"It's already two o'clock in the morning, before you know it, eight hours have passed!"

Tang Feng looked at the phone.

"The handling fee has been deducted by 1%. The balance is 8.42 million! It's so easy to make money!"

Tang Feng couldn't help but said.

"It seems that I can quit my job tomorrow! Go to Jianghai University and rent a house!"

Tang Feng pondered.

He is a senior student at Jianghai University and is currently doing an internship.

Internship wages are pitifully low.

After a month, the rent and living expenses are not enough.

It just so happened that his older sister was a freshman at Jianghai University, and he would rent a better house so that his older sister could live a better life.

After eating instant noodles and taking a shower, Tang Feng was ready to go to sleep.

"Miracle Corporation boasts that it can bring the abilities in the game into reality, but I don't know if it's true!"

As soon as he lay down, Tang Feng thought of this question.

"Try it!"

Tang Feng closed his eyes, carefully sensing the energy fluctuations around him.

"Why do I think it's really a little different?"

After a while, Tang Feng was a little surprised.

When he just closed his eyes, he did feel some magical elements.

It's a lot like how he feels in the game.

Of course, it's not that clear.

But Tang Feng felt that, given time, he might really be able to bring back the abilities in the game.

"Maybe my strength is not strong enough!"

Tang Feng pondered.

"Go to sleep first, this game is more energy-intensive, and you need to earn more money, change to a better helmet, and even buy a game warehouse!"

Soon, Tang Feng slowly fell asleep.

This time Tang Feng slept for a long time.

When I woke up, it was already noon.

There are several missed calls at this time.

It was all from his boss.


Tang Feng said.

"What time is it! Are you not ready to do it? Tell you, if you don't do it, some people are rushing to do it! The current interns,

It's all your virtue! Tired of doing some work! If you don't move, you have to ask for leave! Tell you, I don't allow it!

Come here quickly! A big judge in the company! "On the other end of the phone, Team Leader Liu urged.

Several employees called to ask for leave today, saying that their heads hurt!

He knew that he must have played too many games at night.

I heard that a game was just released yesterday, and it was very popular.

Many people played all night.

"Get out, I'm quitting, whoever wants to do it! Also, I'll reward you with this month's salary! I'll be refreshed after scolding you!"

After Tang Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

This group leader Liu is not a thing, he always likes to show off, and reprimands his employees every now and then!

Now he earns more than 8 million yuan a day by playing games, and his work is nothing but a fart!

Team Leader Liu on the other end of the phone was stunned.

How could an outsider be so stubborn?

Do you know his lifetime salary? In Jianghai City, he can't even make up the down payment for a house!

Soon, Team Leader Liu called again.

Tang Feng didn't answer and directly blocked.

When I went downstairs to eat, many people were talking about "Destiny".

"Have you played "Destiny"? It's so fucking fun. I had a hard time last night, and now I'm level 5! I'm going to continue after eating! I can stay up for three days!"

"Haha, I'm playing. It's really interesting. I'm from 7896 Xinshou Village. There's a boss in our village who kills all kinds of firsts! It's amazing!"

"I'll go, you're talking about half a breeze! He's from your Novice Village? He's a real cow!"

"Hey, what was the highest copper coin price in your Xinshou Village yesterday? Our village is 20 yuan/copper coin! I made two thousand yuan!"

"Two big bosses in our village are robbing copper coins. The maximum price is 30 yuan per copper coin. I heard that there are even higher ones!"

"It's the world of big bosses, and we don't understand."

Many people are discussing.

Tang Feng didn't expect to meet someone from his own village in the time it took to eat a meal.

Naturally, he didn't recognize each other, so he still had to keep a low profile.

After eating, Tang Feng took the elevator upstairs.

Turn on your phone and read the news.

A catchy headline caught his attention.

#conquer the world! One gold coin is equal to 500,000? Why is "Destiny" so attractive! #

Click in to see, all talk about the soaring game currency in Novice Village.

