!


The phoenix circled around, easily dodged, and then spit out lightly.

The flames in the sky burned Shanshan to ashes.

Before even a scream could be heard, it disappeared completely.

Everyone around was terrified.

Not a class at all!

"This... this is."

Seeing this scene, Qianmeng muttered.

"Princess, glory of his empire! Dragon-slaying warrior!"

There was a gleam in Sean's eyes.

Banzhan Qingfeng really killed the dragon!

This evil dragon has occupied the passage between the two countries for thousands of years.

During this period, I don't know how many people died in its hands.

The two empires once sent troops to kill it.

But this legendary creature is not that simple.

Combined, the seven masters of the two empires are no match for each other!

In the end, he could only end up with hatred and let the other party be arrogant for so long.

Shanshan was killed, and all the women and girls had no leader. For a while, no one dared to speak out.

Seeing this, Tang Feng sneered and ignored it.

But he saw that the fruits and lake water here are very good.

This should be a gem.


The phoenix flew to the woods with Tang Feng, randomly picked a red fruit, and put it in its mouth.

Experience directly increased by two hundred.

"These fruits can actually increase experience!"

Tang Feng was quite satisfied.

Of course, the fruit of gaining experience is of little use to him now.

But it is very useful for guild members.

Moreover, after the tree is well preserved, it will continue to bear fruit.

Equivalent to experience base.

Tang Feng quickly notified the members of the guild, and the location was also marked.

It will be another base for them in the future!

As for these npcs, drive them all away!

"Red Flame!"

Tang Feng said.


The phoenix chirped, exuding the might of its own legendary creature.

The NPCs were so shocked that they wanted to escape.

Then a large number of flames pressed towards them.

Everyone had no choice but to escape.

After these people left, the flame naturally disappeared without a trace.

"Hold here, and no one else is allowed to enter."

Tang Feng said.

He needs to let the guild members take over the place.


The phoenix kept circling, and it was agreed.

And Tang Feng and Sean rendezvous.

After Sean rescued the guild, he was going back to the imperial city.

At the same time, tell His Majesty about the evil deeds of the Xinghui Empire, and he must seek justice for the princess.

Naturally, Tang Feng also wanted to go.

"Qingfeng, thanks to you this time, His Majesty has always been generous and will definitely not treat you badly!"

Sean said.

Tang Feng was modest, but rewarding him is still essential.

The three set off all the way, heading towards the empire.

After several teleportations, Tang Feng also set foot in the imperial city of Xuanling Empire for the first time.

The majesty of the imperial city is naturally not comparable to that of the main city.

The average level of npc in the city is at least level 30.

There are many more people above level 50.

Currently, he is the only player in the entire imperial city!

This is equivalent to the area after level 50.

Following the footsteps of the two, they soon came to the front of the palace.

Sean and Qianmeng immediately revealed their identities.

The guards were astonished and hurriedly informed, and then the three of them were also welcomed to the palace.

Along the way, many people pointed and pointed.

Finally, the three met Qianxing Sword, His Majesty of the Xuanling Empire.

The opponent wears the sword of the emperor on his waist, and the crown is gorgeous and noble.

The whole person looks quite majestic.

But after seeing Qianmeng, Qianxingjian burst into tears.

"My son is suffering, come and tell my father what happened."

Qianxingjian walked towards Qianmeng in a few steps.

"Father, I..."

With tears in his eyes, Qianmeng recounted what happened to him.

The Xinghui Empire's proposal to marry her is just a pretense, the purpose is to dedicate her to the black dragon in exchange for a large amount of dragon fruit.

These fruits can enhance strength, and the Starlight Empire coveted them for a long time.

Unfortunately, this place is occupied by the black dragon.

There is a follow-up plan.

It was originally a peace between the two countries, but I didn't expect the Starlight Empire to have wolfish ambitions.

Qian Xingjian and all the officials were furious when they heard the words.

The princess can be regarded as the face of a country, how could the Xuanling Empire endure such humiliation.

After some discussion, the ministers agreed to use troops against the Xinghui Empire.

However, the largest junction between the two countries is the Dragon Canyon.

Fighting in other places, the battle line is too long.

In short, the Xinghui Empire is not easy to deal with.

Soon, Sean said: "Your Majesty, the evil dragon has been beheaded by this Qingfeng warrior. I can go straight in and seek justice for the princess!"

"What? The dragon is dead?"

"This is not a joke!"

"This young man actually killed the dragon?"

Everyone was shocked, and the way they looked at Tang Feng changed.

The strongest in the empire is only at the seventh rank.

And as the seventh-tier legendary boss, Black Dragon is not in vain in the face of these seventh-tier professionals.

Together, these people can't hurt him at all!

And Tang Feng beheaded the black dragon, which really shocked them.

Everyone was discussing frantically, and finally Qian Xingjian also gave an order to send troops to conquer the Xinghui Empire.

At the same time, players also receive system messages.

The national war begins!

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