Seeing the basilisk attacking, everyone dispersed.

One of them wants to spare to the other side to continue output.

But the basilisk has nine heads.

He dodged the head on one side, while the head on the other side bit him without hesitation.

He tried his best to hide!

Everyone hurried to cover.

With the addition of two shields, the rear output also frantically attacked the head.

But the basilisk didn't care, and seemed determined to kill this man.


There was no way to avoid it, the man yelled and rushed towards the snake head.

However, it's just a mantis' arm.

No one can fight the basilisk head-on!

Facing the attack of the basilisk, you can only hide!

If you can't avoid it, you will most likely die!

Soon, another person will be sacrificed!

The people here are all the strongest people in the world right now!

Facing the basilisk, it is powerless.

Sacrificing three lives and seriously injuring one person only exchanged a little injury from the basilisk!

Suddenly, the leftmost head of the basilisk spewed white light towards the wound.

The injuries suffered by the basilisk improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But after a while, the broken scales appeared in front of everyone intact.

Seeing this situation, everyone was in despair.

"how can that be!"

"We sacrificed three people, but it is fine?"

"It's impossible for us to kill it!"

"How to do how to do!"

All are confused!

This is just the vanguard of monsters!

When the real catastrophe strikes, who can survive?

Soon, everyone retreated.

"President! What shall we do!"

Xu Ping said hurriedly.

Others also looked at Shen Yi.

He is the backbone of everyone.

At this moment, Shen Yi was also panting heavily. Obviously, the continuous battles were all output every time, and his physical strength was a little bit behind.

Shen Yi's strength is not bad.

If there are thousands of people like him, with the help of a group of priests, they may be able to grind this basilisk to death.

But where to find thousands of Shen Yi?

If there are 100,000 people in the internal test, if there are ten people like him, it will be very popular!

Shen Yi looked at the basilisk, not knowing what to say.

"Fight!" Shen Yi took a deep breath.

He can't retreat, only they can deal with this basilisk.

If they give up.

This basilisk is really invincible in the world, killing it to its heart's content!

The others were also infected by Shen Yi, with firm eyes.

Tang Feng was on the side, also admiring such a person.

But he knew that if he continued to fight, the hope of victory was slim.

The strength of the basilisk is too terrifying!

It is estimated that the joint attack of everyone just hit one-thousandth of the blood volume!

And one person was sacrificed.

"It can't go on like this!"

Just as Shen Yi was about to rush forward, Tang Feng said.

"You have a solution?" Shen Yi turned his head.

He trusted Tang Feng very much.

In the attack just now, Tang Feng did the most damage!

"Next, I will focus on attacking, and the two priests will fully assist me!"

Tang Feng said.

Qiu Hao and the other pastor looked at each other, but didn't say anything.

After the battle just now, the two of them naturally saw something.

Tang Feng's output was even higher than Shen Yi's!

"If so, wouldn't the president be very dangerous!"

Cai Yuanwu said hurriedly.

As a close combat, Shen Yi rushes forward to attract firepower, which is the most dangerous behavior.

If the priest is not protected, the risk factor will be even greater.

"What I mean is, leave the basilisk to me alone, two priests will add status later, and everyone else, go clean up these mobs! Don't let them disturb us!"

Tang Feng said.

"What? You deal with it alone!"

Everyone was surprised.

Everyone has seen the strength of the basilisk.

It is quite difficult to deal with a group of people.

How dare he say such a thing?

"Tang Feng! Are you sure?"

Shen Yi was also suspicious.

"Continue, we will all die, why not give it a try!"

Tang Feng pondered.

Shen Yi was silent, he knew that Tang Feng was right.

If they continue to fight, there is a high probability that they will die.

It's just that he didn't have a good way.

"Okay, I agree, but you must be careful, if you can't do anything, you go first, and we will kill you! Even if you can't kill it now, I believe that one day you will be able to do it!"

Shen Yi patted Tang Feng's shoulder.

He put his hope on Tang Feng.

Although everyone's strength is good, their potential has almost reached their end.

Can't deal with legendary bosses.

Because of Tang Feng, there is hope for the future.

He wants to save Tang Feng!

Naturally, Tang Feng also understood and nodded.

He will definitely not go to die!

"Everyone, listen to Tang Feng's command!"

Shen Yi is full of courage!

Everyone did not hesitate, and each performed his duties.

Two priests buffed Tang Feng.

For a moment, Tang Feng felt full of magic power and his body was light.

"Death Ray!"

The golden light flashed, and a thousand-meter-long laser shot towards the basilisk's head.


The basilisk roared, and its two heads attacked at the same time.

One red and one basket, two kinds of attacks came towards Tang Feng.

"Space Jump!"

The opponent's attack was very fast, and Tang Feng could only dodge it by jumping in space.

However, although Tang Feng dodged the attack.

But the surrounding houses were smashing towards him.

"Windwalking Curse!"

"Magic Shield!"

Tang Feng applied two abilities to himself.

It was much safer in an instant.

And the basilisk continued to attack!

"with full force!"

"Space Jump!"

Tang Feng once again used space jump to evade the attack.

At the same time, the firepower is fully fired, and the strength has skyrocketed!

Everyone only saw the golden shield on Tang Feng's body, and the black magic power wrapped around it.


The basilisk's entire body was pressed over.

The power is incomparably huge.

"Ice Dragon Dance!"


Several dragon chant sounds came.

Five ice elemental dragons appeared in front of Tang Feng!


The ice dragon roared and killed the basilisk.

Five ice dragons rammed around the basilisk.

Every time, they can knock each other into pieces.

Visible to the naked eye, the scales on the basilisk were flying.

Soon, the ice dragon became one, almost as small as the basilisk.

Huh ~!

The breath of ice fell, and half of the basilisk's body was frozen!

"it is good!"

Everyone couldn't help applauding!

Unexpectedly, Tang Feng still retained his strength just now!

The current Tang Feng's overall strength has doubled several times!

"If this goes on, it's very hopeful!" Everyone's eyes shone with light.

While cleaning up the mobs, they followed the battle situation on Tang Feng's side.

"We can't be too optimistic! He shouldn't last long in this state! And it consumes a lot of mana!" Qiu Hao said hastily.


Xu Ping said suddenly.

When everyone looked around, they saw a white light emitting from the head of the basilisk.

Immediately afterwards, the ice on his body was released.

Not only that, but its long tail is another sweep.

Tang Feng could only dodge using space jump again.

However, just as he dodged, a black beam of light fell down.

"Dimensional step!"

Tang Feng hurriedly used the life-saving skill of Dimensional Stepping Void.

The whole body enters the dimension space.

Tang Feng staying in this space is just a projection.

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