There is a novice village where several bigwigs bid up the currency, and it turned out to be 50 yuan/copper coin!

That is, 500,000 yuan to buy a gold coin!

What a concept!

Upon hearing the news, everyone went crazy.

Those who have never played games, want to enter this game to make money!

There is more than one media that said this.

Almost all media are reporting on Destiny.

#The most expensive virtual currency in the world! One five hundred thousand! #

#Superphenomenal game! Change our lives! #

#《Destiny》public beta, 400 million simultaneous online data worldwide! Data continues to grow! #



In Guanghua Xia District, 100 million players flooded in on the first day of server opening.

And this data is still increasing.

Now that the sky-high price of gold coins appears, it is even more shocking to people's hearts.

Tang Feng knew that this game was destined to sweep everything.

"Little brother, tell me, can this game really make money? 500,000 gold coins? I can't make money in a few years!"

In the elevator, a middle-aged man suddenly asked.

Tang Feng glanced at him, and the other party's face was a bit sad, obviously worried about money.

"Of course it is possible, but it still depends on the chance."

Tang Feng laughed.

The middle-aged man nodded, holding the phone tighter.

It seems that some decision has been made.

Tang Feng returned home and was about to enter the game when a message came from his mobile phone.

"Dinner tonight, remember to come!"

It was Lei Gang, a good friend in his dormitory.


Tang Feng replied and directly entered the game.

As soon as the picture changed, Tang Feng opened his eyes, feeling refreshed.

The surrounding magic elements seem to be stronger.

"Brother Qingfeng, have you finished your training? I didn't expect you to work so hard and meditate during your breaks."

As soon as he woke up, Xi Ling's voice came.

Tang Feng smiled awkwardly, he just got off the plane.

Fortunately, Xiling quickly explained his purpose.

"Father invites you to come over, I have something for you."

Hilling said.

"it is good!"

Tang Feng responded and followed behind Xi Ling.

He saw that the players around him were busy.

All the players who played overnight have reached level 5, and what's more, they have reached level 6 or 7.

Of course, there are still a lot of Level 3 and Level 4.

There are also many players who have just logged in, with dew on their bodies, very real.

Soon, Tang Feng came to the village chief's residence.

"Village Chief, good morning." Tang Feng said.

"It's getting late, I heard from Xi Ling that you are practicing, so I haven't bothered you."

Hiru said.

Tang Feng disturbed the head: "Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long."

"It's okay, I've been waiting for so many years, and I don't care about this little time. This is for you. You need to use this to break the seal."

Xilu said, and handed over a scroll, which contained extremely powerful magic power.

"Thank you, village chief."

Tang Feng thanked again and again.

"Where are your friends?"

Shirou asked curiously.

"They'll be here soon."

Tang Feng smiled slightly.

At the same time, start sending messages on the village chat channel.

"Team dungeon to open up wasteland, if you can resist!"

His output alone is enough.

The others are bastards, just make up the number of people.

Of course, it would be even better if the bastard could resist.

Soon, the chat channel began to screen frantically.

"It's the boss!"

"Take me! Take me! I can resist!"

"Master, my little sister has enough milk! Please bring me!"

"Ahhhhh! Boss, I'm your brainless fan! Take me!"

"Hey, I don't want copper coins, I don't want equipment, I just want to see the big brother honor!"


There was a burst of praise in the channel.

Tang Feng didn't think too much, and directly pulled three fighters and a priest.

A team of five should be enough.

"Hello boss!"

After entering the team, the four of them said in unison.

"The village chief is here." Tang Feng sent a message.

Soon, four people arrived together.

"It's you!" one of the fighters who didn't eat grape skins said in surprise.

"Oh, it's you."

Tang Feng nodded slightly.

This person was the first soldier to ask him to form a team. He said that there was a lack of a mage, but a priest girl was added later.

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