"I don't know how to live or die, kill him for me!"

Zhu Shou let out angrily.

bang bang!

Two shots were fired, both aimed at Tang Feng's leg.

"Magic Shield!"

Even in the face of guns, Tang Feng remained calm.

The mental power is condensed to prop up a magic shield.

Immediately, a golden shield of light enveloped his entire body.

The bullet hit the shield, causing ripples, and then fell to the ground in an instant.

Can't touch Tang Feng at all.

"This guy! How many skills did you bring back!" Zhu Shou wished he could skin Tang Feng.

"Continue, I want to see how long his shield can last!"

Zhu Shou roared.

bang bang bang!

Several shots fired one after another, all heading towards Tang Feng.

Unfortunately, these bullets couldn't do anything to Tang Feng at all.

Tang Feng walked straight towards Zhu Shou.

Zhu Shou was already a little scared at the moment.

He didn't expect Tang Feng to be so powerful, and the drug didn't work.

"Quick! Quick!"

Zhu Shou backed away while roaring.

Zhang Xian beside him took a deep breath, pulled out a gun, and shot Tang Feng.

Tang Feng sneered, and then ten black flames rose around his body.


Under Tang Feng's control, the flame was very fast, hitting eight people in an instant.


Everyone yelled in pain.

The Bone Erosion Demonic Flame made them feel a piercing pain.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xian was so frightened that his legs went limp.

"Mr. Tang, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding, he asked me to do it all..."

Zhang Xian knelt down with a plop.

He is begging Tang Feng's forgiveness.

However, Tang Feng didn't bother to pay attention to him, and a black flame flew towards him.

"No! Go away!"

Zhang Xian shot the flames with bullets.

Unfortunately, in vain.

The Bone Erosion Demon Flame hit Zhang Xian, tortured him, and took his life.

So far, only Zhu Shou who ran into the car and hid was left.

Zhu Shou hurriedly started the car, trying to escape.

Suddenly, the started car suddenly turned off.

Then the clicking sound continued.

Zhu Shou sat in the car, watching himself being continuously frozen.

First, the feet couldn't move, and then the hands holding the steering wheel.

"Just give you father and son the same way of death."

Tang Feng said softly.

"You... it really is you!"

Zhu Shou was both angry and fearful at the moment.

He struggled desperately, but in vain.

Ka Ka Ka!

Soon, including the car, Zhu Shou turned into an ice sculpture.


Then, a red fireball hit it.

The ice sculpture exploded.

So far, these people have all died in battle.

Tang Feng didn't contribute much at all.

Now, his strength is completely beyond the scope of ordinary people.

With the magic shield, his safety has also been greatly improved.

Not to mention ordinary bullets, even special armor-piercing bullets would hardly hurt him!

"Unfortunately, I have to drive by myself."

Tang Feng shook his head.

A fire completely destroyed the site.

Then he drove towards Longcheng.

Along the way, most people came towards Jianghai City.

Only a few are going in the opposite direction.

Tang Feng looked up and saw a helicopter heading towards Dragon City.


Step on the accelerator and the speed soars to 120!

Five hours later, Tang Feng arrived in Dragon City.

During the journey, Lei Gang and Jiang Xue kept telling him about the situation in Dragon City.

At this time, dragon city monsters are rampant.

The army has blocked the city and sent many teams to rescue it.

Of course, there are also some good volunteers who join the team and enter Dragon City!

"Everyone must guard the line of defense and not let monsters come out!"

One officer yelled.

At this time, a team has already entered Dragon City to investigate the reason for the large-scale appearance of monsters.

After Tang Feng got off the car, he headed straight for the checkpoint.

"It's dangerous here, even if you have family members in Dragon City, please wait patiently." An officer stopped Tang Feng.

"I am an awakened one, go in and save people."

Tang Feng then said.

"Have you awakened your skills?" the officer asked.

Those who bring back game skills and equipment are now called awakeners on the Internet.

During this period, Hua Guo also made a series of actions.

However, Tang Feng has been immersed in the game or practicing skills, without paying too much attention.

Tang Feng didn't answer, red flames appeared in his hand.

Although it is not unusual to see this situation now, the strength of such an understatement in manipulating the flames can be seen.

"Yes, it's an awakener, but the monsters inside are quite powerful. It's dangerous for you to go in alone. Wait for the others. Now there are many volunteers rushing over to form a small team. It will be much safer to go in."

The officer hurriedly said.

Tang Feng frowned slightly, and was about to refuse, but there was a booming sound in the sky, and a helicopter flew over.

Soon, a team of four came out.

They didn't have guns on them, but they had a few pieces of equipment from the game.

Tang Feng saw how extraordinary these people were at a glance!

I saw an elderly officer running over.

The leading strong man handed over a certificate, and then the officer's face showed ecstasy.

The officer seemed to want the four of them to rest for a while.

But the strong man waved his hand, indicating that he would enter the city immediately.

The officer didn't dare to stop him, so he quickly let him go.

"and many more!"

Tang Feng said suddenly.

Soon, everyone turned their heads to look at Tang Feng.

"Take me one!"

Tang Feng was not hypocritical, he stepped forward and said.

"Nonsense, these officers all have important missions!" The elder officer hurriedly said.

The leading strong man glanced at Tang Feng, but said nothing.

The other three frowned.

Tang Feng didn't talk nonsense, and immediately made a small mistake.

"Don't worry, I won't cause trouble, just find a few people!"

Tang Feng said.

Looking at the fireballs floating back and forth in the air, the strong man's eyes changed obviously.

Several others also eased up.

Strength is what matters now.

"Let's go!"

The strong man nodded, agreeing to Tang Feng's joining.

Others naturally did not dare to stop them.

Soon, the five boarded a special armored vehicle.

This car is made of special metal, and its hardness is not comparable to that of ordinary cars.

Can resist the output of many monsters.

"Little guy, it looks like your strength is good, how many levels are you in the game?"

Among the four, the only woman asked.

The woman looked to be in her thirties, with her long hair neatly tied up.

Wearing a robe.

This is the equipment in the game!

"Over sixty levels."

Tang Feng did not hide it.

As soon as these words came out, several people looked at him one after another.

The woman chuckled: "Little guy, how long has it been since the game started? Are you over sixty levels? Don't make fun of my sister."

Tang Feng frowned.

I think these people are a bit weird. It's no secret that he is over sixty levels.

Those who play games basically know that the one who ranks first now is him at level 67.

Of course, the second place is only level 36!

"Looking at your appearance, the level is quite high!"

Tang Feng tentatively said.

He could feel that the strength of these people was much stronger than ordinary awakened ones.

As far as the amount of equipment on them is concerned, it is very unusual.

"We are different..." The woman coughed dryly.

"We still have a mission, so we can only send you a short distance. Dragon City is not safe now. After you find someone, hurry up and leave."

The strong man interrupted the woman's words.

Seeing this, Tang Feng suppressed the doubts in his heart, and did not continue to ask further questions.

Soon, several people headed towards Dragon City.

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