For three whole days, Tang Feng was doing things for the guild.

Three days later, the national war officially began.

The imperial army has set off.

Players who want to participate in the national war only need to go to the Dragon Canyon.

Many players are already ready to go.

The major guilds also appeared one after another.

Tang Feng's Fate Guild was naturally not far behind.

A large number of players went to Dragon Canyon.

After coming to the Dragon Canyon, I encountered other monsters before I saw the hostile players.

The level of monsters here is not low.

All have at least level 30.

The national war is basically recommended for players above level 30 to participate.

But at present, there are still a small number of players above level 30.

Most of them only have more than twenty levels.

Level 30 or above is considered an elite.

Tang Feng is still the first 66-level fault.

Others want a second turn, at least a month later.

Moreover, this is still the case when the national war has started and experience acquisition has become easier.

After Tang Feng reaches level 66, there is basically no place for him to upgrade!

In the entire empire, the strongest is only level seven, which is equivalent to more than seventy levels.

There are also a lot fewer monsters at the seventh level!

Tang Feng is also trying to find a way to open more advanced maps.

However, there seems to be no way to trigger various tasks.

He can only follow to the battlefield, if he can kill some hostile generals, he can also gain a lot of experience.

When the players first arrived at the Dragon Canyon, they were full of enthusiasm and began to explore slowly.

The range of the evil dragon canyon is quite large.

Enough for players to gallop.

Three days passed, and no one saw hostile players.

Basically their own people are spawning monsters.

Soon, the large force of NPC finally arrived.

And Tang Feng was also invited over by Generalissimo Leng Hua.

In the big tent, there are many people in armor sitting.

These people are very strong, at least they are all above level 50.

And Leng Hua has level 75!

Among the crowd, he can be regarded as a top powerhouse.

"General Qingfeng!"

Seeing Tang Feng coming, Leng Hua nodded.

Tang Feng wears the highest medal of the empire, and there is nothing wrong with calling him a general in the big tent.

Everyone also greeted one by one.

"We have received news that the Xinghui Empire has sent some strong men to bypass the Dragon Canyon and give us a heavy blow. Now we have learned of their teleportation location, and we are going to wipe them all out..."

Soon, Leng Hua briefly explained the task.

Probably, a group of people from the Xinghui Empire will arrive here through a temporary teleportation array.

And Tang Feng's task is to finish killing these people after they arrive.

"Generalissimo, please rest assured!"

Tang Feng patted his chest.

Along with Tang Feng this time is Sean.

The matter between Sean and the princess has been approved by Qianxingjian.

But if he wants to marry the princess, Sean has to make some contributions.

This time, he was also a general accompanying him.

"Congratulations in advance to Big Brother Sean, you are a beautiful woman."

Tang Feng laughed.

"Good boy, this time is thanks to you!"

Sean laughed.

Then they took Tang Feng to drink together.

In the past two years, he was addicted to alcohol, and he had to drink two glasses wherever he went.

Tang Feng did not refuse, and the two drank happily.

The next day, a seven-member team officially set off!

Three hundred kilometers away from the Dragon Canyon, there is a small lake.

Around the lake is where the Xinghui Empire settled down.

Soon, there was a wave of teleportation, and four or five people came out of the teleportation array.

All of them are NPCs above level 50.

"Do it!"

One of them shouted, taking the lead, a sword light pierced the sky, and slashed towards the teleportation array.

Just when everyone thought they were going to succeed, the teleportation array in front of them disappeared without a trace.

"not good!"

Everyone is in shock.


Tang Feng murmured.

Even he was hit, which shows how strong the enemy is.

Mesmer is also a rare class, quite rare.

Through illusions, he can easily kill enemies stronger than himself.

"It's a scam!"

Sean gritted his teeth.

Needless to say, everyone understood.

The information obtained by Xuanling Empire must be fake news from Xinghui Empire.

"hehe, not bad!"

Suddenly, the surrounding scenery changed, and there were no forests and lakes there.

They are in the desert.

Obviously, from the very beginning, the direction of the few people was reversed.

There are ten people in Starlight Empire!

Four fifth-level, five sixth-level, and the last one, a level 71 illusionist!


Everyone in Xuanling Empire exclaimed when they saw the person coming.

"This Styx is a strong man who has been famous for many years. Although he has just entered the seventh level, his strength is extraordinary. Even the teacher thinks that he is no match for him!"

Sean whispered.

Tang Feng nodded slightly, a seventh-level professional is naturally strong!

"Do it!"

Styx looks like a gentle young master Pianpian, but his voice is cold and piercing.


Everyone in the Starlight Empire rushed up in an instant.

Everyone in the Xuanling Empire was clearly no match.

In particular, there is a seventh-level illusionist in charge!

When Tang Feng was about to make a move, Styx's voice sounded in his mind.

"Boy, I'm here for you!"

Its voice seems to pierce the soul.

Tang Feng looked at each other squarely without any waves.

Styx is not so mysterious, everything is caused by illusions!

As long as he is not deceived, it will not be difficult to deal with!

Of course, in front of a powerful illusionist, how not to be deceived is a difficult point.

"Magic Shield!"

Tang Feng immediately added a shield to himself.

With his high magic attack bonus, the shield value reached more than 130 million!


Tang Feng felt that the sand under his feet had loosened, and there was a huge monster wriggling in the ground.


Suddenly, a strange cry sounded.

Without thinking too much, Tang Feng spread his golden wings and flew into the sky.


Looking down, a huge bug emerged from the sand.

Its length is hundreds of meters.

When he opened his mouth wide, the densely packed teeth made his scalp tingle.

[Desert Giant Worm (King Boss)]

Level: 70

Lives: 10 billion

? ? ?

A king-level boss at level 70, this is quite powerful!

"Little Fireball!"

-288 million!

"This is not an illusion!"

Tang Feng frowned slightly.

He has no illusion-breaking skills and can only rely on his own judgment.

"Sword of Thunder Death!"

Tang Feng did not hesitate, and the Thunder Death Sword made a move!

-15.3 billion!

The crown floats ten times the damage!

Caused a terrifying output of more than 10 billion!

The giant desert worm was instantly killed.

It's just that Tang Feng didn't care.

Because he didn't receive any messages from the system at all.

The opponent's illusion is quite real!

"hehe, not bad!"

Styx was standing in front of Tang Feng, but his voice came from all directions.

"Little Fireball!"

Tang Feng threw a fireball over.

The Styx in front of him disappeared instantly.

Of course he can guess that this is fake, but in this case, don't be careless.

As long as he kills all the things transformed by the opponent!

The other party can't do anything to him!

Over time, we can always find flaws!

"Have fun!"

The voice of Styx appeared again.

Soon, there were rustling sounds in Tang Feng's ears.

Dozens of giant desert worms came at the same time!

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